#c1c801 Hex Color Code, RGB And Paints - Encycolorpedia

Pantone / PMS

★ 390 CP#bdc700 ΔE = 0.833 / LRV ≈ 51.7%

  • Natural Color System / NCS

    ★ S 1070-G70Y#c5c704 ΔE = 0.979 / LRV ≈ 52.7%

  • Duron

    ★ Humorous Green#bdc500 ΔE = 1.17 / LRV ≈ 50.8%

  • Brillux

    ★ 90.18.12#c2cb21 ΔE = 1.408 / LRV ≈ 54.3%


    ★ 15-a2#bdc400 ΔE = 1.435 / LRV ≈ 50.3%

  • Disney

    ★ 4B-30 Alien Green#c3c728 ΔE = 1.45 / LRV ≈ 52.6%

  • ProMarker

    ★ Pear Green#c7c603 ΔE = 1.583 / LRV ≈ 52.5%

  • TOA

    ★ 7829#c6cc20 ΔE = 1.679 / LRV ≈ 55.3%

  • British Standard

    ★ BS 2660 BS 0-008 - Chartreuse#c7cc28 ΔE = 1.965 / LRV ≈ 55.5%

  • Benjamin Moore

    ★ Eccentric Lime / 2027-30#bfc428 ΔE = 2.029 / LRV ≈ 50.7%

  • Comex

    ★ Poción Mágica 237-07#c2c218 ΔE = 2.193 / LRV ≈ 50.1%

  • Sigma

    ★ Natural Green / S 1075-G60Y#c5c31e ΔE = 2.196 / LRV ≈ 51.0%

  • Sikkens

    ★ G8.60.70#c3c20b ΔE = 2.199 / LRV ≈ 50.2%

  • Resene

    Rio Grande G79-170-100#b7c61a ΔE = 2.363 / LRV ≈ 50.5%

  • JSW Paints

    Fluo Lime / 5291#c7ca37 ΔE = 2.481 / LRV ≈ 54.7%

  • Pratt & Lambert

    Springtide 17-11#c5c32b ΔE = 2.529 / LRV ≈ 51.1%

  • Behr

    Lime Pop S-G-400#cdca28 ΔE = 2.583 / LRV ≈ 55.4%

  • Focoltone

    3482#bdcf00 ΔE = 2.684 / LRV ≈ 55.4%

  • NOROO Paint

    NR9024 9.9Y 7.9/11.1#cecc0f ΔE = 2.741 / LRV ≈ 56.3%Color Blindness Simulation


    • Achromatopsia#afafaf
    • Achromatomaly#b7bb60


    • Protanopia#c4c431
    • Deuteranopia#c4c33d
    • Tritanopia#c15760


    • Protanomaly#ccc61a
    • Deuteranomaly#c2c61d
    • Tritanomaly#c19325
    #c1c801 HTML / CSS Code Examples

    #c1c801 foreground

    The main thing is to be moved, to love, to hope, to tremble, to live.

    <p style="color: #c1c801">…</p>

    #c1c801 background

    The greater the artist, the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize.

    <p style="background-color: #c1c801">…</p>

    #c1c801 shadow

    If I were called upon to define briefly the word Art, I should call it the reproduction of what the senses preceive in nature, seen through the veil of the soul.

    <p style="text-shadow: 0.1em 0.1em 0.15em #c1c801">…</p>Color Charts
    • RGB


    • CMYK


    • RYB


    Color Space ConversionsDecimal12699649Binary11000001, 11001000, 00000001Hexadecimal#c1c801LRV≈ 52.6%Closest short hex#bc0 ΔE = 2.021RGBrgb(193, 200, 1)RGBArgba(193, 200, 1, 1.0)Adobe RGB (1998)R: 0.75942, G: 0.77911, B: 0.18365 / #c2c72f ΔE = 2.043rg chromaticityr: 0.49, g: 0.508, b: 0.003RYBred: 0.392%, yellow: 78.431%, blue: 3.137%Android / android.graphics.Color-4077567 / 0xffc1c801HSLhsl(62, 99%, 39%)HSLAhsla(62, 99%, 39%, 1.0)HSV / HSBhue: 62° (62.111), saturation: 100% (0.995), value: 78% (0.784)HSPhue: 62.111, saturation: 99.5%, perceived brightness: 72.964%HSLuv (HUSL)H: 89.041, S: 99.911, L: 77.668CubehelixH: 58.621, S: 1.627, L: 0.69TSLT: 1.399, S: 0.314, L: 0.687CMYKcyan: 4% (0.035), magenta: 0% (0.0), yellow: 100% (0.995), key: 22% (0.216)CMYcyan: 24% (0.243), magenta: 22% (0.216), yellow: 100% (0.996)XYZX: 42.654, Y: 52.649, Z: 7.944xyYx: 0.413, y: 0.51, Y: 52.649CIELabL: 77.668, a: -20.936, b: 77.924CIELuvL: 77.668, u: 1.438, v: 85.897CIELCH / LCHabL: 77.668, C: 80.687, H: 105.038CIELUV / LCHuvL: 77.668, C: 85.909, H: 89.041Hunter-LabL: 72.56, a: -22.05, b: 44.301CIECAM02J: 70.149, C: 69.899, h: 107.987, Q: 165.015, M: 61.126, s: 60.863, H: 131.352CAM16 JChlightness: 69.423, chroma: 65.764, hue: 113.203CAM16 JMhlightness: 69.423, colorfulness: 57.509, hue: 113.203CAM16 Jshlightness: 69.423, saturation: 59.187, hue: 113.203CAM16 QChperceived brightness: 164.168, chroma: 65.764, hue: 113.203CAM16 QMhperceived brightness: 164.168, colorfulness: 57.509, hue: 113.203CAM16 Qshperceived brightness: 164.168, saturation: 59.187, hue: 113.203CAM16 UCS JMhlightness: 79.423, colorfulness: 36.744, hue: 113.203CAM16 UCS Jablightness: 79.423, a: -14.477, b: 33.772OSA-UCSlightness: -9.722, jaune: 10.442, green: 3.422LMSL: 52.585, M: 59.41, S: 8.656YCbCrY: 166.499, Cb: 41.675, Cr: 139.056YCoCgY: 148.5, Cg: 51.5, Co: 96.25YDbDrY: 175.221, Db: -262.117, Dr: -33.852YPbPrY: 184.181, Pb: -98.695, Pr: 5.654xvYCCY: 174.179, Cb: 41.303, Cr: 132.967YIQY: 175.221, I: 59.761, Q: -63.396YUVY: 175.221, U: -85.732, V: 15.597Okhslh: 112.304, s: 0.997, l: 0.768Okhsvh: 112.304, s: 0.998, v: 0.804Okhwbh: 112.304, w: 0.001, b: 0.196Oklabl: 0.8, a: -0.067, b: 0.164Oklchl: 0.8, c: 0.177, h: 112.304JzAzBzJz: 0.0113, Az: -0.0033, Bz: 0.01525JzCzHzJz: 0.0113, Cz: 0.0156, Hz: 102.19921Munsell Color System2.5GY 8/10 ΔE = 2.594Brand ColorAndroid ΔE = 7.722Random Colors
    • #700da7
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    • #c6aba9
    • #de937b
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    • #87251b


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    • #407e54
    • #50ca4c


    • #9696da
    • #1d3fab
    • #223ba5
    • #6684dd
    • #8188b8
  • Từ khóa » C1-c801