Assume F(x)=4x-8 And G(x)=5 What Is The Value Of (f+g)(2 ... - Wyzant

Subject ZIP Search Search Find an Online Tutor Now Ask Ask a Question For Free Login Precalculus Homework Assume f(x)=4x-8 and g(x)=5 what is the value of (f+g)(2) this is hard. ive tried, but i cant do this.

Assume f(x)=4x-8 and g(x)=5 what is the value of (f+g)(2) this is hard. ive tried, but i cant do this.

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2 Answers By Expert Tutors

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Simply add these functions:

                   f(x) + g(x) = 4x - 8 +5 = 4x -3

The function (f+g)(2) simply means f(x) +g(x) when x =2 which is 4x2 -3 = 5

Answer:             (f+g)(2) = 5

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f and g are what's called "functions of x". This means that you choose the number that takes x's place in the equation. For f(2), the number that takes x's place is 2.

If you look at g(x), it doesn't have an x at all. That means that no matter what x is, g is still 5.

When you add f to g, you are adding together what they can do to x. That means you can write the answer one of two ways:

f(2) + g(2) = (4(2) - 8) + (5)


(f + g)(x) = 4x - 8 + 5 = 4x -3

and then (f+g)(2) = 4(2) - 3

Hope that helps!

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Từ khóa » F(x)=4x+8 G(x)=x+3