C-V2X In China - Gardner Business Media

While there is political rancor in the U.S vis-à-vis China, no one in the auto industry should take their eye off of what is occurring from a technology standpoint in China.


Qualcomm is big on 5G, which is beneficial to C-V2X. (Images: Qualcomm)

This became exceedingly obvious, to put it mildly, to say the least, when Qualcomm Technologies—part of the massive wireless (3G, 4G, 5G. . .) tech firm headquartered in San Diego—announced its collaboration with companies in China on the “2020 C-V2X Cross-industry & Large-scale Pilot Plugfest.” Strange though that name may sound, there should be no doubt that there is nothing in the least bit odd about what is occurring.

“C-V2X” is “cellular vehicle-to-everything.”

And as for the participants in the Plugfest:

  • 40+ automakers
  • 40+ terminal manufacturers
  • 10+ chipset solution vendors
  • 20+ information security vendors
  • 5 map providers
  • 5 position vendors

The purpose of the event was to demonstrate interoperability across

  • Chip modules
  • Terminals
  • Vehicles
  • Security platforms
  • Maps

As for the testing, there were 180 C-V2X onboard units (OBUs) and roadside units (RSUs). Testing including a number of traffic scenarios.


2020 “Plugfest” participants in China.

There were five vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) use cases involving interoperability:

  • In-vehicle signage
  • Traffic light information push/green light optimal speed advisory
  • Security mechanism demo
  • Vulnerable road user collision warning
  • Front construction reminder

And there were five vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) use cases tested:

  • Forward collision warning
  • Emergency vehicle avoidance
  • Abnormal vehicle warning
  • Blind spot warning/left turn assistance
  • Traffic jam warning in multi-access edge computing

Clearly, comprehensive.

Here’s a quote to ponder from Jim Misener, senior director, product management and global V2X ecosystem lead, Qualcomm Technologies:

“Today, 5G is empowering the automotive industry, expanding the set of application, and driving the C-V2X industry ecosystem to scale in China. Meanwhile, the solid foundation of the information and communication industry has also paved the way for C-V2X commercialization and implementation in China.”

“Driving the C-V2X industry ecosystem to scale.”

“Solid foundation.”

“C-V2X commercialization and implementation.”

Sounds like there is a high degree of readiness being developed.

None of this is to say that tests of C-V2X aren’t occurring in the U.S. Ford is working with Qualcomm. Audi, the Virginia Department of Transportation are running a pilot. And there are more.

But the scale of the participants in the Plugfest should give not pause, but a commitment to increase development of the technology that can significantly help save lives—everywhere.


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