Butyronitrile - MS - Spectrum - SpectraBase
Từ khóa » C3h7cn Name
Butanenitrile - The NIST WebBook
Butyronitrile - Wikipedia
Butyronitrile | C4H7N - PubChem
CHEBI:51937 - Butyronitrile - EMBL-EBI
Isopropyl Cyanide | C4H7N - ChemSpider
Butyronitrile - SSHADE
Hydrolysis Of Nitriles - Chemguide
Name That Molecule Challenge :: Gallery :: I-Propyl Cyanide
Research - Astro: Astrophysik I.Physik
[PDF] Millimeter And Submillimeter Wave Spectroscopy Of Low-lying ...
[PDF] Submillimeter, Millimeter, And Microwave Spectral Line Catalog
Astronomers Detect Iso-Propyl Cyanide Close To The Galactic Center