By The Same Token Là Gì

See also: by, same, token

Tham khảo ngay Thị Trường Chợ Đen Là Gì ? Những Điều Cần Biết Về Chợ Đen

by the same token

You use by the same token to introduce a statement that you think is true for the same reasons that were given for a previous statement. If you give up exercise, your muscles shrink and fat increases. By the same token, if you expend more energy you will lose fat.See also: by, same, token

by the same token

in the same way; for the same reason. 1975 Frederick Exley Pages from a Cold Island The student could ask anything he chose, and by the same token Wilson could if he elected choose not to answer. See also: by, same, token

by the ˌsame ˈtoken

for the same reasons: The penalty for failure will be high. But, by the same token, the rewards for success will be great.See also: by, same, token

by the same token

In like manner; similarly.See also: by, same, token

by the same token

In the same manner; moreover, for the same reason. A “token” is a sign or symbol of something, a meaning dating from the fifteenth century, and until 1600 or so “by the same token” meant “on the same grounds,” or “for the same reason.” After 1600, however, it came to mean “the proof of this being,” that is, introducing a corroborating fact or circumstance. Thus Dickens wrote in 1857, “Others caused large Fires to be made . . .; by the same token that two or three were pleased to set their houses on Fire and so effectually sweetened them by burning them down to the Ground.”See also: by, same, tokenSee also:

Tham khảo ngay Fed Là Gì ? Cục Dự Trữ Liên Bang (Hoa Kỳ)

by the same token

judging by the same rule, to be fair to both sides By the same token, he should help with the housework. by stealth by the by the (unit) by the back door by the board by the book by the by by the by/bye by the bye by the day by the dozen by the dozen(s) by the dozens by the end of the day by the grace of God by the gross by the handful by the hour by the look(s) of it/things by the month by the name (of) by the name of… by the nape of (one's)/its/the neck by the nape of the neck by the numbers by the same token by the scruff of (one's)/its/the neck by the scruff of somebody's/the neck by the seat of (one's) pants by the seat of one's pants by the seat of pants by the seat of the pants by the seat of your pants by the short hairs by the skin of (one's) teeth by the skin of one's teeth by the skin of teeth by the skin of your teeth by the sweat of (one's) brow by the sweat of brow by the sweat of one's brow by the sweat of your brow by the thousand by the thousands by the time by the unit by the way by the week by the yard by the year by themselves by guess or by gosh by heart by hook or by crook by jove by leaps and bounds by no means by oneself by the by by the same token by the seat of your pants by the skin of one by the skin of one”s teeth by the skin of their teeth by the sweat of one by the way by word of mouth bye

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– Từ đồng nghĩa, cách dùng từ tương tự Thành ngữ, tục ngữ by the same token

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