C#7 Chord On The Guitar (C Sharp Dominant 7) - Diagrams, Finger ...
The C#7 (C sharp dominant 7) chord contains the notes C#, E#, G# and B. It is produced by taking the root (1), 3, 5 and b7 of the C# Major scale. It is essentially an C# chord, with an added flat 7.
C#7 is most commonly played with the root note on the 4th fret of the 5th string.
C#7 is short for C sharp dominant 7. The dominant 7 chord is a significant chord, because it plays a very important function in any given key.
The dominant 7 chord functions as a chord that resolves to the first chord in a key. For example, the C# dominant 7 chord resolves to the F# chord, which is the first chord in the key of F#.
10 Ways To Play The C#7 Chord
If you’ve come to this page just to view some chord diagrams for C#7, here they are.
Some Quick C Sharp 7 Chord Theory
- The C#7 chord contains the notes C#, E#, G# and B.
- C#7 is short for C Sharp dominant 7.
- The C#7 chord is produced by taking the 1 (root), 3, 5 and b7 of the C sharp Major scale.
- The C#7 is the fifth chord in the key of C#. It resolves naturally to the C# Major chord.
- The C#7 chord (just like all dominant 7 chords) contains the following intervals (starting from the root note): major 3rd, minor 3rd, minor 3rd, tone (which leads back to the root note).
Further Reading
- Dominant 7 chords guide
- Chords page
- C# chord
- 12 Bar Blues in C#
Từ khóa » C-7
How To Play C Sharp Seventh Guitar Chord | C#7 Chord | Fender Play
C#7 Chord On Guitar: Diagrams And Variations - FaChords Guitar
How To Play A C#7 (Sharp) Chord On The Guitar - YouTube
C+7, C7 5, C7+5, C Aug7 Piano Chord Chart - Songtive
C#7 Guitar Chord Chart | Standard Tuning - JamPlay
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C#7 Guitar Chord - Guitar Chords Chart
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