#c90658 Hex Color Code, RGB And Paints - Encycolorpedia

Opaltone / OMS

★ 4742#c4175a ΔE = 1.056 / LRV ≈ 13.1%

  • Ressource Peintures

    ★ Shocking Pink / POP12#c7025a ΔE = 1.095 / LRV ≈ 12.9%

  • Matthews Paint

    ★ Pairie Rose / 3415#c4215d ΔE = 1.637 / LRV ≈ 13.6%

  • Toyo Ink

    ★ CF10035#c40051 ΔE = 1.853 / LRV ≈ 12.3%

  • Annie Sloan

    ★ Capri Pink#c4205f ΔE = 2.043 / LRV ≈ 13.6%

  • Testors

    ★ 1607#d3005a ΔE = 2.159 / LRV ≈ 14.6%

  • Duron

    Cerise#bc255c ΔE = 2.568 / LRV ≈ 12.8%

  • Humbrol

    51 Sunset Red#bd1159 ΔE = 2.793 / LRV ≈ 11.9%

  • Teknos

    GBI040#c62554 ΔE = 2.9 / LRV ≈ 14.0%


    1-a4#bf2752 ΔE = 2.997 / LRV ≈ 13.1%Color Blindness Simulation


    • Achromatopsia#4a4a4a
    • Achromatomaly#842b50


    • Protanopia#757344
    • Deuteranopia#808f3f
    • Tritanopia#bf3431


    • Protanomaly#af474e
    • Deuteranomaly#a2384c
    • Tritanomaly#c31c49
    #c90658 HTML / CSS Code Examples

    #c90658 foreground

    The artist's world is limitless. It can be found anywhere, far from where he lives or a few feet away. It is always on his doorstep.

    <p style="color: #c90658">…</p>

    #c90658 background

    I don't say everything, but I paint everything.

    <p style="background-color: #c90658">…</p>

    #c90658 shadow

    I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way--things I had no words for.

    <p style="text-shadow: 0.1em 0.1em 0.15em #c90658">…</p>Color Charts
    • RGB


    • CMYK


    • RYB


    Color Space ConversionsDecimal13174360Binary11001001, 00000110, 01011000Hexadecimal#c90658LRV≈ 13.3%Closest short hex#c05 ΔE = 1.202RGBrgb(201, 6, 88)RGBArgba(201, 6, 88, 1.0)rg chromaticityr: 0.681, g: 0.02, b: 0.298RYBred: 78.824%, yellow: 2.353%, blue: 34.51%Android / android.graphics.Color-3602856 / 0xffc90658HSLhsl(335, 94%, 41%)HSLAhsla(335, 94%, 41%, 1.0)HSV / HSBhue: 335° (334.769), saturation: 97% (0.97), value: 79% (0.788)HSPhue: 334.769, saturation: 97.015%, perceived brightness: 44.685%HSLuv (HUSL)H: 359.347, S: 98.634, L: 43.147CubehelixH: -35.811, S: 1.385, L: 0.288TSLT: 4.368, S: 0.628, L: 0.289CMYKcyan: 0% (0.0), magenta: 97% (0.97), yellow: 56% (0.562), key: 21% (0.212)CMYcyan: 21% (0.212), magenta: 98% (0.976), yellow: 65% (0.655)XYZX: 25.917, Y: 13.256, Z: 10.425xyYx: 0.523, y: 0.267, Y: 13.256CIELabL: 43.147, a: 69.284, b: 10.482CIELuvL: 43.147, u: 116.137, v: -1.323CIELCH / LCHabL: 43.147, C: 70.072, H: 8.603CIELUV / LCHuvL: 43.147, C: 116.145, H: 359.347Hunter-LabL: 36.409, a: 63.343, b: 8.511CIECAM02J: 36.403, C: 83.124, h: 7.685, Q: 118.872, M: 72.69, s: 78.199, H: 387.448CAM16 JChlightness: 35.9, chroma: 87.999, hue: 6.364CAM16 JMhlightness: 35.9, colorfulness: 76.954, hue: 6.364CAM16 Jshlightness: 35.9, saturation: 80.738, hue: 6.364CAM16 QChperceived brightness: 118.054, chroma: 87.999, hue: 6.364CAM16 QMhperceived brightness: 118.054, colorfulness: 76.954, hue: 6.364CAM16 Qshperceived brightness: 118.054, saturation: 80.738, hue: 6.364CAM16 UCS JMhlightness: 48.773, colorfulness: 44.441, hue: 6.364CAM16 UCS Jablightness: 48.773, a: 44.167, b: 4.926OSA-UCSlightness: -9.998, jaune: -0.033, green: -14.146LMSL: 22.994, M: 4.331, S: 10.51YCbCrY: 79.305, Cb: 135.138, Cr: 207.783YCoCgY: 75.25, Cg: -69.25, Co: 78.5YDbDrY: 73.653, Db: 21.556, Dr: -242.141YPbPrY: 53.439, Pb: 18.575, Pr: 93.728xvYCCY: 61.895, Cb: 144.317, Cr: 210.334YIQY: 73.653, I: 89.821, Q: 66.747YUVY: 73.653, U: 7.062, V: 111.724Okhslh: 7.187, s: 0.982, l: 0.464Okhsvh: 7.187, s: 0.992, v: 0.796Okhwbh: 7.187, w: 0.006, b: 0.204Oklabl: 0.538, a: 0.212, b: 0.027Oklchl: 0.538, c: 0.213, h: 7.187JzAzBzJz: 0.00601, Az: 0.01241, Bz: 0.00333JzCzHzJz: 0.00601, Cz: 0.01285, Hz: 15.0359Munsell Color System2.5R 4/14 ΔE = 5.109Brand ColorGimmebar ΔE = 10.612Random Colors
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  • Từ khóa » C906-58