10 HNO3 + 4 Cu → 3 H2O + 4 Cu(NO3)2 + NH4NO3


  • HNO3 – Nitric acid source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-02source: NIOSH NPG, accessed: 2019-09-02
    • Other names: Aqua fortis source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-02source: NIOSH NPG, accessed: 2019-09-02, Spirit of niter source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-02, Eau forte source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27... show moreshow less
    • Appearance: Colorless, yellow or red fuming liquid source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27; Colourless-to-yellow liquid with pungent odour source: ICSC, accessed: 2019-09-04; Colorless, yellow, or red, fuming liquid with an acrid, suffocating odor. [Note: Often used in an aqueous solution. Fuming nitric acid is concentrated nitric acid that contains dissolved nitrogen dioxide.] source: NIOSH NPG, accessed: 2019-09-02
  • Cu
    • Names: Copper source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-07source: ICSC, accessed: 2019-09-04, Copper (dusts and mists, as Cu) source: NIOSH NPG, accessed: 2019-09-02, Cu source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-07... show moreshow less
    • Appearance: Solid in various forms. turns green on exposure to moist air source: ICSC, accessed: 2019-09-04; Reddish, lustrous, malleable, odorless solid. source: NIOSH NPG, accessed: 2019-09-02


  • H2O – Water, oxidane source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27
    • Other names: Water (H2O) source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27, Hydrogen hydroxide (HH or HOH) source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27, Hydrogen oxide source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27... show moreshow less
    • Appearance: White crystalline solid, almost colorless liquid with a hint of blue, colorless gas source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27
  • Cu(NO3)2 – Copper(II) nitrate source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-02
    • Other names: Cupric nitrate source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27, Nitrato de cobre (II) source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-02, Нитрат меди (II) (безводный) source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-02... show moreshow less
    • Appearance: Blue crystals | hygroscopic source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27
  • NH4NO3 – Ammonium nitrate source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27source: wikidata, accessed: 2019-09-02source: ICSC, accessed: 2019-09-04
    • Other names: Nitric acid, ammonium salt source: ICSC, accessed: 2019-09-04
    • Appearance: White/grey solid source: wikipedia, accessed: 2019-09-27; Colourless-to-white hygroscopic solid in various forms source: ICSC, accessed: 2019-09-04

Từ khóa » Cu Hno3 đặc Ra Nh4no3