Butterfly SK7 Classic Reviews - Racket - Tabletennis Reference

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SK7 Classic

Everyone's rating [Hardness] Little hard[Performance] Speed and Spin are excellent.
SK7 Classic ×

SK7 Classic

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Averages reviews points

  • Evaluation: 8.81 / 10
  • Number of review: 81
    • Speed:8.81
    • Spin:8.04
    • Control:7.99
    Reprint model of old classics "SK7"

    Jun wood seven plywood racket royal road there is a use track record of top players, appeared in a new guise. And the power of seven plywood, will not have the pure wood racket peculiar delicate sense. It is recommended for players who seek a dynamic and delicate play.

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    Price 6,800 Yen(Include tax 7,480 Yen) Producer Butterfly Product code 36881,36884 Speed 11.1 Touch 9.3 Size 157 × 150mm Weight 91g g Material Wood, 7 ply wood Thickness 6.8mm

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    • Ume-chan

      Ume-chan (Experience:2〜3 years)

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      Although it seems to be only seven plywoods, it feels a bit heavy but I recommend it to the second racket so I know immediately when hitting the core. Moreover, I think that it is a racket that does not choose rubber as it was easy to use although I used pasty leopard and the polar pole in the past.

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      Overall 9/10
      Speed 8
      Spin 8
      Control 9
      Touch 10
      Hardness Little soft

      Recommended rubber (Forehand) ROZENA

      Recommended rubber (Backhand) TENERGY 80

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      Beginner Pro (Experience:2〜3 years) Good speed

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      I was originally using a five-ply wood racket, but when I changed to this one, I was surprised at how much it bounced. And because it's a seven-ply wood racket, depending on the hardness and thickness of the rubber, it can weigh more than 195g, so you may need to adjust it. Since it's made of wood, it has a certain amount of ball retention, but it's a racket that flies quite well, so it may be a little difficult to loop. No, that's probably just my skill. It was also easy to do back and front. And it looks cool, so I recommend it as a second or third racket.

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      もともと五枚合板を使っていてこれに変えてみたら結構弾んでびっくりしました。そして七枚合板なだけあって思いぽくラバーの硬さや厚さ次第では195g以上になったりするので調節が必要かもです。木材なのである程度玉もちはありますがまぁまぁ飛ぶラケットなのでループは多少かけずらいかもしれません。いや多分僕の腕です バック表もやりやすかったです。そして見た目もかっこいいので2本目3本目らへんのラケットにおすすめです

      Overall 8/10
      Speed 9
      Spin 8
      Control 7
      Touch 9
      Hardness little hard

      Recommended rubber (Forehand) Rakza 7

      Recommended rubber (Backhand) ROZENA

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      Jiangshi Taro (Experience:More than 20 years) SK7α discontinued

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      I had a mysterious yips where I couldn't put any force into my reception or when I was stuck, but I was given a discontinued racket called SK7α at a table tennis center. The racket weighs 103g. I thought it would be impossible, but I decided to use it. The Kyopiao Blue weighs 57g, but the Attack 8 is only 30g, so I'm using it thinking that the total weight is 192g and I can manage it. When playing on the net, I don't have to worry about the amount of force I use, and I can swing with the weight of the racket, so I don't have the yips. I thought it would be too heavy to switch, but it's okay. However, it feels a little too hard and I can't make a loose arcing loop. I used to get nervous when receiving in matches and make strange mistakes, but since I changed to this racket, I don't make strange mistakes when I get nervous. It's perfect for people who use Chinese rubbers that are different and don't bounce on the forehand side. The SK7 Classic is inexpensive, made by Butterfly, and I think it's the best. Well, I hope the SK7α Classic will be released,

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      レシーブや詰まったときのレシーブで全く力がはいらない謎のイップス現状があったのですがSK7αていう廃盤ラケットを卓球場で譲ってもらいました。ラケット重量は103gもあります。無理かなと思いつつ使用することに。狂飄ブルーが57gもあるのですがアタック8が30gしかない為、総重量は192gなんとかなるかなと、使っています。ネットプレイなどは特に力加減を逆に気にせずラケットの重みでスイングできるのでイップスみたいな現象はおこりません。重くて切り替えは無理かなと思いましたが大丈夫。ただちょっと硬すぎる感じで緩い山なりループはできません。試合とかでレシーブ時に緊張してへんなミスすることが多かったのですが、このラケットに変えてからあまり緊張してのへんなミスはなくなりました。異質でフォア面跳ねない中国ラバー使ってる人にはピッタリです。SK7クラッシックは安価でバタフライ製で最高だと思います。 まあ、SK7αクラッシックがでればいいとは思ってますが、

      Overall 9/10
      Speed 8
      Spin 7
      Control 8
      Touch 9
      Hardness little hard

      Recommended rubber (Forehand) HURRICANE PRO Ⅲ TURBO BLUE

      Recommended rubber (Backhand) Attack 8

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      A cat adventure (Experience:11〜20 years) Good old racket

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      A reprint of the SK7, which was used by many top players about 15 years ago. Recently, rackets containing special materials have become mainstream and the number of 7-ply users has decreased, but this racket has very good performance. It has the three qualities of being heavy, hard, and thick, as you would expect from a 7-ply wood racket, and has a good hitting feel that is unique to wood. When attacking, you can hit back without losing to the opponent's ball power, and when defending, you can control it well. It is especially easy to use when combined with a rubber that has a soft block. Compared to 7-ply wood rackets produced by other manufacturers, I think it is a little harder and more aggressive. It is recommended for wood users who want to increase power, or for those who have used special materials but want a better hitting feel.

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      15年ほど前にはトップ選手にも大勢使用者がいたSK7の復刻版。最近は特殊素材の入ったラケットが主流になり7枚合板ユーザーは減少しておりますが、性能はとても良いラケットです。 7枚合板らしく重い・硬い・厚いの3拍子揃っており、木材特有の打球感の良さがあります。攻撃の際は相手の球威に負けず打ち返すことができ、守備の際はしっかりコントロールできます。特にブロックが柔らかいラバーと合わせると本当にやりやすいです。他メーカーが出している7枚合板と比較するとやや硬くて攻撃的な部類に入ると思います。木材ユーザーで威力を出したい方や特殊素材を使用していたがもっと打球感の良さが欲しい方にお勧めです。

      Overall 10/10
      Speed 9
      Spin 8
      Control 8
      Touch 10
      Hardness little hard

      Recommended rubber (Forehand) GENEXTION

      Recommended rubber (Backhand) HYBRID MK

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      Racket Mania (Experience:11〜20 years) This racket is not recommended for beginners.

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      You can hit sharp and heavy shots! It is 6.8 thick and made of 7 plywood, which is about 10 to 15 grams heavier than other rackets. It sinks your opponent's counters and blocks into the net. The racket itself is 6.8 thick and made of 7 plywood, so it has a lot of speed. It is made of wood, so it is excellent for control and is easy to handle if you ignore the weight. I think you can put spin on the serve once you get the hang of it. It is a simple racket with no materials, so it is inexpensive and affordable.

      Only the good points... It is a unique racket that has some drawbacks and is never recommended for beginners. It is heavier than a normal racket, so all swing speeds will inevitably decrease. Until you get used to it, professionals don't use it because they don't like the decrease in swing speed. Nowadays, there are many carbon rackets that are light and have the same power... but if you don't like carbon rackets or rackets with materials, and you want high firepower with only wood, this racket is for you. The royal road of genuine wood rackets that can't be beaten by materials or carbon

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      鋭く重い打球が打てます!7枚合板の6.8の厚さがあり他のラケットよりも約10から15グラムは重たく違います。相手のカウンターやブロックをネットに沈めます ラケット自体が7枚の6.8厚さ重量がある分スピードもかなりでます木造なのでコントロールにも優れていて重さを抜きにしたら扱いやすいサーブもコツをつかめば回転かけれるほうだと思います素材が入ってないシンプルな作りなラケットなのでお値段も安くお手頃。 いいところをだけを言えば… 欠点もある初心者には決してオススメしない個性的なラケットです 普通のラケットよりも重さがあり必然的にすべてのスイングスピードが落ちます慣れるまではプロはスイングスピードが落ちるのを嫌ってみんな使いません 今じゃカーボンラケットで軽くて同じくらい威力があるラケットはいくらでもありますから…でもカーボンラケットやそこらの素材入りラケットが嫌いで木材のみで高火力を求めるのならばこのラケット。素材入りやカーボンと打ち負けない純正木材ラケットの王道

      Overall 8/10
      Speed 10
      Spin 7
      Control 8
      Touch 8
      Hardness little hard

      Recommended rubber (Forehand) TENERGY 05

      Recommended rubber (Backhand) Tenergy 25

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      Takano Peanuts (Experience:2〜3 years)

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      It's too heavy. It has a lot of speed, but it doesn't spin enough. The ball leaves the racket pretty quickly, so it feels like it flies before it starts spinning. I think it's for advanced players. It's the most troublesome when looping.

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      重すぎ。 スピードはめっちゃ出るけど、 回転がかからなさすぎる。 球離れが結構はやいから、回転がかかる 前に飛ぶ印象。 上級者向けのイメージ。 ループのときに1番困る。

      Overall 3/10
      Speed 10
      Spin 4
      Control 4
      Touch 2
      Hardness hard

      Recommended rubber (Forehand) GLAYZER09C

      Recommended rubber (Backhand) GLAYZER09C

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      Junior high school student who is famous for table tennis (Experience:2〜3 years) heavy. I think it's a racket that has different player preferences.

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      This racket is really heavy, and when you add the rubber, I think many people will be unable to swing the drive. However, the destructive power when making a full swing is due to the weight of the racket, and it achieves destructive speed and power. It cuts the serve well, but it is recommended for those who do power rallies and power drives that make use of the high weight rather than a racket that applies rotation. I think it's a racket that's easy to handle if you don't mind the weight at all.

      I can't recommend it for women...

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      このラケットはとにかく重たく、ラバーも合わせるとドライブなど振れないくらいになる方も多いと思います。ですがフルスイングした時の破壊力はラケット重量もあって破壊的なスピードと威力を実現します。サーブもよく切れますが…回転をかけるラケットというより高重量を生かしたパワーラリー、パワードライブをする方にはオススメです。 高重量でも重くても全然気にならないなら扱いやすいラケットだと思います。


      Overall 8/10
      Speed 10
      Spin 7
      Control 5
      Touch 8
      Hardness little hard

      Recommended rubber (Forehand) TENERGY 05

      Recommended rubber (Backhand) ROZENA

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