- C++ Reference
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C library:
- <cassert> (assert.h)
- <cctype> (ctype.h)
- <cerrno> (errno.h)
- C++11 <cfenv> (fenv.h)
- <cfloat> (float.h)
- C++11 <cinttypes> (inttypes.h)
- <ciso646> (iso646.h)
- <climits> (limits.h)
- <clocale> (locale.h)
- <cmath> (math.h)
- <csetjmp> (setjmp.h)
- <csignal> (signal.h)
- <cstdarg> (stdarg.h)
- C++11 <cstdbool> (stdbool.h)
- <cstddef> (stddef.h)
- C++11 <cstdint> (stdint.h)
- <cstdio> (stdio.h)
- <cstdlib> (stdlib.h)
- <cstring> (string.h)
- C++11 <ctgmath> (tgmath.h)
- <ctime> (time.h)
- C++11 <cuchar> (uchar.h)
- <cwchar> (wchar.h)
- <cwctype> (wctype.h)
- C++11 <array>
- <deque>
- C++11 <forward_list>
- <list>
- <map>
- <queue>
- <set>
- <stack>
- C++11 <unordered_map>
- C++11 <unordered_set>
- <vector>
- <fstream>
- <iomanip>
- <ios>
- <iosfwd>
- <iostream>
- <istream>
- <ostream>
- <sstream>
- <streambuf>
- C++11 <atomic>
- C++11 <condition_variable>
- C++11 <future>
- C++11 <mutex>
- C++11 <thread>
- <algorithm>
- <bitset>
- C++11 <chrono>
- C++11 <codecvt>
- <complex>
- <exception>
- <functional>
- C++11 <initializer_list>
- <iterator>
- <limits>
- <locale>
- <memory>
- <new>
- <numeric>
- C++11 <random>
- C++11 <ratio>
- C++11 <regex>
- <stdexcept>
- <string>
- C++11 <system_error>
- C++11 <tuple>
- C++11 <type_traits>
- C++11 <typeindex>
- <typeinfo>
- <utility>
- <valarray>
- adjacent_find
- C++11 all_of
- C++11 any_of
- binary_search
- copy
- copy_backward
- C++11 copy_if
- C++11 copy_n
- count
- count_if
- equal
- equal_range
- fill
- fill_n
- find
- find_end
- find_first_of
- find_if
- C++11 find_if_not
- for_each
- generate
- generate_n
- includes
- inplace_merge
- C++11 is_heap
- C++11 is_heap_until
- C++11 is_partitioned
- C++11 is_permutation
- C++11 is_sorted
- C++11 is_sorted_until
- iter_swap
- lexicographical_compare
- lower_bound
- make_heap
- max
- max_element
- merge
- min
- min_element
- C++11 minmax
- C++11 minmax_element
- mismatch
- C++11 move
- C++11 move_backward
- next_permutation
- C++11 none_of
- nth_element
- partial_sort
- partial_sort_copy
- partition
- C++11 partition_copy
- C++11 partition_point
- pop_heap
- prev_permutation
- push_heap
- random_shuffle
- remove
- remove_copy
- remove_copy_if
- remove_if
- replace
- replace_copy
- replace_copy_if
- replace_if
- reverse
- reverse_copy
- rotate
- rotate_copy
- search
- search_n
- set_difference
- set_intersection
- set_symmetric_difference
- set_union
- C++11 shuffle
- sort
- sort_heap
- stable_partition
- stable_sort
- swap
- swap_ranges
- transform
- unique
- unique_copy
- upper_bound
- Reference
- <algorithm>
Functions in <algorithm>
Non-modifying sequence operations: all_of Test condition on all elements in range (function template)any_of Test if any element in range fulfills condition (function template)none_of Test if no elements fulfill condition (function template)for_eachApply function to range (function template)findFind value in range (function template)find_ifFind element in range (function template)find_if_not Find element in range (negative condition) (function template)find_endFind last subsequence in range (function template)find_first_ofFind element from set in range (function template)adjacent_findFind equal adjacent elements in range (function template)countCount appearances of value in range (function template)count_ifReturn number of elements in range satisfying condition (function template)mismatchReturn first position where two ranges differ (function template)equalTest whether the elements in two ranges are equal (function template)is_permutation Test whether range is permutation of another (function template)searchSearch range for subsequence (function template)search_nSearch range for elements (function template) Modifying sequence operations: copyCopy range of elements (function template)copy_n Copy elements (function template)copy_if Copy certain elements of range (function template)copy_backwardCopy range of elements backward (function template)move Move range of elements (function template)move_backward Move range of elements backward (function template)swapExchange values of two objects (function template)swap_rangesExchange values of two ranges (function template)iter_swapExchange values of objects pointed to by two iterators (function template)transformTransform range (function template)replaceReplace value in range (function template)replace_ifReplace values in range (function template)replace_copyCopy range replacing value (function template)replace_copy_ifCopy range replacing value (function template)fillFill range with value (function template)fill_nFill sequence with value (function template)generateGenerate values for range with function (function template)generate_nGenerate values for sequence with function (function template)removeRemove value from range (function template)remove_ifRemove elements from range (function template)remove_copyCopy range removing value (function template)remove_copy_ifCopy range removing values (function template)uniqueRemove consecutive duplicates in range (function template)unique_copyCopy range removing duplicates (function template)reverseReverse range (function template)reverse_copyCopy range reversed (function template)rotateRotate left the elements in range (function template)rotate_copyCopy range rotated left (function template)random_shuffleRandomly rearrange elements in range (function template)shuffle Randomly rearrange elements in range using generator (function template) Partitions: is_partitioned Test whether range is partitioned (function template)partitionPartition range in two (function template)stable_partitionPartition range in two - stable ordering (function template)partition_copy Partition range into two (function template)partition_point Get partition point (function template) Sorting: sortSort elements in range (function template)stable_sortSort elements preserving order of equivalents (function template)partial_sortPartially sort elements in range (function template)partial_sort_copyCopy and partially sort range (function template)is_sorted Check whether range is sorted (function template)is_sorted_until Find first unsorted element in range (function template)nth_elementSort element in range (function template) Binary search (operating on partitioned/sorted ranges): lower_boundReturn iterator to lower bound (function template)upper_boundReturn iterator to upper bound (function template)equal_rangeGet subrange of equal elements (function template)binary_searchTest if value exists in sorted sequence (function template) Merge (operating on sorted ranges): mergeMerge sorted ranges (function template)inplace_mergeMerge consecutive sorted ranges (function template)includesTest whether sorted range includes another sorted range (function template)set_unionUnion of two sorted ranges (function template)set_intersectionIntersection of two sorted ranges (function template)set_differenceDifference of two sorted ranges (function template)set_symmetric_differenceSymmetric difference of two sorted ranges (function template) Heap: push_heapPush element into heap range (function template)pop_heapPop element from heap range (function template)make_heapMake heap from range (function template)sort_heapSort elements of heap (function template)is_heap Test if range is heap (function template)is_heap_until Find first element not in heap order (function template) Min/max: minReturn the smallest (function template)maxReturn the largest (function template)minmax Return smallest and largest elements (function template)min_elementReturn smallest element in range (function template)max_elementReturn largest element in range (function template)minmax_element Return smallest and largest elements in range (function template) Other: lexicographical_compareLexicographical less-than comparison (function template)next_permutationTransform range to next permutation (function template)prev_permutationTransform range to previous permutation (function template) Home page | Privacy policy© cplusplus.com, 2000-2023 - 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Danh Sách Các Hàm Trong Thư Viện Algorithm C++
#19.5 [C++]. Các Hàm Thuật Toán Thông Dụng Trong Thư Viện ...
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Danh Sách Các Hàm Trong Thư Viện Algorithm C++
Thư Viện Thuật Toán Algorithm Trong C++
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Một Số Hàm Hữu Ích Trong Thư Viện Algorithm C++ (STL) - Pinterest
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