[C/C++] Mô Phỏng Các Chiến Lược điều Phối Tiến Trình
Có thể bạn quan tâm
Về các thuật toán điều phối tiến trình mình sẽ không trình bày ở bài này, các bạn có thể tham khảo tìm đọc trên mạng nếu muốn (có thể mình sẽ viết về chúng vào một ngày đẹp trời nào đó). Trong bài này mình chỉ xin giới thiệu (chia sẻ) với các bạn code tính toán, mô phỏng các chiến lược này mà thôi.
Chương trình sẽ gồm 2 file là file input.txt và file chương trình dieuphoitientrinh.cpp. Trong file input.txt gồm: – Dòng đầu tiên là số tiến trình (n) – Dòng thứ 2 gồm 2 giá trị là các chiến lược điều phối và quantum 1: FIFO 2: Round Robin 3: Độ ưu tiên độc quyền 4: Độ ưu tiên không độc quyền 5: SJF độc quyền 6: SJF không độc quyền
– n dòng tiếp theo, mỗi dòng gồm 4 giá trị lần lượt là tên tiến trình, thời gian vào danh sách sẵn sàng, thời gian CPU xử lý và độ ưu tiên (quy ước độ ưu tiên 1 > 2 > 3 > … ).
Ví dụ file input.txt
4 5 2 P1 0 20 3 P2 3 6 2 P3 3 5 1 P4 7 4 0Khi đó, dữ liệu gồm 4 tiến trình, chiến lược điều phối được chọn là SJF độc quyền, giá trị quantum = 2. Tiến trình P1 có thời gian vào danh sách sẵn sàng (timeRL) là 0, thời gian CPU xử lý (timeCPU) là 20, độ ưu tiên là 3, …
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/* * --------------- @author: nguyenvanquan7826 --------------- * ------------ cachhoc.net ------------- */ #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <queue> #define INP "input.txt" using namespace std; struct process { char name[10]; int timeRL, timeCPU, priority; int timeOUT, timeIN, timewait, timesave; int index; //the index of pr[i] }; typedef process *ListP; int quantum; int set; void input(ListP &pr, int &n, int &timeOUT); void output_input(ListP pr, int n); void output_FIFO(ListP pr, int n, int timeOUT); void output_RR(ListP pr, ListP RL, int n, int m, int timeOUT); void output_PRIORITY_preemptive(ListP pr, int n, int timeOUT); void output_PRIORITY_nopreemptive(ListP pr, ListP RL, int n, int m, int timeOUT); void output_SJF_preemptive(ListP pr, int n, int timeOUT); void output_SJF_nopreemptive(ListP pr, ListP RL, int n, int m, int timeOUT); void OUTPUT(ListP pr, ListP RL, int n, int m, int timeOUT, int set); void process_FIFO(ListP &pr, int n, int timeOUT); void process_RR(ListP &pr, ListP &RL, int n, int &m, int timeOUT, int quantum); void process_PRIORITY_preemptive(ListP &pr, int n, int timeOUT); void process_PRIORITY_nopreemptive(ListP &pr, ListP &RL, int n, int &m, int timeOUT); void process_SJF_preemptive(ListP &pr, int n, int timeOUT); void process_SJF_nopreemptive(ListP &pr, ListP &RL, int n, int &m, int timeOUT); void PROCESS(ListP &pr, ListP &RL, int n, int &m, int timeOUT, int set); void input(ListP &pr, int &n, int &timeOUT) { timeOUT = 0; ifstream in(INP); if (in == NULL) { cout << "Not input file !"; return; } in >> n; in >> set; in >> quantum; pr = new process[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { in >> pr[i].name; in >> pr[i].timeRL; in >> pr[i].timeCPU; in >> pr[i].priority; if (timeOUT < pr[i].timeRL) timeOUT = pr[i].timeRL + pr[i].timeCPU; else timeOUT += pr[i].timeCPU; pr[i].index = i; } } void output_input(ListP pr, int n) { cout << endl << "---------------INPUT---------------" << endl << endl; cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeRL" << setw(10) << "TimeCPU" << setw(10) << "Priority" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << pr[i].name << setw(10) << pr[i].timeRL << setw(10) << pr[i].timeCPU << setw(10) << pr[i].priority << endl; cout << "quantum = " << quantum << endl; cout << endl << "---------------OUTPUT---------------" << endl << endl; } void output_FIFO(ListP pr, int n, int timeOUT) { cout << "FIFO" << endl << endl << "PROCESS" << endl << endl; cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeRL" << setw(10) << "TimeCPU" << setw(10) << "Priority" << setw(10) << "TimeIN" << setw(10) << "TimeOUT" << setw(10) << "Timewait" << setw(10) << "Timesave" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << pr[i].name << setw(10) << pr[i].timeRL << setw(10) << pr[i].timeCPU << setw(10) << pr[i].priority << setw(10) << pr[i].timeIN << setw(10) << pr[i].timeOUT << setw(10) << pr[i].timewait << setw(10) << pr[i].timesave << endl; } void output_RR(ListP pr, ListP RL, int n, int m, int timeOUT) { cout << "ROUND ROBIN" << endl << endl << "OUTPUT" << endl << endl; cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeOUT" << setw(10) << "Timewait" << setw(10) << "Timesave" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << pr[i].name << setw(10) << pr[i].timeOUT << setw(10) << pr[i].timewait << setw(10) << pr[i].timesave << endl; cout << endl << endl << "---PROCESS---" << endl << endl; cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeRL" << setw(10) << "TimeCPU" << setw(10) << "Priority" << setw(10) << "TimeIN" << setw(10) << "TimeOUT" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) cout << RL[i].name << setw(10) << RL[i].timeRL << setw(10) << RL[i].timeCPU << setw(10) << RL[i].priority << setw(10) << RL[i].timeIN << setw(10) << RL[i].timeOUT << endl; } void output_PRIORITY_preemptive(ListP pr, int n, int timeOUT) { cout << "PRIORITY preemptive" << endl << endl << "PROCESS" << endl << endl; cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeRL" << setw(10) << "TimeCPU" << setw(10) << "Priority" << setw(10) << "TimeIN" << setw(10) << "TimeOUT" << setw(10) << "Timewait" << setw(10) << "Timesave" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << pr[i].name << setw(10) << pr[i].timeRL << setw(10) << pr[i].timeCPU << setw(10) << pr[i].priority << setw(10) << pr[i].timeIN << setw(10) << pr[i].timeOUT << setw(10) << pr[i].timewait << setw(10) << pr[i].timesave << endl; } void output_SJF_preemptive(ListP pr, int n, int timeOUT) { cout << "SJF preemptive" << endl << endl << "PROCESS" << endl << endl; cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeRL" << setw(10) << "TimeCPU" << setw(10) << "Priority" << setw(10) << "TimeIN" << setw(10) << "TimeOUT" << setw(10) << "Timewait" << setw(10) << "Timesave" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << pr[i].name << setw(10) << pr[i].timeRL << setw(10) << pr[i].timeCPU << setw(10) << pr[i].priority << setw(10) << pr[i].timeIN << setw(10) << pr[i].timeOUT << setw(10) << pr[i].timewait << setw(10) << pr[i].timesave << endl; } void output_PRIORITY_nopreemptive(ListP pr, ListP RL, int n, int m, int timeOUT) { cout << "PRIORITY nopreemptive" << endl << endl << "OUTPUT" << endl << endl; cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeOUT" << setw(10) << "Timewait" << setw(10) << "Timesave" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << pr[i].name << setw(10) << pr[i].timeOUT << setw(10) << pr[i].timewait << setw(10) << pr[i].timesave << endl; cout << endl << endl << "---PROCESS---" << endl << endl; cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeRL" << setw(10) << "TimeCPU" << setw(10) << "Priority" << setw(10) << "TimeIN" << setw(10) << "TimeOUT" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) cout << RL[i].name << setw(10) << RL[i].timeRL << setw(10) << RL[i].timeCPU << setw(10) << RL[i].priority << setw(10) << RL[i].timeIN << setw(10) << RL[i].timeOUT << endl; } void output_SJF_nopreemptive(ListP pr, ListP RL, int n, int m, int timeOUT) { cout << "SJF nopreemptive" << endl << endl << "OUTPUT" << endl << endl; cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeOUT" << setw(10) << "Timewait" << setw(10) << "Timesave" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << pr[i].name << setw(10) << pr[i].timeOUT << setw(10) << pr[i].timewait << setw(10) << pr[i].timesave << endl; cout << endl << endl << "---PROCESS---" << endl << endl; cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeRL" << setw(10) << "TimeCPU" << setw(10) << "Priority" << setw(10) << "TimeIN" << setw(10) << "TimeOUT" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) cout << RL[i].name << setw(10) << RL[i].timeRL << setw(10) << RL[i].timeCPU << setw(10) << RL[i].priority << setw(10) << RL[i].timeIN << setw(10) << RL[i].timeOUT << endl; } void process_FIFO(ListP &pr, int n, int timeOUT) { ListP RL = new process[n]; int m = -1; for (int t = 0; t < timeOUT; t++) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (t == pr[i].timeRL) RL[++m] = pr[i]; } timeOUT = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= m; i++) { if (timeOUT <= RL[i].timeRL) { timeOUT = RL[i].timeRL + RL[i].timeCPU; RL[i].timeIN = RL[i].timeRL; } else { timeOUT += RL[i].timeCPU; RL[i].timeIN = RL[i - 1].timeOUT; } RL[i].timeOUT = timeOUT; RL[i].timewait = RL[i].timeOUT - (RL[i].timeRL + RL[i].timeCPU); RL[i].timesave = RL[i].timeOUT - RL[i].timeRL; } pr = RL; } void process_RR(ListP &pr, ListP &RL, int n, int &m, int timeOUT, int quantum) //Round Robin { RL = new process; ListP pr1 = pr; //list temp of pr m = 0; // the number of element in RL int count = 0; //count time quantum int j = 0; int temptime = 0; for (int t = 0; t <= timeOUT; t++) { if (m > 0 && j < m) { count++; if (count <= quantum && RL[j].timeCPU - temptime > 0) temptime++; if (count == quantum && RL[j].timeCPU - temptime > 0) { m++; RL = (process *) realloc(RL, m * sizeof(process)); RL[m - 1] = RL[j]; RL[m - 1].timeCPU -= temptime; } if (RL[j].timeCPU - temptime == 0) { pr1[RL[j].index].timeOUT = t; pr1[RL[j].index].timewait = pr1[RL[j].index].timeOUT - (pr1[RL[j].index].timeRL + pr1[RL[j].index].timeCPU); pr1[RL[j].index].timesave = pr1[RL[j].index].timeOUT - pr1[RL[j].index].timeRL; } if (count == quantum || RL[j].timeCPU - temptime == 0) { RL[j].timeOUT = t; RL[j].timeCPU = temptime; RL[j].timeIN = t - RL[j].timeCPU; j++; temptime = 0; count = 0; } } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (t == pr1[i].timeRL) { m++; RL = (process *) realloc(RL, m * sizeof(process)); RL[m - 1] = pr1[i]; } } } void process_PRIORITY_preemptive(ListP &pr, int n, int timeOUT) { ListP RL = new process[n]; ListP pr1 = pr; //list temp of pr int j = 0, m = 0; int temptime = 0; for (int t = 0; t <= timeOUT; t++) { if (m > 0 && j < m) { if (temptime < RL[j].timeCPU) temptime++; if (temptime == RL[j].timeCPU) { RL[j].timeIN = t - RL[j].timeCPU; RL[j].timeOUT = RL[j].timeIN + RL[j].timeCPU; RL[j].timewait = RL[j].timeOUT - (RL[j].timeRL + RL[j].timeCPU); RL[j].timesave = RL[j].timeOUT - RL[j].timeRL; temptime = 0; j++; } } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (t == pr1[i].timeRL) { int k = m; while (k > j + 1 && pr1[i].priority < RL[k - 1].priority) { RL[k] = RL[k - 1]; k--; } RL[k] = pr1[i]; m++; } } pr = RL; } void process_PRIORITY_nopreemptive(ListP &pr, ListP &RL, int n, int &m, int timeOUT) { RL = new process; ListP pr1 = pr; //list temp of pr process temp; int j = 0; m = 0; int temptime = 0; for (int t = 0; t <= timeOUT; t++) { if (m > 0 && j < m) { if (temptime < RL[j].timeCPU) temptime++; if (temptime == RL[j].timeCPU) { RL[j].timeIN = t - RL[j].timeCPU; RL[j].timeOUT = RL[j].timeIN + RL[j].timeCPU; RL[j].timewait = RL[j].timeOUT - (RL[j].timeRL + RL[j].timeCPU); RL[j].timesave = RL[j].timeOUT - RL[j].timeRL; pr1[RL[j].index].timeOUT = t; pr1[RL[j].index].timewait = pr1[RL[j].index].timeOUT - (pr1[RL[j].index].timeRL + pr1[RL[j].index].timeCPU); pr1[RL[j].index].timesave = pr1[RL[j].index].timeOUT - pr1[RL[j].index].timeRL; temptime = 0; j++; } } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (t == pr1[i].timeRL) { m++; int k = m - 1; RL = (process *) realloc(RL, m * sizeof(process)); if (temptime > 0 && pr1[i].priority < RL[j].priority) { m++; k = m - 1; RL = (process *) realloc(RL, m * sizeof(process)); for (k = m - 1; k > j + 1; k--) RL[k] = RL[k - 2]; RL[j + 1] = pr1[i]; RL[j + 2] = RL[j]; RL[j + 2].timeCPU -= temptime; RL[j].timeIN = t - temptime; RL[j].timeOUT = t; RL[j].timeCPU = temptime; temptime = 0; j++; } else { while (k > j && pr1[i].priority < RL[k - 1].priority) { RL[k] = RL[k - 1]; k--; } RL[k] = pr1[i]; } } } } void process_SJF_preemptive(ListP &pr, int n, int timeOUT) { ListP RL = new process[n]; ListP pr1 = pr; //list temp of pr int j = 0, m = 0; int temptime = 0; for (int t = 0; t <= timeOUT; t++) { if (m > 0 && j < m) { if (temptime < RL[j].timeCPU) temptime++; if (temptime == RL[j].timeCPU) { RL[j].timeIN = t - RL[j].timeCPU; RL[j].timeOUT = RL[j].timeIN + RL[j].timeCPU; RL[j].timewait = RL[j].timeOUT - (RL[j].timeRL + RL[j].timeCPU); RL[j].timesave = RL[j].timeOUT - RL[j].timeRL; temptime = 0; j++; } } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (t == pr1[i].timeRL) { int k = m; while (k > j + 1 && pr1[i].timeCPU < RL[k - 1].timeCPU) { RL[k] = RL[k - 1]; k--; } RL[k] = pr1[i]; m++; } } pr = RL; } void process_SJF_nopreemptive(ListP &pr, ListP &RL, int n, int &m, int timeOUT) { RL = new process; ListP pr1 = pr; //list temp of pr process temp; int j = 0; m = 0; int temptime = 0; for (int t = 0; t <= timeOUT; t++) { if (m > 0 && j < m) { if (temptime < RL[j].timeCPU) temptime++; if (temptime == RL[j].timeCPU) { RL[j].timeIN = t - RL[j].timeCPU; RL[j].timeOUT = RL[j].timeIN + RL[j].timeCPU; RL[j].timewait = RL[j].timeOUT - (RL[j].timeRL + RL[j].timeCPU); RL[j].timesave = RL[j].timeOUT - RL[j].timeRL; pr1[RL[j].index].timeOUT = t; pr1[RL[j].index].timewait = pr1[RL[j].index].timeOUT - (pr1[RL[j].index].timeRL + pr1[RL[j].index].timeCPU); pr1[RL[j].index].timesave = pr1[RL[j].index].timeOUT - pr1[RL[j].index].timeRL; temptime = 0; j++; } } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (t == pr1[i].timeRL) { m++; int k = m - 1; RL = (process *) realloc(RL, m * sizeof(process)); if (temptime > 0 && pr1[i].timeCPU < RL[j].timeCPU - temptime) { m++; k = m - 1; RL = (process *) realloc(RL, m * sizeof(process)); for (k = m - 1; k > j + 1; k--) RL[k] = RL[k - 2]; RL[j + 1] = pr1[i]; RL[j + 2] = RL[j]; RL[j + 2].timeCPU -= temptime; RL[j].timeIN = t - temptime; RL[j].timeOUT = t; RL[j].timeCPU = temptime; temptime = 0; j++; } else { while (k > j + 1 && pr1[i].timeCPU < RL[k - 1].timeCPU) { RL[k] = RL[k - 1]; k--; if (k == j + 1 && pr1[i].timeCPU < RL[k - 1].timeCPU - temptime) { RL[k] = RL[k - 1]; k--; } } RL[k] = pr1[i]; } } } } void PROCESS(ListP &pr, ListP &RL, int n, int &m, int timeOUT, int select) { switch (select) { case 1: process_FIFO(pr, n, timeOUT); break; case 2: process_RR(pr, RL, n, m, timeOUT, quantum); break; case 3: process_PRIORITY_preemptive(pr, n, timeOUT); break; case 4: process_PRIORITY_nopreemptive(pr, RL, n, m, timeOUT); break; case 5: process_SJF_preemptive(pr, n, timeOUT); break; case 6: process_SJF_nopreemptive(pr, RL, n, m, timeOUT); break; } } void OUTPUT(ListP pr, ListP RL, int n, int m, int timeOUT, int select) { switch (select) { case 1: output_FIFO(pr, n, timeOUT); break; case 2: output_RR(pr, RL, n, m, timeOUT); break; case 3: output_PRIORITY_preemptive(pr, n, timeOUT); break; case 4: output_PRIORITY_nopreemptive(pr, RL, n, m, timeOUT); break; case 5: output_SJF_preemptive(pr, n, timeOUT); break; case 6: output_SJF_nopreemptive(pr, RL, n, m, timeOUT); break; } cout << endl << "-----------------END-----------------" << endl << endl; } int main() { ListP pr, RL; int n, m, timeOUT; input(pr, n, timeOUT); output_input(pr, n); PROCESS(pr, RL, n, m, timeOUT, set); OUTPUT(pr, RL, n, m, timeOUT, set); return 0; }Đọc thêm: Mô phỏng chiến lược điều phối SJF độc quyền Mô phỏng chiến lược Round Robin trong quản lý tiến trình
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