John 16:13-15 When The Spirit Of Truth Comes, He Will Guide You Into All The Truth, For He Will Not Speak On His Own Authority, But Whatever He Hears He Will Speak, And He Will Declare To You The Things That Are To But When The Truth-giving Spirit Comes, He Will Unveil The Reality Of Every Truth Within You. He Won’t Speak On His Own, But Only What He Hears From The Father, And He Will Reveal Prophetically To You But When He, The Spirit Of Truth, Comes, He Will Guide You Into All The Truth [full And Complete Truth]. For He Will Not Speak On His Own Initiative, But He Will Speak Whatever He Hears [from The Fath But When He, The Spirit Of Truth, Comes, He Will Guide You Into All The Truth. He Will Not Speak On His Own; He Will Speak Only What He Hears, And He Will Tell You What Is Yet To Come. He Will Glorify Howbeit When He, The Spirit Of Truth, Is Come, He Shall Guide You Into All The Truth: For He Shall Not Speak From Himself; But What Things Soever He Shall Hear, These Shall He Speak: And He Shall Decl But When The Spirit Of Truth Comes, He Will Lead You Into All Truth. He Will Not Speak His Own Words, But He Will Speak Only What He Hears, And He Will Tell You What Is To Come. The Spirit Of Truth Wi “I Still Have Many Things To Tell You, But You Can’t Handle Them Now. But When The Friend Comes, The Spirit Of The Truth, He Will Take You By The Hand And Guide You Into All The Truth There Is. He Won But When He, The Spirit Of Truth, Comes, He Will Guide You Into All The Truth; For He Will Not Speak On His Own Initiative, But Whatever He Hears, He Will Speak; And He Will Disclose To You What Is To Howbeit When He, The Spirit Of Truth, Is Come, He Will Guide You Into All Truth: For He Shall Not Speak Of Himself; But Whatsoever He Shall Hear, That Shall He Speak: And He Will Shew You Things To Co When The Spirit Of Truth Comes, He Will Guide You Into All Truth. He Will Not Speak On His Own But Will Tell You What He Has Heard. He Will Tell You About The Future. He Will Bring Me Glory By Telling

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