C9015 PNP Small Signal Transistor - Datasheet - Circuits DIY

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C9015 PNP Small Signal Transistor is designed for general purpose and switching amplifier applications. C9015 is complementary to KTC9014.

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C9015 Pinout

C9015 Pin Configuration

Pin NoPin Name

C9015 Key Features

  • Low Noise NF=1dB(Typ.) at f=1kHz.
  • Complementary to KTC9014.

C9015 Specification

Collector-Emitter Voltage (Vce)50 V
Collector Current (Ic) 0.15 A
Collector Power Dissipation (Pc) 0.625 W


  • General Purpose Application
  • Switching Application

You can download this datasheet for C9015 PNP Small Signal Transistor – Datasheet from the link given below:

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Từ khóa » C9015