Bến Tre Weather - Accurate Forecast For Bến Tre Today Tỉnh Bến Tre

Bến Tre Weather ForecastLast updated 43 min. ago, Region: Tỉnh Bến Tre

Now10:49, 28 Dec

+88°FRealFeel +95°FPressure 30 inHgHumidity 60%Wind 0.9 mph, ECloudiness94%Visibility 6 mi.More
  • Sunrise: 06:10 Sunset: 17:42
  • Daylight: 11:32
  • Moon Phase: Waning crescent
  • Read more about Sunrise

Daily weather forecast

Today, 28 December, weather in Bến Tre +86°F. Broken clouds, Light Breeze, East 4.3 mph. Atmosphere pressure 29.9 inHg. Relative humidity 66%. Tomorrow's night air temperature will drop to +77°F, wind will change to West 1.1 mph. Pressure will remain unchanged 29.9 inHg. Day temperature will not rise above the mark +88°F, and night 30 December will not fall below +77°F. The wind will be Southwest within 1.8mph. More

  • Saturday28December+86°+77°
  • Sunday29December+88°+77°
  • Monday30December+86°+77°
  • Tuesday31December+84°+79°
  • Wednesday1January+82°+77°
  • Thursday2January+88°+77°
  • Friday3January+86°+77°
Atmospheric phenomenatemperature °FRealFeel °FChance ofprecipitation %PressureinHgWindspeed mphAirhumidity
Night+77°+79°9%29.9 5.493%
Morning+77°+79°4%29.9 2.297%
Day+86°+95°17%29.9 4.366%
Evening+79°+82°53%29.9 3.491%
Night+77°+79°9%29.9 1.196%
Morning+73°+75°2%29.9 4.394%
Day+88°+93°2%29.8 3.460%
Evening+81°+84°3%29.8 3.479%
Night+77°+79°2%29.9 1.895%
Morning+75°+77°2%29.9 4.986%
Day+86°+93°2%29.8 3.660%
Evening+81°+84°2%29.8 4.377%
Night+79°+81°2%29.8 4.984%
Morning+75°+75°2%29.9 4.787%
Day+84°+91°7%29.8 6.565%
Evening+79°+82°7%29.8 1.183%
Night+77°+79°13%29.8 4.980%
Morning+75°+77°10%29.8 5.488%
Day+82°+90°30%29.8 6.374%
Evening+79°+82°41%29.8 284%
Night+77°+79°38%29.8 491%
Morning+75°+77°27%29.8 4.392%
Day+88°+95°50%29.8 1.864%
Evening+79°+82°62%29.8 3.898%
Night+77°+79°48%29.8 3.197%
Morning+75°+79°40%29.8 499%
Day+86°+97°76%29.8 5.172%
Evening+77°+81°90%29.8 3.498%
5-Day10-Day WeatherJanuary 6Archive

Day and night temperatures in Bến Tre

Interactive graph of the temperature in Bến Tre (28 December-03 January). The minimum value of the daily temperature is expected at around +82°F; the maximum is expected at around +88°F. At night, the minimum temperature will be +77°F and the maximum +79°F.

7-Day Weather Forecast and Conditions

The coldest day is expected on Sunday, 29 DecemberThe air temperature will drop to +73°F, in the Morning, feels like +75°F.The warmest day will be on Thursday, 2 JanuaryThe air temperature during the Day will rise to +88°F, feels like +95°F.Precipitation is most likely on Tuesday, 31 DecemberThe chance of precipitation during the Day on December 31 is 7%, up to 0.12 inches of precipitation will fall.The windiest day in Bến Tre will be on Tuesday, 31 DecemberWind up to 6.5 mph is expected Tuesday Day, the wind direction is North.

Weather in Bến Tre on the Map

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