1972506236 NPI Number | VIJAY KUMAR MD | BEAUMONT, TX

Most Relevant Information

Provider Data

NPI Number 1972506236
Provider Name VIJAY KUMAR MD
Entity Type Individual

Most Important Dates

Provider Enumeration Date 05/31/2005
Last Updated 09/18/2018

Provider Practice Location


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Practice Location Phone/Fax

Phone 409-833-9797
Fax 409-654-6917

Provider Mailing Address

2929 CALDER ST SUITE 100 BEAUMONT TX 77702-1845 US

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Mailing Location Phone/Fax

Phone 409-833-9797
Fax 409-839-3174

Authorized Official

Title or Position N/S
Authorized Official Name N/S
Credentials N/S
Telephone Number N/S
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Detailed Information

NPI Number 1972506236 has the "Individual" type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — VIJAY KUMAR MD. Records indicate that the provider gender is "Male".

The enumeration date of this NPI Number is 05/31/2005. NPI Number information was last time updated on 09/18/2018.

The provider is physically located at:

3570 COLLEGE ST SUITE 130 BEAUMONT, TX 77701-4683, US

VIJAY KUMAR MD can be reached at the following phone number(s):

Phone: 409-833-9797 Fax: 409-654-6917

The provider's official mailing address is:

2929 CALDER ST SUITE 100 BEAUMONT, TX 77702-1845, US

The contact numbers associated with the mailing address are:

Phone: 409-833-9797 Fax: 409-839-3174

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