C-12 Shaped Charge - Halopedia, The Halo Wiki

C-12 shaped charges are used by the United Nations Space Command for heavy demolitions, typically as a military explosive. The C-12 compound is extremely dangerous and very volatile. A small 4x4x4 inch cube alone can level a five-story building in seconds. It is solid, but is malleable enough that it can be shaped or bent into different forms to stick to surfaces better and fit into tight spots and is detonated with electric shock detonator sticks or remote detonators.

C-12 is often hefted in medium-sized backpacks called "damage packs" or "blow packs".[1] Two damage packs contain enough C-12 to blow through three meters of UNSC battleship armor plating.[2]


  • 1 Trivia
  • 2 Gallery
  • 3 List of appearances
  • 4 Sources


As C-4 is short for "Composition 4", it is probable that C-12 means "Composition 12". It is likely that "C-12" is a codename based on the order in which it was developed, not an indicator of its explosive power. In reality, C-2 has more explosive power than C-4, but it is also more unstable, and thus newer compositions were designed for better stability and malleability.


  • A destructive landslide caused by a single satchel of C-12 at the Horn of Abolition on Installation 07.

    A destructive landslide caused by a single satchel of C-12 at the Horn of Abolition on Installation 07.

List of appearances[edit]

  • Halo: The Fall of Reach (First appearance)
  • Halo: Ghosts of Onyx
  • Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe
    • Blunt Instruments
  • Halo: Retribution
  • Halo Infinite (Mentioned only)
  • Halo: Outcasts


  1. ^ Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe, "Blunt Instruments"
  2. ^ Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 81
v  d  e   Ordnance in UNSC service
Missiles and rockets
Ground-launched Anaconda SAM • Argent V • ASRGAM-10X • Lancet • ASGM-7 • M5100 LTM
Air-launched AAM-50XR • AGM-79C • Anvil ASM (ANVIL-II • ANVIL-IV) • Argent V • ASGM-4 • ASGM-10 • ASGM-15 • MITV Pod • Phoenix missile • Scorpion missile • ST/Medusa missile
Ship-launched Archer • Ares • Bident • Fusion rocket • Harpoon • Howler • Hyperion • Longbow • Shrieker • Rapier • Rudra • Shiva (VE-3) • Streak
Launch systems A-74 Sylver missile launcher • ATAF missile turret • M39 rocket turret • M5920 missile launcher • M79 MLRS • M80 MLRS • Lance GMWS (M95 • M97) • M260 MLRS • M302 rocket pod • M400 missile launcher • M651 missile launcher • M/RODAS delivery system • Scimitar rocket pod • "Shoulder Angel" • Unidentified SAM launcher
Nuclear weapons
Medium Fusion Destructive Device FENRIS nuclear warhead • Fury tactical nuclear weapon • HAVOK tactical nuclear weapon
Strategic 11-B1 intercontinental ballistic missile • Harpoon nuclear missile • Hyperion nuclear missile • NOVA bomb • Rudra-class nuclear missile • Shiva-class nuclear missile (VE-3 type)
Chemical weapons Narcozine gas • VX 7 nerve gas
Ground Antilon anti-personnel mine • Asteroidea anti-personnel mine • Cryo mine • Lotus anti-tank mine • TR/9 antipersonnel mine • Type 14 Magnetic/Anti-Tank Mine • Type 18 Magnetic/Bayonet-style Claymore • Unidentified landmine
Space M441 Hornet Remote Explosive System • M1011 Moray space mine
Explosives C-7 foaming explosive • C10 charge • C-12 shaped charge • Fougasse • M168 Demolition Charge • M383C LSC demolition kit • MX-8 explosive • MX-10 mini-brick • Octas • Satchel charge • Skinner • Thermite-carbon cord • Thermite paste • Unidentified UNSC explosive • XTCC
Grenades 40mm grenade • Concussion grenade • Flashbang grenade • Gas grenade • M9 fragmentation grenade • M9030 HEI/RD • Napalm grenade • Scramble grenade • Smoke grenade • Sonic grenade • Stun grenade • Thermite grenade
Bombs GBU-1105 bomb • Mark 208 bomb • Improvised bomb • M888 Octadart bomb • XGBU-302 bomb

Từ khóa » C4 Vs C12