Bronze (metallic) / #b08d57 Hex Color Code, RGB And Paints

Federal Standard

★ 10266#b18f58 ΔE = 0.763 / LRV ≈ 29.7%

  • Aerospace Material Specification

    ★ AMS-STD 595 10266#b18f58 ΔE = 0.763 / LRV ≈ 29.7%

  • Pantone / PMS

    ★ P 18-13 U#b38d56 ΔE = 0.849 / LRV ≈ 29.3%

  • Snowcem

    ★ Dusky Nile / S1885#b28c54 ΔE = 0.868 / LRV ≈ 28.9%

  • General Paint

    ★ Bardon / CL 1876A#b38d57 ΔE = 0.875 / LRV ≈ 29.3%

  • Tambour

    ★ Sea Point / 0650D#ad8d59 ΔE = 0.888 / LRV ≈ 28.7%

  • Asian Paints

    ★ Golden Prairie / 8518#b28d5a ΔE = 1.02 / LRV ≈ 29.3%

  • Sico

    ★ 6109-63 Pistachio Nut#ae8a56 ΔE = 1.173 / LRV ≈ 27.8%

  • Nerolac

    ★ Gold Anklets - 4035#b28c59 ΔE = 1.212 / LRV ≈ 28.9%

  • Scib Paints

    ★ Golden Prairie / 8518#b38c52 ΔE = 1.272 / LRV ≈ 29.0%

  • Berger

    ★ Golden Prairie / 8518#b38c52 ΔE = 1.272 / LRV ≈ 29.0%

  • Vista Paint

    ★ Golden Prairie#b38c52 ΔE = 1.272 / LRV ≈ 29.0%

  • Taubmans

    ★ Salted Caramel / T12 13.F11#b39057 ΔE = 1.276 / LRV ≈ 30.2%

  • Pacific Paint (BOYSEN)

    ★ Jungle Expedition / BCP-0885#b58e57 ΔE = 1.294 / LRV ≈ 29.9%

  • Resene

    ★ Buff Y68-067-073#b38c58 ΔE = 1.302 / LRV ≈ 29.0%

  • ICI Paints

    ★ Romanesque Gold 20YY 32/322#b38c58 ΔE = 1.302 / LRV ≈ 29.0%

  • Indigo Paints

    ★ Goanna / 4-15-6#ad8e56 ΔE = 1.305 / LRV ≈ 28.9%

  • Pratt & Lambert

    ★ Beige Modern 13-22#ac8e59 ΔE = 1.374 / LRV ≈ 28.8%

  • Glidden

    ★ Gigi�S Golden Locket / 20YY 29/351#b29056 ΔE = 1.399 / LRV ≈ 30.1%Color Blindness Simulation


    • Achromatopsia#919191
    • Achromatomaly#9f8f77


    • Protanopia#a1a164
    • Deuteranopia#a3a667
    • Tritanopia#ae6e71


    • Protanomaly#b2995e
    • Deuteranomaly#a9965f
    • Tritanomaly#af7f61
    #b08d57 HTML / CSS Code Examples

    #b08d57 foreground

    There's no retirement for an artist, it's your way of living so there's no end to it.

    <p style="color: #b08d57">…</p>

    #b08d57 background

    The position of the artist is humble. He is essentially a channel.

    <p style="background-color: #b08d57">…</p>

    #b08d57 shadow

    A man paints with his brains and not with his hands.

    <p style="text-shadow: 0.1em 0.1em 0.15em #b08d57">…</p>Color Charts
    • RGB


    • CMYK


    • RYB


    Color Space ConversionsDecimal11570519Binary10110000, 10001101, 01010111Hexadecimal#b08d57LRV≈ 29.0%Closest short hex#a85 ΔE = 2.054RGBrgb(176, 141, 87)RGBArgba(176, 141, 87, 1.0)Adobe RGB (1998)R: 0.64897, G: 0.54796, B: 0.35468 / #a58c5a ΔE = 3.146rg chromaticityr: 0.436, g: 0.349, b: 0.215RYBred: 56.739%, yellow: 69.02%, blue: 34.118%Android / / 0xffb08d57HSLhsl(36, 36%, 52%)HSLAhsla(36, 36%, 52%, 1.0)HSV / HSBhue: 36° (36.404), saturation: 51% (0.506), value: 69% (0.69)HSPhue: 36.404, saturation: 50.568%, perceived brightness: 57.894%HSLuv (HUSL)H: 55.824, S: 63.568, L: 60.755CubehelixH: 33.808, S: 0.529, L: 0.571TSLT: 2.479, S: 0.139, L: 0.57CMYKcyan: 0% (0.0), magenta: 20% (0.199), yellow: 51% (0.506), key: 31% (0.31)CMYcyan: 31% (0.31), magenta: 45% (0.447), yellow: 66% (0.659)XYZX: 29.151, Y: 28.97, Z: 13.071xyYx: 0.409, y: 0.407, Y: 28.97CIELabL: 60.755, a: 6.35, b: 33.674CIELuvL: 60.755, u: 26.868, v: 39.57CIELCH / LCHabL: 60.755, C: 34.268, H: 79.321CIELUV / LCHuvL: 60.755, C: 47.83, H: 55.824Hunter-LabL: 53.823, a: 2.485, b: 23.278CIECAM02J: 51.591, C: 29.236, h: 74.992, Q: 141.514, M: 25.567, s: 42.505, H: 76.179CAM16 JChlightness: 51.145, chroma: 26.868, hue: 77.312CAM16 JMhlightness: 51.145, colorfulness: 23.496, hue: 77.312CAM16 Jshlightness: 51.145, saturation: 40.834, hue: 77.312CAM16 QChperceived brightness: 140.909, chroma: 26.868, hue: 77.312CAM16 QMhperceived brightness: 140.909, colorfulness: 23.496, hue: 77.312CAM16 Qshperceived brightness: 140.909, saturation: 40.834, hue: 77.312CAM16 UCS JMhlightness: 64.025, colorfulness: 18.815, hue: 77.312CAM16 UCS Jablightness: 64.025, a: 4.132, b: 18.356OSA-UCSlightness: -9.916, jaune: 4.932, green: -1.062LMSL: 31.684, M: 28.745, S: 13.336YCbCrY: 140.822, Cb: 99.114, Cr: 147.199YCoCgY: 136.25, Cg: 4.75, Co: 66.25YDbDrY: 145.309, Db: -87.732, Dr: -58.373YPbPrY: 144.567, Pb: -31.025, Pr: 19.984xvYCCY: 140.158, Cb: 100.747, Cr: 145.555YIQY: 145.309, I: 38.198, Q: -9.4YUVY: 145.309, U: -28.692, V: 26.926Okhslh: 77.404, s: 0.504, l: 0.61Okhsvh: 77.404, s: 0.49, v: 0.713Okhwbh: 77.404, w: 0.363, b: 0.287Oklabl: 0.664, a: 0.018, b: 0.081Oklchl: 0.664, c: 0.083, h: 77.404JzAzBzJz: 0.00815, Az: 0.00198, Bz: 0.00708JzCzHzJz: 0.00815, Cz: 0.00735, Hz: 74.39349Munsell Color System2.5Y 6/6 ΔE = 1.982Brand ColorAmazon ΔE = 11.947Random Colors
    • #f3149b
    • #83e321
    • #983197
    • #27c21a
    • #f3b1cb


    • #bd6e68
    • #deada2
    • #c26a47
    • #492b28
    • #61170e


    • #537c50
    • #5cce64
    • #51882c
    • #b7ee76
    • #4f9f67


    • #2e3ab3
    • #435ad3
    • #1d2ca3
    • #b0b6e4
    • #4c53a1
  • Từ khóa » Html Color Code Gold Silver Bronze