Access To All Legal Texts Referenced In The Book - EUR-Charts
Access to all legal texts referenced in the book
Please note: The following materials are those mentioned in the printed version of the book (2011). For information about subsequent developments, please see Updates & Corrigenda in the Web-Companion.
I. Treaties, Charter of Fundamental Rights, Protocols and Declarations
I.1. Community and EU Treaties, Charter of Fundamental Rights, Protocols and Declarations I.2. Other treaties
II. Secondary EU law
II.1. Regulations II.2. Directives II.3 Decisions
III. Commission decisions and reports IV. “Softlaw” (communications, notices, guidelines etc.) V. Other documents VI. Case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X
State of the law: 1 January 2011 Please report any error or dead link using the contact form.
I. Treaties, Charter of Fundamental Rights, Protocols and Declarations
1.1. Community and EU Treaties, Charter of Fundamental Rights, Protocols and Declarations
Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, signed in 1951 (English translation: 261 U.N.T.S. 143), not published in the OJ, see: (expired 23 July 2002; “Paris Treaty”) | B1, B2, B3, B5 |
Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, signed in 1957 (English translation: 298 U.N.T.S. 169), not published in the OJ (as amended; “Rome Treaty”), consolidated version: OJ 2010 C 84/1 | B1, B3, B4, B5 |
Treaty establishing the European Economic Community (English translation: 298 U.N.T.S. 11), signed in 1957, not published in the OJ, see: (as amended; “Rome Treaty”) | B1, B3, B5 |
Treaty establishing a single Council and a single Commission of the European Communities (English translation: 1348 U.N.T.S. 81), signed in 1965, OJ 1967 L 152/2 (“Merger Treaty”) | B5 |
Act concerning the election of the representatives of the Assembly by direct universal suffrage, signed in 1976, attached to Council Decision 76/787/ECSC, EEC, Euratom, OJ 1976 L 278/1 | B5 |
Single European Act, signed in 1986, OJ 1987 L 169/1 | B5 |
Treaty on European Union, signed in 1992, OJ 1992 C 191/1 | B2, B5, B6, B7 |
Treaty of Amsterdam amending the Treaty on European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and related acts, signed in 1997, OJ 1997 C 340/1 (“Amsterdam Treaty”) | B5 |
Treaty of Nice amending the Treaty on European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and certain related acts, signed in 2001, OJ 2001 C 80/1 (“Nice Treaty”; consolidated versions: OJ 2002 C 325/01) | B5 |
Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, signed in 2004, OJ 2004 C 319/1 (not entered into force; ”Constitutional Treaty”) | B5 |
Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community, signed in 2007, OJ 2007 C 306/1 (“Lisbon Treaty”, consolidated versions: OJ 2008 C 115/1, OJ 2010 C 83/1) | B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 |
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (including explanations relating to the interpretation of the Charter), OJ 2007 C 303/1, OJ 2010 C 83/389 (originally, before being re-enacted: OJ 2000 C 364/1) | B6, B7 |
Protocol on protection and welfare of animals, OJ 1997 C 340/110 | B9 |
Protocol (No 2) (annexed to the Lisbon Treaty) amending the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, OJ 2007 C 306/199 | B4 |
Protocol (No 3) on the Statute of the Court of Justice, OJ 2010 C 83/210 | B20 |
Protocol (No 26) on services of general interest, OJ 2010 C 83/308 | C46 |
Protocol (No 27) on the internal market and competition, OJ 2010 C 83/309 | C1, C47 |
1.2. Other treaties | European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, signed on 4 November 1950 (“European Convention on Human Rights”, ECHR), 213 U.N.T.S. 222, see: | B7 |
II. Secondary EU law
II.1. Regulations
Regulation 17/62/EEC First Regulation implementing Articles 85 and 86 of the Treaty (‚Regulation 17’), OJ English Special Edition Series I Chapter 1959-1962, p. 87 (no longer in force) | C2, C33 |
Regulation 2821/71/EEC on application of Article 85(3) of the Treaty to categories of agreements, decisions and concerted practices, OJ English Special Edition Series I chpater 1971(III), p. 1032 | C17, B13 |
Regulation 4064/89/EEC on the control of concentrations between undertakings, whole text republished: OJ 1989 L 257/1 (no longer in force) | C40, C42, C43 |
Council Regulation 3577/92/EEC applying the principle of freedom to provide sevices to maritime transport within Member States (maritime cabotage), OJ 1992 L 364/7 | C52 |
Regulation 994/98/EC on the application of Articles 92 and 93 of the Treaty establishing the European Community to certain categories of horizontal State aid, OJ 1998 L 142/1 | C51, C52, B13 |
Regulation 659/1999/EC laying down detailed rules for the application of Article 93 of the EC Treaty, OJ 1999 L 83/1 (as amended) | C2, C55 |
Regulation 2790/1999/EC of 22 December 1999 on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to categories of vertical agreements and concerted practices (no longer in force), OJ 1999 L 336/21 | C18 |
Regulation 2658/2000/EC on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to categories of specialisation agreements, OJ 2000 L 304/3 (as amended; end of validity: 31 December 2010) | C16, C19, C26 |
Regulation 2659/2000/EC on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to categories of research and development agreements, OJ 2000 L 304/7 (as amended; end of validity: 31 December 2010) | C16, C20, C26, C27 |
Regulation 68/2001/EC on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to training aid, OJ 2001 L 10/20 (as amended; no longer in force) | C52 |
Regulation 70/2001/EC on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises, OJ 2001 L 10/33 (as amended; no longer in force) | C52 |
Regulation 2204/2002/EC on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid for employment, OJ 2002 L 337/3 (as amended; no longer in force) | C52 |
Regulation 1/2003/EC on the implementation of the rules on competition laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty, OJ 2003 L 1/1 (as amended) | C2, C17, C22, C33-38 |
Regulation 139/2004/EC on the control of concentrations between undertakings (‘EU Merger Regulation’), OJ 2004 L 24/1 | C2, C4, C25, C26, C39-44 |
Regulation 772/2004/EC on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to categories of technology transfer agreements, OJ 2004 L 123/11 (as corrected) | C16, C21 |
Regulation 773/2004/EC relating to the conduct of proceedings by the Commission pursuant to Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty, OJ 2004 L 123/18 (as amended) | C2, C35, C36, C37 |
Regulation 794/2004/EC implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 659/1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of Article 93 of the EC Treaty, OJ 2004 L 140/1 (as amended) | C2, C54, C55 |
Regulation 802/2004/EC implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings, OJ 2004 L 133/1 (as amended) | C2, C40, C41 |
Regulation 1184/2006/EC applying certain rules of competition to the production of, and trade in, agricultural products (Codified version), OJ 2006 L 214/7 | C16 |
Regulation 1459/2006/EC on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to certain categories of agreements and concerted practices consultation on passenger tariffs on scheduled air services and slot allocation at airports, OJ 2006 L 272/3 (transitiona | C16 |
Regulation 1628/2006 on national regional investment on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to national regional investment aid, OJ 2006 L 302/29 (no longer in force) | C52 |
Regulation 1998/2006/EC on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to de minimis aid, OJ 2006 L 379/5 (end of validity: 31 December 2013) | C51 |
Regulation 1370/2007/EC on public passenger transport services by rail and by road | C52, C53 |
Regulation 800/2008/EC declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption Regulation), OJ 2008 L 214/3 (end of validity: 31 December 2013) | C52 |
Regulation 169/2009/EC applying rules of competition to transport by rail, road and inland waterway (Codified version), OJ 2009 L 61/1 | C16 |
Regulation 487/2009/EC on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to certain categories of agreements and concerted practices in the air transport sector (codified version), OJ 2009 L 148/1 | C16 |
Regulation 906/2009/EC on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to certain categories of agreements, decisions and concerted practices between liner shipping companies (consortia), OJ 2009 L 256/31 | C16 |
Regulation 267/2010/EU on the application of Article 101(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to certain categories of agreements, decisions and concerted practices in the insurance sector, OJ 2010 L 83/1 | C16 |
Regulation 330/2010/EU on the application of Article 101(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to categories of vertical agreements and concerted practices, OJ 2010 L 102/1 | C16, C18, C23, C24 |
Regulation 461/2010/EU on the application of Article 101(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to categories of vertical agreements and concerted practices in the motor vehicle sector, OJ 2010 L 129/52 | C16 |
Regulation 1217/2010/EU on the application of Article 101(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to certain categories of research and development agreements, OJ 2010 L 335/36 | C16, C20, C26, C27 |
Regulation 1218/2010/EU on the application of Article 101(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to certain categories of specialisation agreements, OJ 2010 L 335/43 | C16, C19, C26 |
II.2. Directives
Directive 2006/111/EC on the transparency of financial relations between Member States and public undertakings as well as on financial transparency within certain undertakings (Codified version), OJ 2006 L 318/17 2 | C45 |
II.3. Decisions
Decision 2005/842/EC on the application of Article 86(2) of the EC Treaty to State aid in the form of public service compensation granted to certain undertakings entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest, OJ L 2005 L 312/67 | C53 |
III. Commission decisions and reports
1998 Football World Cup (2000): | Decision 2000/12/EC relating to a proceeding under Article 82 of the EC Treaty and Article 54 of the EEA Agreement (1998 Football World Cup), OJ 2000 L 5/55 | C30 |
3i/CONSORS/100 WORLD (2001): | Decision of 10 December 2001 declaring a concentration to be compatible with the common market (3i/CONSORS/100 WORLD), OJ 2002 C 49/16 | C42 |
AEM Torino (2006): | Decision 2006/941/EC on the measure No C 24/2004 (ex NN 2006/941/EC: Commission Decision of 8 November 2006 on State aid C 11/06 (ex N 127/05) which Italy is planning to implement for AEM Torino, OJ 2006 L 366/62 | C55 |
Carlsberg (1984): | Decision 84/381/EEC relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (Carlsberg), OJ 1984 L 207/26 | C22 |
Citric acid (2002): | Decision 2002/742/EC relating to a proceeding pursuant to Article 81 of the EC Treaty and Article 53 of the EEA Agreement (Citric acid), OJ 2002 L 239/18 | C15 |
DRAMS (2010): | Decision of 19 May 2010 in Case 38511 DRAMS, not published in the OJ, see: | C37 |
Dutch banks (1989): | Decision 89/512/EEC relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (Dutch banks), OJ 1989 L 253/1 | C15 |
Exxon/Mobil (2004): | Decision 2004/284/EC declaring a concentration compatible with the common market and the EEA Agreement (Exxon/Mobil), OJ 2004 L 103/1 | C43 |
Fiat/Hitachi (1993): | Decision 93/48/EEC relating to a proceeding pursuant to Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (Fiat/Hitachi), OJ 1993 L 20/10 | C22 |
France Télécom (2006): | Decision 2006/621/EC on the State Aid implemented by France for France Télécom, OJ 2006 L 257/11 | C55 |
General Electric/Honeywell (2004): | Decision 2004/134/EC declaring a concentration to be incompatible with the common market and the EEA Agreement (General Electric/Honeywell), OJ 2004 L 48/1 | C43 |
Glatfelter/Crompton Assets (2007): | Decision 2007/403/EC declaring a concentration compatible with the common market and the functioning of the EEA Agreement (Glatfelter/Crompton Assets), OJ 2007 L 151/41 | C43 |
GSK/Stiefel Laboratories (2009): | Decision of 17 July 2009 declaring a concentration to be compatible with the common market (GlaxoSmithKline/Stiefel Laboratories), OJ 2009 C 246/6 | C42 |
IBZH (2001): | Decision of 28 March 2001 in Case N483/2000 State aid for engineering office South Holland (IBZH), not published in the OJ, see: | C50 |
Pharmaceutical Sector (2009): | Final Report of 8 July 2009 in Case 39514 on the Pharmaceutical Sector Inquiry, not published in the OJ, see: | C27, C35 |
RAI/UNITEL (1978): | Decision 78/516/EEC relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (RAI/UNITEL), OJ 1978 L 157/39 | C3 |
Reuter/BASF (1976): | Decision 76/743/EEC relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (Reuter/BASF), OJ 1976 L 254/40 | C3 |
Třinecké železárny (2007): | Decision 2007/319/EC on State aid in favour of the Czech steel producer Třinecké železárny a.s., OJ 2007 L 119/37 | C55 |
UNIPETROL (2004): | Decision of 1 December 2004 in Case N353/2004 UNIPETROL, not published in the OJ, see: | C50 |
Velcro/Aplix (1985): | Decision 85/410/EEC relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (Velcro/Aplix), OJ 1985 L 233/2 | C15 |
Vitamins (2003): | Decision 2003/2/EC relating to a proceeding pursuant to Article 81 of the EC Treaty and Article 53 of the EEA Agreement (Vitamins), OJ 2003 L 6/1 | C15 |
Yves Saint Laurent (1992): | Decision 92/33/EEC relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (Yves Saint Laurent Parfums), OJ 1992 L 12/24 | C22 |
Zinc phosphate (2003): | Decision 2003/437/EC relating to a proceeding pursuant to Article 81 of the EC Treaty and Article 53 of the EEA Agreement (Zinc phosphate), OJ 2003 L 153/1 | C15 |
IV. “Softlaw” (communications, notices, guidelines etc.)
Commission Communication on state aid elements in the sales of land and buildings (1997) | Commission Communication on state aid elements in sales of land and buildings by public authorities, OJ 1997 C 209/3 | C50 |
Commission Notice on the definition of the relevant market (1997) | Commission Notice on the definition of relevant market for the purposes of Community competition law, OJ 1997 C372/5 | C4, C30 |
[Commission Guidelines on horizontal co-operation agreements (2001), replaced by Commission Guidelines on horizontal co-operation] agreements (2010) | [Commission Notice: Guidelines on the applicability of Article 81 of the EC Treaty to horizontal cooperation agreements, OJ 2001 C 3/2] | |
Commission Communication on services of general interest (2001) | Communication from the Commission: Services of general interest in Europe, OJ 2001 C 17/4 | C46 |
Commission Notice on agreements of minor importance (2001) | Commission Notice on agreements of minor importance which do not appreciably restrict competition under Article 81(1) of the Treaty establishing the European Community (de minimis), OJ 2001 C 368/13 | C11-C14 |
Commission Green Paper on services of general interest (2003) | Green Paper on services of general interest, COM(2003) 270 fin., not published in the OJ, see: | C46 |
Commission White Paper on services of general interest (2004) | White Paper on services of general interest, COM(2004) 374 fin., not published in the OJ, see: | C46 |
Commission Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (2004) | Commission Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers under the Council Regulation on the control of concentrations between undertakings, OJ 2004 C 31/5 | C43 |
Commission Guidelines on technology transfer agreements (2004) | Commission Notice: Guidelines on the application of Article 81 of the EC Treaty to technology transfer agreements, OJ 2004 C 101/2 | C16, C21 |
Commission Notice on cooperation with the Network of Competition Authorities (2004) | Commission Notice on cooperation within the Network of Competition Authorities, OJ 2004 C 101/43 | C33 |
Commission Notice on cooperation with national courts (2004) | Commission Notice on the cooperation between the Commission and the courts of the EU Member States in the application of Articles 81 and 82 EC, OJ 2004 C 101/54 | C34 |
Commission Notice on complaints (2004) | Commission Notice on the handling of complaints by the Commission under Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty, OJ 2004 C 101/65 | C35 |
Commission Notice on guidance letters (2004) | Commission Notice on informal guidance relating to novel questions concerning Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty that arise in individual cases (guidance letters), OJ 2004 C 101/78 | C35 |
Commission Guidelines on the effect on trade concept (2004) | Commission Notice: Guidelines on the effect on trade concept contained in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty, OJ 2004 C 101/81 | C9, C10, C14 |
Commission Guidelines on the application of Art. 81(3) of the Treaty (2004) | Commission Notice: Guidelines on the application of Art. 81(3) of the Treaty, OJ 2004 C 101/97 | C22 |
Commission Guidelines on State aid for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty (2004) | Communication from the Commission: Community guidelines on State aid for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty, OJ 2004 C 244/2 | C49 |
Commission Notice on case referral (2005) | Commission Notice on case referral in respect of concentrations, OJ 2005 C 56/2 | C41 |
Commission Notice on restrictions directly related and necessary to concentrations (2005) | Commission Notice on restrictions directly related and necessary to concentrations, OJ 2005 C 56/24 | C44 |
Commission Framework for state aid in the form of public service compensation (2005) | Community framework for state aid in the form of public service compensation, OJ 2005 C 297/4 | C53 |
Commission Guidelines on State aid to promote risk capital investments in SMEs (2006) | Community guidelines on state aid to promote risk capital investments in small and medium-sized enterprises, OJ 2006 C 194/2 | C49 | | Guidelines on the method of setting fines imposed pursuant to Article 23(2)(a) of Regulation No 1/2003, OJ 2006 C 210/2 | C38 |
Commission Notice on immunity from fines (2006) | Commission Notice on immunity from fines and reduction of fines in cartel cases, OJ 2006 C 298/17 | C35 |
Commission Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection (2008) | Community guidelines on state aid for environmental protection, OJ 2008 C 82/1 | C49 |
Commission Consolidated Jurisdictional Notice (2008) | Commission Consolidated Jurisdictional Notice under Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings, OJ 2008 C 95/1 | C3, C26, C40 |
Commission Notice on the conduct of settlement procedures (2008) | Commission Notice on the conduct of settlement procedures in view of the adoption of Decisions pursuant to Article 7 and Article 23 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 in cartel cases, OJ 2008 C 167/1 | C37 |
Commission Guidelines on the assessment of non-horizontal mergers (2008) | Commission Notice: Guidelines on the assessment of non-horizontal mergers under the Council Regulation on the control of concentrations between undertakings, OJ 2008 C 265/6 | C43 |
Commission Notice on remedies (2008) | Commission notice on remedies acceptable under Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 and under Commission Regulation (EC) No 802/2004, OJ 2008 C 267/1 | C43 |
Commission Notice on the enforcement of State aid law by national courts (2009) | Commission Notice on the enforcement of State aid law by national courts, OJ 2009 C 85/1 | C54 |
Commission Communication on the application of State aid rules to public service broadcasting (2009) | Communication from the Commission on the application of State aid rules to public service broadcasting, OJ 2009 C 257/1 | C53 |
Commission Communication on the insurance sector (2010) | Communication from the Commission on the application of Article 101(3) of the Treaty to certain categories of agreements, decisions and concerted practices in the insurance sector, OJ 2010 C 82/20 | C16 |
Commission Guidelines on Vertical Restraints (2010) | Guidelines on Vertical Restraints, OJ 2010 C 130/1 | C23, C24 |
Commission Communication: Temporary Union framework for state aid measures to support access to finance in the current financial and economic crisis (2010) | Temporary Union framework for State aid measures to support access to finance in the current financial and economic crisis, OJ 2011 C 6/5 | C51 |
Commission Guidelines on horizontal co-operation agreements (2010) | Guidelines on the applicability of Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to horizontal co-operation agreements, OJ 2011 C 11/1 | C8, C16, C27 |
V. Other documents
Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice, OJ 1991 L 176/7, as amended | B20 |
Rules of Procedure of the General Court, OJ 1991 L 13671, as amended | B20 |
Rules of Procedure of the Civil Service Tribunal, OJ 2007 L 225/1, as amended | B20 |
VI. Case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Note: The specific level of the European ECJ that has handed down a particular decision can be recognised by the letter that is placed in front of the case number, as well as by the numbers placed in front of the number of the page in the European Court Reports (ECR):
- In the case of the Court of Justice, the letter is “C” (for the French “Cour de justice”) and the page number is preceded by the Roman number I;
- In the case of the General Court, the letter is “T” (for the French “Tribunal”, formerly “Tribunal de première instance”) and the page number is preceded by the Roman number II;
- Before the creation of the General Court (formerly: Court of First Instance) in 1989, there were no letters.
Adams (1985): | Case 145/83 Stanley George Adams v Commission [1985] ECR 3539 | C36 |
AEPI Elliniki (2009): | Case C-425/07 P AEPI Elliniki Etaireia pros Prostasian tis Pnevmatikis Idioktisias AE v Commission [2009] ECR I-3205 | C35 |
Alrosa (2010): | Case C-441/07 P European Commission v Alrosa Company Ltd, judgment of 29 June 2010, n.y.r. (Grand Chamber) | C38 |
Airtours (2002): | Case T-342/99 Airtours plc v Commission [2002] ECR II-2585 | C29 |
AKZO Chemie (1991): | Case C-62/86 AKZO Chemie BV v Commission [1991] ECR I-3359 | C31, C32 |
AKZO Nobel (2010): | Case C-550/07 P Akzo Nobel Chemicals and Akcros Chemicals v Commission, Judgment of 14 September 2010, n.y.r. (Grand Chamber) | C36 |
Albany (1999): | Case C-67/96 Albany International BV v Stichting Bedrijfspensioenfonds Textielindustrie [1999] ECR I-5751 | C3, C7 |
Almelo (1994): | Case C-393/92 Municipality of Almelo and others v NV Energiebedrijf Ijsselmij [1994] ECR I-1477 | C29, C45, C46 |
Altmark (2003): | Case C-280/00 Altmark Trans GmbH and Regierungspräsidium Magdeburg v Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Altmark GmbH, and Oberbundesanwalt beim Bundesverwaltungsgericht [2003] ECR I-7747 | C46, C53 |
AM & S (1982): | Case 155/79 AM & S Europe Limited v Commission [1982] ECR 1575 | C36 |
Analir (2001): | Case C-205/99 Asociación Profesional de Empresas Navieras de Líneas Regulares (Analir) and others v Administración General del Estado [2001] ECR I-1271 | C46 |
ANIC (1999): | Case C-49/92 P Commission v Anic Partecipazioni SpA [1999] ECR I-4125 | C8 |
AOK (2004): | Joined cases C-264/01, C-306/01, C-354/01 and C-255/01 AOK Bundesverband and others v Ichthyol-Gesellschaft Cordes and others [2004] ECR I-2493 | C3 |
Archer Daniels (2006): | Case T-59/02 Archer Daniels Midland Co. v Commission [2006] ECR II-3627 | C15 |
Asemfo (2007): | Case C-295/05 Asociación Nacional de Empresas Forestales (Asemfo) v Transformación Agraria SA (Tragsa) and Administración del Estado [2007] ECR I-2999 | C45 |
Asjes (1986): | Joined cases 209 to 213/84 Criminal proceedings against Lucas Asjes and others, Andrew Gray and others, Andrew Gray and others, Jacques Maillot and others and Léo Ludwig and others [1986] ECR 1425 | C47 |
ASM Brescia (2008): | Case C-347/06 ASM Brescia SpA v Comune di Rodengo Saiano [2008] ECR I-5641 | C46 |
AstraZeneca (2010): | Case T-321/05 AstraZeneca AB and AstraZeneca plc v Commission, jugdment of 1 July 2010, n.y.r. | C27 |
Atlanta (1995): | Case C-465/93 Atlanta Fruchthandelsgesellschaft mbH and others v Bundesamt für Ernährung und Forstwirtschaft [1995] ECR I-3761 | B16 |
Automec (1992): | Case T-24/90 Automec Srl v Commission [1992] ECR II-2223 | C35 |
Azores (2006): | Case C-88/03 Commission v Portugal [2006] ECR I-7115 (Grand Chamber) | C50 |
BASF (1994): | Case C-137/92 P Commission v BASF AG and others [1994] ECR I-2555 | C15 |
Bayer (1988): | Case 65/86 Bayer AG and Maschinenfabrik Hennecke GmbH v Heinz Süllhöfer [1988] ECR 5249 | C27 |
Bayer (2000): | Case T-41/96 Bayer AG v Commission [2000] ECR II-3383 | C8 |
Bayer (2004): | Joined cases C-2/01 P and C-3/01 P Bundesverband der Arzneimittel-Importeure and Commission v Bayer AG [2004] ECR I-23 (Grand Chamber) | C8 |
Belasco (1989): | Case 246/86 SC Belasco and others v Commission [1989] ECR 2117 | C1, C9 |
BNIC (1985): | Case 123/83 Bureau national interprofessionnel du cognac (BNIC) v Guy Clair [1985] ECR 391 | C9 |
Boehringer Mannheim (1972): | Case 7/72 Boehringer Mannheim GmbH v Commission [1972] ECR 1281 | C38 |
Britannia Alloys (2007): | Case C-76/06 P Britannia Alloys Ltd & Chemicals v Commission [2007] ECR I-4405 | C15 |
British Leyland (1986): | Case 226/84 British Leyland Public Limited Company v Commission [1986] ECR 3263 | C32 |
Bronner (1998): | Case C-7/97 Oscar Bronner GmbH & Co. KG v Mediaprint Zeitungs- und Zeitschriftenverlag GmbH & Co. KG and others [1998] ECR I-7791 | C32 |
BRT v SABAM (1974): | Case 127/73 Belgische Radio en Televisie v SV SABAM and NV Fonior [1974] ECR 313 | C7, C28 |
BUPA (2008): | Case T-289/03 British United Provident Association Ltd (BUPA), BUPA Insurance Ltd and BUPA Ireland Ltd v Commission of the European Communities. [2008] ECR II-81 | C53 |
Calì (1997): | Case C-343/95 Diego Calì & Figli Srl v Servizi ecologici porto di Genova SpA (SEPG) [1997] ECR I-1547 | C3 |
Camera Care (1980): | Case 792/79 R Camera Care Ltd v Commission [1980] ECR 119 | C37 |
Capolongo (1973): | Case 77/72 Carmine Capolongo v Azienda Agricole Maya [1973] ECR 611 | C49 |
CBEM (1985): | Case 311/84 Centre belge d’études de marché – Télémarketing (CBEM) v SA Compagnie luxembourgeoise de télédiffusion (CLT) and Information publicité Benelux (IPB) [1985] ECR 3261 | C32 |
CEEES (2006): | Case C-217/05 Confederación Española de Empresarios de Estaciones de Servicio (CEEES) v Compañía Española de Petróleos SA [2006] ECR I-11987 | C7, C23 |
Cementbouw (2006): | Case T-282/02 Cementbouw Handel & Industrie BV v Commission [2006] ECR II-319 | C26 |
Centrafarm (1974): | Case 15/74 Centrafarm BV and Adriaan de Peijper v Sterling Drug Inc. [1974] ECR 1147 | C7 |
CEPSA (2008): | Case C-279/06 CEPSA Estaciones de Servicio SA v LV Tobar e Hijos SL [2008] ECR I-6681 | C7, C23 |
Chronopost (2003): | Joined cases C-83/01 P, C-93/01 P and C-94/01 P Chronopost SA and others v Union française de l’express (UFEX) and others [2003] ECR I-6993; see Chronopost (2008) and UFEX (2006) | C45 |
Chronopost (2008): | Joined cases C-341/06 P and C-342/06 P Chronopost SA and La Poste v Union française de l’express (UFEX) and others [2008] ECR I-4777 (Grand Chamber) | C45 |
CIF (2003): | Case C-198/01 Consorzio Industrie Fiammiferi (CIF) v Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato [2003] ECR I-8055 | C47 |
Commercial Solvents (1974): | Joined cases 6/73 and 7/73 Istituto Chemioterapico Italiano S.p.A. and Commercial Solvents Corporation v Commission [1974] ECR 223 | C30, C32 |
Commission v Council (1973): | Case 81/72 Commission v Council [1973] ECR 575 | B10 |
Commission v Council (2006): | Case C-399/03 Commission v Council [2006] ECR I-5629 | C55 |
Commission v France (1969): | Joined cases 6/69 and 11/69 Commission v France [1969] ECR 523 | C49 |
Commission v Italy (1974): | Case C-173/73 Commission v Italy [1974] ECR 709 | C50 |
Commission v Italy (1998): | Case C-35/96 Commission v Italy [1998] ECR I-3851 | C47 |
Commission v Netherlands (1997): | Case C-157/94 Commission v Netherlands [1997] ECR I-5699 | C46 |
Compagnie Maritime Belge (2000): | Joined cases C-395/96 P and C-396/96 P Compagnie Maritime Belge Transports SA, Compagnie Maritime Belge SA and Dafra-Lines A/S v Commission [2000] ECR I-1365 | C29 |
Compagnie Royale Asturienne (1984): | Joined cases 29/83 and 30/83 Compagnie Royale Asturienne des Mines SA and Rheinzink GmbH v Commission [1984] ECR 1679 | C11 |
Consten and Grundig (1966): | Joined cases 56/64 and 58/64 Établissements Consten S.à.R.L. and Grundig-Verkaufs-GmbH v Commission [1966] ECR 299 | C1, C8, C27 |
Continental Can (1973): | Case 6/72 Europemballage Corporation and Continental Can Company Inc. v Commission [1973] ECR 215 | C5, C30 |
Corbeau (1993): | Case C-320/91 Paul Corbeau [1993] ECR I-2533 | C45 |
Courage Crehan (2001): | Case C-453/99 Courage Ltd v Crehan and Crehan v Courage Ltd and others [2001] ECR I-6297 | B17 |
Crespelle (1994): | Case C-323/93 Société Civile Agricole du Centre d’Insémination de la Crespelle v Coopérative d’Elevage et d’Insémination Artificielle du Département de la Mayenne [1994] ECR I-5077 | C45 |
Daiichi Pharmaceuticals (2006): | Case T-26/02 Daiichi Pharmaceuticals v Commission [2006] ECR II-713 | C15 |
DaimlerChrysler (2005): | Case T-325/01 DaimlerChrysler AG v Commission [2005] ECR II-3319 | C23 |
Delimitis (1991): | Case C-234/89 Stergios Delimitis v Henninger Bräu AG [1991] ECR I-935 | C33, B17 |
Deufil (1987): | Case 310/85 Deufil GmbH & Co. KG v Commission [1987] ECR 901 | C54 |
Deutsche Post (2008): | Case T-266/02 Deutsche Post AG v Commission [2008] ECR II-1233 | C53 |
Deutsche Post (2010): | Case C-399/08 P Commission v Deutsche Post AG, judgment of 2 September 2010, n.y.r. | C53 |
Dyestuffs (1972): | Case 48/69 Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd v Commission [1972] ECR 619 | C8 |
E.ON (2010): | Case T-141/08 E.ON Energie AG v Commission, judgment of 15 December 2010, n.y.r. | C53 |
ERTA (1971): | Case 22/70 Commission v Council (European Agreement on Road Transport [ERTA]) [1971] ECR 263 | B10 |
Essent Netwerk (2008): | Case C-206/06 Essent Netwerk Noord BV v Aluminium Delfzijl BV [2008] ECR I-5497 | C1 |
European Night Services (1998): | Joined cases T-374/94, T-375/94, T-384/94 and T-388/94 European Night Services Ltd (ENS) and others v Commission [1998] ECR II-3141 | C32 |
FENIN (2003): | Case T-319/99 Federación Nacional de Empresas de Instrumentación Científica, Médica, Técnica y Dental (FENIN) v Commission [2003] ECR II-357 | C3 |
Fidium Finanz (2006): | Case C-452/04 Fidium Finanz AG v Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht [2006] ECR I-9521 (Grand Chamber) | B8 |
Foto-Frost (1987): | Case 314/85 Foto-Frost v Hauptzollamt Lübeck-Ost [1987] ECR 4199 | B16, B18 |
Fruits et légumes (1962): | Case 16/62 Confédération nationale des producteurs de fruits et légumes and others v Council [1962] ECR 471 | B10 |
GB-Inno-BM (1977): | Case 13/77 SA G.B.-INNO-B.M. v Association des détaillants en tabac (ATAB) [1977] ECR 2115 | C47 |
General Electric (2005): | Case T-210/01 General Electric [2005] ECR II-5575 | C43, B10 |
General Motors (1975): | Case 26/75 General Motors Continental NV v Commission [1975] ECR 1367 | C32 |
Germany v Commission (1987): | Case C-248/84 Germany v Commission [1987] ECR 4013 | C51 |
Granaria (1979): | Case 101/78 Granaria BV v Hoofdproduktschap voor Akkerbouwprodukten [1979] ECR 623 | B16 |
Guérin (1997): | Case T-38/96 Guérin automobiles v Commission [1997] ECR II-1223 | C35 |
Heubach (2005): | Case T-64/02 Dr. Hans Heubach GmbH & Co. KG v Commission [2005] ECR II-5137 | C4 |
Hilti (1991): | Case T-30/89 Hilti v Commission [1991] ECR II-1439 | C32 |
Hilti (1994): | Case C-53/92 Hilti v Commission [1994] ECR I-667 | C32 |
Hoffmann-La Roche (1979): | Case 85/76 Hoffmann-La Roche & Co. AG v Commission [1979] ECR 461 | C5, C31, C32 |
Höfner (1991): | Case C-41/90 Klaus Höfner and Fritz Elser v Macrotron GmbH [1991] ECR I-1979 | C3, C45 |
Holland Malt (2009): | Case T-369/06 Holland Malt BV v Commission [2009] ECR II-3313 | C49 |
Honeywell (2005): | Case T-209/01 Honeywell International, Inc. v Commission [2005] ECR II-5527 | C43 |
IATA (2006): | Case C-344/04 The Queen, on the application of International Air Transport Association and European Low Fares Airline Association v Department for Transport [2006] ECR I-403 | B18 |
IAZ International Belgium (1983): | Joined cases 96 to 102, 104, 105, 108 and 110/82 NV IAZ International Belgium and others v Commission [1983] ECR 3369 | C8 |
Impala (2008): | Case C-413/06 P Bertelsmann AG and Sony Corporation of America Independant Music Publishers and Labels Association (Impala) v Commission [2008] ECR I-4951 (Grand Chamber) | C29 |
IMS Health (2004): | Case C-418/01 GmbH & Co. OHG v NDC Health GmbH & Co. KG [2004] ECR I-5039 | C27, C32 |
Internationale Handelsgesellschaft (1970): | Case 11-70 Internationale Handelsgesellschaft mbH v Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle für Getreide und Futtermittel [1970] ECR 1125 | B7 |
Italian Flat Glass (1992): | Case T-68/89, 77/89 and 78/89 Società Italiana Vetro SpA, Fabbrica Pisana SpA and PPG Vernante Pennitalia SpA v Commission [1992] ECR II-1403 | C29 |
Italy v Commission (2009): | Case T-211/05 Italy v Commission [2009] ECR II-2777 | C51 |
ITT Promedia (1998): | Case T-111/96 ITT Promedia v Commission [1998] ECR II-2937 | C27 |
Job Centre (1997): | Case C-55/96 Job Centre coop. arl. [1997] ECR I-7119 | C3 |
Kempter (2008): | Case C-2/06 Willy Kempter KG v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas [2008] ECR I-411 (Grand Chamber) | B19 |
Kreil (2000): | Case C-285/98 Tanja Kreil v Germany [2000] ECR I-69 | B11 |
Kwekeriji Gebroeders van der Kooy (1988): | Joined cases 67, 68 and 70/85 Kwekerij Gebroeders van der Kooy BV and others v Commission [1988] ECR 219 | C50 |
La Cinq (1994): | Case T-44/90 La Cinq SA v Commission [1994] ECR II-1 | C37 |
Ladbroke Racing (1997): | Joined cases C-359/95 P and C-379/95 P Commission and French Republic v Ladbroke Racing Ltd [1997] ECR I-6265 | C47 |
Langnese-Iglo (1995): | Case T-7/93 Langnese-Iglo GmbH v Commission [1995] ECR II-1533 | C17 |
Leeuwarder Papierfabriek (1985): | Joined cases 296 and 318/82 Kingdom of the Netherlands and Leeuwarder Papierwarenfabriek BV v Commission [1985] ECR 809 | C50 |
Les Verts (1986): | Case 294/83 Parti Écologiste “Les Verts” v Parliament [1986] ECR 1339 | B18 |
Lorenz (1973): | Case 120/73 Gebrüder Lorenz GmbH v Federal Republic of Germany and Land Rheinland-Pfalz [1973] ECR 1471 | C54 |
Magill (1991): | Case T-76/89 Independent Television Publications Ltd v Commission [1991] ECR II-575 | C30 |
Magill (1995): | Joined cases C-241/91 P and C-242/91 P Radio Telefis Eireann (RTE) and Independent Television Publications Ltd (ITP) v Commission [1995] ECR I-743 | C30 |
Manfredi (2006): | Joined cases C-295/04 to C-298/04 Vincenzo Manfredi v Lloyd Adriatico Assicurazioni Ltd, Antonio Cannito v Fondiaria Sai SpA and Pasqualina Murgolo v Assitalia SpA [2006] ECR I-6619 | C1, C9 |
Meca-Medina (2006): | Case C-519/04 P David Meca-Medina and Igor Majcen v Commission [2006] ECR I-6991 | C8, C11 |
Merci convenzionali (1991): | Case C-179/90 Merci convenzionali porto di Genova SpA v Siderurgica Gabrielli SpA [1991] ECR I-5889 | C31, C32 |
Metro (1977): | Case 26/76 Metro SB-Großmärkte GmbH & Co. KG v Commission [1977] ECR 1875 | C1 |
Métropole Télévision (2001): | Case T-112/99 Métropole télévision (M6), Suez-Lyonnaise des eaux, France Télécom and Télévision française 1 SA (TF1) v Commission [2001] ECR II-2459 | C11, C22 |
Michelin (1983): | Case 322/81 BV Nederlandsche Banden Industrie Michelin v Commission [1983] ECR 3461 | C30, C31, C32 |
Microsoft (2007): | Case T-201/04 Microsoft Corp. v Commission [2007] ECR II-3601 (Grand Chamber) | C32 |
MOTOE (2008): | Case C-49/07 Motosykletistiki Omospondia Ellados NPID (MOTOE) v Elliniko Dimosio [2008] ECR I-4863 (Grand Chamber) | C3 |
Nold (1974): | Case 4-73 J. Nold, Kohlen- und Baustoffgroßhandlung v Commission [1974] ECR 491 | B7 |
NVV (2009): | Case T-151/05 Nederlandse Vakbond Varkenshouders (NVV), Marius Schep and Nederlandse Bond van Handelaren in Vee (NBHV) v Commission [2009] II-1219 | C30 |
Olsen (2005): | Case T-17/02 Fred Olsen, SA v Commission [1995] ECR II-2031 | C46 |
Orkem (1989): | Case 374/87 Orkem v Commission [1989] ECR 3283 | C36 |
Parliament v Council (1992): | Case C-295/90 European Parliament v Council [1992] I-4193 | B14 |
Philip Morris (1980): | Case 730/79 Philip Morris Holland BV v Commission [1980] ECR 2671 | C51 |
Piau (2005): | Case T-193/02 Laurent Piau v Commission [2005] ECR II-209 | C5, C32 |
Plaumann (1963): | Case 25/62 Plaumann & Co. v Commission [1963] ECR 95 | B18 |
Poucet (1993): | Joined cases C-159/91 and C-160/91 Christian Poucet v Assurances Générales de France and Caisse Mutuelle Régionale du Languedoc-Roussillon [1993] ECR I-637 | C3 |
Presidente del Consiglio (2009): | Case C-169/08 Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri v Regione Sardegna [2009] ECR I-10821 (Grand Chamber) | C1 |
Pronuptia (1986): | Case 161/84 Pronuptia de Paris GmbH v Pronuptia de Paris Irmgard Schillgallis [1986] ECR 353 | C11, C24 |
Reiff (1993): | Case C-185/91 Bundesanstalt für den Güterfernverkehr v Gebrüder Reiff GmbH & Co. KG [1993] ECR I-5801 | C47 |
Remia (1985): | Case 42/84 Remia BV and others v Commission [1985] ECR 2545 | C11, C25, C44 |
Roquettes Frères (2002): | Case C-94/00 Roquette Frères v Directeur général de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes, and Commission [2002] ECR I-9011 | C36, B14 |
Sacchi (1974): | Case 155/73 Giuseppe Sacchi [1974] ECR 409 | C45 |
SEP (1994): | Case C-36/92 P Samenwerkende Elektriciteits-Produktiebedrijven (SEP) NV v Commission [1994] ECR I-1911 | C36 |
SGL Carbon (2007): | Case C-328/05 P SGL Carbon AG v Commission [2007] ECR I-3921 | C38 |
Shell (1992): | Case T-11/89 Shell International Chemical Company Ltd v Commission [1992] ECR II-757 | C3 |
SIC (2008): | Case T-442/03 SIC – Sociedade Independente de Comunicação, SA v Commission [2008] ECR II-1161 | C50 |
Sloman Neptun (1993): | Joined cases C-72/91 and C-73/91 Sloman Neptun Schiffahrts AG v Seebetriebsrat Bodo Ziesemer der Sloman Neptun Schiffahrts AG [1993] ECR I-887 | C50, C51 |
Société Générale (1995): | Case T-34/93 Société Générale v Commission [1995] ECR II-545 | C36 |
Société Technique Minière (1966): | Case 56/65 Société Technique Minière (L.T.M.) v Maschinenbau Ulm GmbH (M.B.U.) [1966] ECR 235 | C9, C11 |
Sociétés d’Assurance (1995): | Case C-244/94 Fédération Française des Sociétés d’Assurance, Société Paternelle-Vie and others v Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche [1995] ECR I-4013 | C3 |
Solvay (1989): | Case 27/88 Solvay & Cie v Commission [1989] ECR 3355 | C36 |
Stauder (1969): | Case 29/69 Erich Stauder v City of Ulm – Sozialamt [1969] ECR 419 | B7 |
Suiker Unie (1975): | Joined cases 40 to 48, 50, 54 to 56, 111, 113 and 114/73 Coöperatieve Vereniging “Suiker Unie” UA and others v Commission Commission [1975] ECR 1663 | C8, C30 |
Tepea (1978): | Case 28/77 Tepea BV v Commission [1978] ECR 1391 | C3, C9 |
Tetra Pak (1994): | Case T-83/91 Tetra Pak SA v Commission [1994] ECR II-755 | C32 |
Tetra Pak (1996): | Case C-333/94 P Tetra Pak International SA v Commission [1996] ECR I-5951 | C32 |
Tetra Pak Rausing (1990): | Case T-51/89 Tetra Pak Rausing SA v Commission [1990] ECR II-309 | C27, C32 |
TF1 (2009): | Case T-354/05 Télévision française 1 SA (TF1) v Commission [2009] ECR II-471 | C53 |
T-Mobile (2009): | Case C-8/08 T-Mobile Netherlands BV, KPN Mobile NV, Orange Nederland NV and Vodafone Libertel NV v Raad van bestuur van de Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit [2009] ECR I-4529 | C1, C8 |
Tobacco Advertising (2000): | Case C-376/98 Germany v Parliament and Council [2000] ECR I-8419 | B13 |
Traghetti (2010): | Case C-140/09 Fallimento Traghetti del Mediterraneo SpA v Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, jugdment of 10 June 2010, n.y.r. | C53 |
TV 2 (2008): | Joined cases T-309/04, T-317/04, T-329/04 and T-336/04 TV 2/Danmark A/S and Others v Commission [2008] ECR II-2935 | C53 |
UGT-Rioja (2008): | Joined cases C-428/06 to C-434/06 Unión General de Trabajadores de La Rioja (UGT-Rioja) and Others v Juntas Generales del Territorio Histórico de Vizcaya and Others [2008] ECR I-6747 | C50 |
UFEX (2006): | Case T-613/97 Union française de l’express (UFEX), DHL International SA, Federal express international (France) SNC and CRIE SA v Commission [2006] ECR II-1531 | C46 |
Union Pigments (2005): | Case T-62/02 Union Pigments AS v Commission [2005] ECR II-5057 | C15 |
United Brands (1978): | Case 27/76 United Brands Company and United Brands Continentaal BV v Commission [1978] ECR 207 | C3, C30, C31, C32 |
UPS Europe (2002): | Case T-175/99 UPS Europe SA v Commission [2002] ECR II-1915 | C46 |
Van der Woude (2000): | Case C-222/98 Hendrik van der Woude v Stichting Beatrixoord [2000] ECR I-7111 | C7 |
Van Eycke (1988): | Case 267/86 Van Eycke v ASPA NV [1988] ECR 4769 | C47 |
Vereeniging van Cementhandelaren (1972): | Case 8/72 Vereeniging van Cementhandelaren v Commission [1972] ECR 977 | C8, C9 |
Viho (1996): | Case C-73/95 Viho Europe BV v Commission [1996] ECR I-5457 | C7 |
Völk (1969): | Case 5/69 Franz Völk v S.P.R.L. Ets J. Vervaecke v Vervaecke [1969] ECR 295 | C11 |
Volkswagen (2000): | Case T-62/98 Volkswagen AG v Commission [2000] ECR II-2707 | C4, C31 |
Volvo v Veng (1988): | Case 238/87 AB Vovlo v Erik Veng [1988] ECR 6211 | C27 |
Windsurfing International (1986): | Case 193/83 Windsurfing International Inc. v Commission [1986] ECR 611 | C9, C27 |
Woodpulp (1988): | Joined cases 89, 104, 114, 116, 117 and 125 to 129/85 A. Ahlström Osakeyhtiö and others v Commission [1988] ECR 5193 | C3, C8 |
Wouters (2002): | Case C-309/99 J. C. J. Wouters, J. W. Savelbergh and Price Waterhouse Belastingadviseurs BV v Algemene Raad van de Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten [2002] ECR I-1577 | C3, C8 |
X (2009): | Case C-429/07 Inspecteur van de Belastingdienst v X BV, judgment of 11 June 2009, n.y.r. | C34 |
Từ khóa » C-193/83
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[PDF] Case 193/83 Windsurfing International Inc. V Commission ... - EUR-Lex
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Windsurfing International V Commission: ECJ 25 Feb 1986
[PPT] Seven-color System - UiO
CJCE, N° C-193/83, Arrêt De La Cour, Windsurfing International Inc ...
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Rechtsprechung: 193/83
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