Cách Nhận Rồng HEROIC Trong Dragon City - Blog Của Thư

The High Reign Heroic Race Guide is here! Complete tasks and race against other players. The only event that awards Heroic Dragons! Heroics are the strongest Dragons in the game.

Nội dung chính Show
  • What does Wait time mean?
  • What is Min. Time?
  • Keep track of these statistics
  • Best way to collect food for Heroic Race tasks?
  • Best way to breed dragons for Heroic Race tasks?
  • Best way to hatch dragons for Heroic Race tasks?
  • Best way to feed dragons for Heroic Race tasks?
  • Best way to Battle Dragons in the Heroic Race?
  • Best way to Complete Temporary Quest battles for the Heroic Race?
  • Best way to Complete PVP League battles for the Heroic Race?
  • Video liên quan

This event lasts 11 days

Come in first place to receive these dragons

Get the heroic dragon garanteed (delivered after the race) by winning or reaching lap 15 or higher

See lap details for the High Reign Heroic Race Use this to guide yourself to victory!

Lap 1Lap 2Lap 3Lap 4Lap 5Lap 6Lap 7Lap 8Lap 9Lap 10Lap 11Lap 12Lap 13Lap 14Lap 15Lap 16Lap 17Lap 18Lap 19Lap 20Lap 21Lap 22Lap 23Lap 24Lap 25Lap 26Lap 27Lap 28Lap 29

Lap 1 - Node 1

Feed Dragons

Lap 1 - Node 2

Collect Gold

Lap 1 - Node 3

Collect Food

Lap 1 - Node 4

Feed Dragons

Lap 1 - Node 5

Battle Dragons

Lap 2 - Node 1

Feed Dragons

Lap 2 - Node 2

Collect Food

Collect Gold

Lap 2 - Node 3

League Battles

Lap 2 - Node 4

Collect Food

Battle Dragons

Lap 2 - Node 5

Feed Dragons

Breed Dragons

Lap 3 - Node 1

Collect Gold

Collect Food

Lap 3 - Node 2

League Battles

Lap 3 - Node 3

Collect Food

Battle Dragons

Lap 3 - Node 4

Feed Dragons

Collect Food

Lap 3 - Node 5

Breed Dragons

Lap 4 - Node 1

Collect Food

Lap 4 - Node 2

Feed Dragons

Battle Dragons

Lap 4 - Node 3

League Battles

Lap 4 - Node 4

Feed Dragons

Collect Gold

Lap 4 - Node 5

Battle Dragons

Collect Food

Lap 5 - Node 1

Breed Dragons

Lap 5 - Node 2

Collect Food

Collect Gold

Lap 5 - Node 3

Feed Dragons

Lap 5 - Node 4

League Battles

Hatch Eggs

Lap 5 - Node 5

Battle Dragons

Collect Food

Lap 6 - Node 1

Feed Dragons

Collect Gold

Lap 6 - Node 2

Collect Food

Lap 6 - Node 3

Hatch Eggs

Feed Dragons

Lap 6 - Node 4

League Battles

Battle Dragons

Lap 6 - Node 5

Hatch Eggs

Breed Dragons

Lap 7 - Node 1

Feed Dragons

Collect Gold

Lap 7 - Node 2

Collect Food

Battle Dragons

Lap 7 - Node 3

Breed Dragons

Lap 7 - Node 4

League Battles

Feed Dragons

Lap 7 - Node 5

Hatch Eggs

Breed Dragons

Lap 8 is a timed lap! Complete in 6 Hours to get a 2x reward

Lap 8 - Node 1

Collect Food

Collect Gold

Lap 8 - Node 2

Feed Dragons

Lap 8 - Node 3

Hatch Eggs

Battle Dragons

Lap 8 - Node 4

Feed Dragons

Lap 8 - Node 5

League Battles

Breed Dragons

Lap 9 - Node 1

Collect Food

Collect Gold

Lap 9 - Node 2

League Battles

Lap 9 - Node 3

Collect Food

Lap 9 - Node 4

Battle Dragons

Feed Dragons

Lap 9 - Node 5

Breed Dragons

Lap 10 - Node 1

Collect Food

Lap 10 - Node 2

Feed Dragons

Lap 10 - Node 3

Collect Gold

Battle Dragons

Lap 10 - Node 4

League Battles

Collect Food

Lap 10 - Node 5

Hatch Eggs

Breed Dragons

Lap 11 - Node 1

Feed Dragons

Collect Food

Lap 11 - Node 2

Hatch Eggs

Collect Food

Lap 11 - Node 3

Collect Gold

Lap 11 - Node 4

Feed Dragons

League Battles

Lap 11 - Node 5

Battle Dragons

Collect Food

Lap 12 - Node 1

Breed Dragons

Lap 12 - Node 2

Collect Gold

Lap 12 - Node 3

Collect Food

Feed Dragons

Lap 12 - Node 4

League Battles

Hatch Eggs

Lap 12 - Node 5

Battle Dragons

Collect Food

Lap 13 is a timed lap! Complete in 8 Hours to get a 2x reward

Lap 13 - Node 1

Hatch Eggs

Lap 13 - Node 2

Feed Dragons

League Battles

Lap 13 - Node 3

Collect Gold

Lap 13 - Node 4

Breed Dragons

Hatch Eggs

Lap 13 - Node 5

Collect Food

Battle Dragons

Lap 14 - Node 1

Collect Food

Lap 14 - Node 2

Feed Dragons

Lap 14 - Node 3

League Battles

Collect Gold

Lap 14 - Node 4

Collect Food

Battle Dragons

Lap 14 - Node 5

Breed Dragons

Lap 15 - Node 1

Collect Gold

Collect Food

Lap 15 - Node 2

Feed Dragons

League Battles

Lap 15 - Node 3

Collect Food

Lap 15 - Node 4

Battle Dragons

Breed Dragons

Lap 15 - Node 5

Hatch Eggs

Feed Dragons

Lap 16 is a timed lap! Complete in 8 Hours to get a 2x reward

Lap 16 - Node 1

Collect Gold

Collect Food

Lap 16 - Node 2

Feed Dragons

Lap 16 - Node 3

Battle Dragons

Collect Food

Lap 16 - Node 4

League Battles

Battle Dragons

Lap 16 - Node 5

Hatch Eggs

Collect Gold

Lap 17 is a timed lap! Complete in 8 Hours to get a 2x reward

Lap 17 - Node 1

Feed Dragons

Collect Food

Lap 17 - Node 2

Collect Gold

Lap 17 - Node 3

Breed Dragons

Feed Dragons

Lap 17 - Node 4

League Battles

Hatch Eggs

Lap 17 - Node 5

Battle Dragons

Collect Food

Lap 18 - Node 1

Hatch Eggs

Collect Food

Lap 18 - Node 2

Feed Dragons

Lap 18 - Node 3

Breed Dragons

Collect Gold

Lap 18 - Node 4

Hatch Eggs

Feed Dragons

Lap 18 - Node 5

Battle Dragons

Collect Food

Lap 19 is a timed lap! Complete in 8 Hours to get a 2x reward

Lap 19 - Node 1

Feed Dragons

Collect Gold

Lap 19 - Node 2

Collect Food

Lap 19 - Node 3

Feed Dragons

Battle Dragons

Lap 19 - Node 4

League Battles

Collect Food

Lap 19 - Node 5

Breed Dragons

Collect Gold

Lap 20 is a timed lap! Complete in 8 Hours to get a 2x reward

Lap 20 - Node 1

Collect Gold

Collect Food

Lap 20 - Node 2

Feed Dragons

Lap 20 - Node 3

Hatch Eggs

League Battles

Lap 20 - Node 4

Battle Dragons

Breed Dragons

Lap 20 - Node 5

Hatch Eggs

Collect Food

Lap 21 - Node 1

Collect Food

Collect Gold

Lap 21 - Node 2

Hatch Eggs

Battle Dragons

Lap 21 - Node 3

Collect Food

Feed Dragons

Lap 21 - Node 4

Hatch Eggs

Breed Dragons

Lap 21 - Node 5

League Battles

Collect Gold

Lap 22 - Node 1

Collect Food

Lap 22 - Node 2

Collect Gold

Hatch Eggs

Lap 22 - Node 3

Feed Dragons

Breed Dragons

Lap 22 - Node 4

Battle Dragons

League Battles

Lap 22 - Node 5

Feed Dragons

Hatch Eggs

Lap 23 - Node 1

Feed Dragons

Lap 23 - Node 2

Collect Food

League Battles

Lap 23 - Node 3

Feed Dragons

Lap 23 - Node 4

Collect Gold

Battle Dragons

Lap 23 - Node 5

Breed Dragons

Collect Food

Lap 24 is a timed lap! Complete in 8 Hours to get a 2x reward

Lap 24 - Node 1

Feed Dragons

Lap 24 - Node 2

Collect Gold

Collect Food

Lap 24 - Node 3

League Battles

Feed Dragons

Lap 24 - Node 4

Breed Dragons

Battle Dragons

Lap 24 - Node 5

Hatch Eggs

Collect Gold

Lap 25 - Node 1

Collect Gold

Lap 25 - Node 2

Feed Dragons

Breed Dragons

Lap 25 - Node 3

League Battles

Hatch Eggs

Lap 25 - Node 4

Collect Food

Battle Dragons

Lap 25 - Node 5

Feed Dragons

Hatch Eggs

Lap 26 - Node 1

Collect Food

Feed Dragons

Lap 26 - Node 2

Collect Gold

Lap 26 - Node 3

Feed Dragons

Battle Dragons

Lap 26 - Node 4

Collect Food

Breed Dragons

Lap 26 - Node 5

Hatch Eggs

Feed Dragons

Lap 27 - Node 1

Feed Dragons

Collect Food

Lap 27 - Node 2

Breed Dragons

Lap 27 - Node 3

League Battles

Collect Gold

Lap 27 - Node 4

Battle Dragons

Feed Dragons

Lap 27 - Node 5

Hatch Eggs

Collect Food

Lap 28 - Node 1

Collect Gold

Lap 28 - Node 2

Collect Food

Lap 28 - Node 3

League Battles

Hatch Eggs

Lap 28 - Node 4

Feed Dragons

Battle Dragons

Lap 28 - Node 5

Breed Dragons

Collect Gold

Lap 29 - Node 1

Collect Gold

Hatch Eggs

Lap 29 - Node 2

Feed Dragons

League Battles

Lap 29 - Node 3

Collect Food

Breed Dragons

Lap 29 - Node 4

Hatch Eggs

Feed Dragons

Lap 29 - Node 5

Battle Dragons

Collect Food

In the heroic race, the pool is the maximum number of items available instantly at the start of the mission. The pool always starts off full

Once you start collecting items, one new item will fill the pool each wait time

You cannot collect any items if the pool is empty - you will have to wait for the pool to fill back up the pool must have at least one item in it to collect an item. The pool being empty is the most common cause of not getting more items

What does Wait time mean?

Wait time is the amount of time required for a new item to be added to the pool. This only matters when the pool is not big enough to complete the mission in one go. the pool starts regenerating new items as soon as you collect your first item.

BUT it will reset that cooldown everytime you collect an item!

So start any timers only after depleting the pool completely.

What is Min. Time?

Minimum time is a calculation of the quickest time the pool will refill to complete the mission the calculation is (RequiredItems - Pool) * Wait Time

Once you empty the pool, start a timer because you have to wait this long for items to regenerate.

Keep track of these statistics

Use this guide to keep a track of how many items remain in the pool and how long it will take to get enough to finish your mission These factors are not explained in game at all

The pool being empty is the most common cause of "not getting any more items"

The best way to collect gold is by having more habitats. Each time you collect gold you have a chance to collect an item! You also have a higher chance to collect gold when your habbitat is full of gold. This is visibile when the gold icon is no longer see-through. Collecting gold is one of the easiest items to collect for the Heroic Race. Having more habitats = more chances to get items from collecting gold. Another way to quickly increase the amount of gold you can collect is to power up your dragons You can save your powerups for the tasks in the heroic race that require you to power up dragons. But you should prioritise dragons that give the most gold per minute Note that once a dragons level increases above level 10 - the increase in gold / level halves. Your rarest dragons usually will pay the most gold per minute.

You can also try and focus on habitats like Terra habitats which get full quicker, but its not always the best stratergy, because its not great once the heroic race ends!

Best way to collect food for Heroic Race tasks?

The best way to collect food is by buying the cheapest option over and over again. Each time you collect food you have a chance to collect an item, so buy the 50 gold option in every food farm and do it fastest! You have a higher chance to get items the more food purchased but the bigger foods takes much longer to grow and claim. Thats why its advised to always use the 50 gold option called "Backyard Garderner". Collecting food more often = more chances to get items from collecting food.

If you still really want to grow large food options, then maybe consider buying 1 very expensive food option, that takes 9, 12 or 24 hours. Meanwhile you can use every other farm to cycle the 50 gold food collection.

Best way to breed dragons for Heroic Race tasks?

The best way to breed dragons is to use Terra + Terra. It may take many tries, and failed attempts, but its the quickest way to get multiple items. once you've bred the Terra + Terra dragons - you can sell the egg after hatch time (if you dont need hatching items) - or place them on Terra habitats, they can be powered up later too. For each item, expect to breed up to 30-40 times. it takes a lot of attempts! The alternative is to use the slower way with long breeds to garantee an item, but other players might overtake you while you do this. Long term goal: Try to unlock the 3 available breeding areas when they become availble via gems from completing rewards / surveys (this can take a long time - or you could spend money, but that is not a great use of money). Breeding more often = more chances to get items from breeding. If you manage to unlock all of the breeding buildings, and all slots on the hatchery, place them all near each other

(this will be near the second island due to the breeding sanctuary)

Best way to hatch dragons for Heroic Race tasks?

The best way to hatch dragons is to use Terra + Terra that you've bred. Again, it will take many trys, and failed attempts, but its the quickest way to get multiple items. For each item, expect to hatch up to 30-40 times. it takes a lot of attempts. Otherwise the slower way is to use other long eggs to garantee an item, but other players might overtake you. Try to unlock the 3 available breeding areas AND upgraded hatchery (5 eggs at once) when they become availble. If you manage to unlock all of the breeding buildings, and all slots on the hatchery, place them all near each other

(this will be near the second island due to the breeding sanctuary)

Best way to feed dragons for Heroic Race tasks?

The best way to feed dragons is to use the Terra dragons you hatched in the previous missions. But if you didnt use this tactic, then another option is to power up other dragons that are aleardy on low level. the lower the level of dragon the less food it costs - but it takes more luck to get items. I find powering up level 1 dragons to level 6 takes little food, but can give 5-6 items. One thing I do outside of Heroic Races is leave all my newly aquired dragons at level 1 - and only power up dragons when the Heroic Race is on.

This is a great way to complete the task, because these dragons needed powering up anyway

Best way to Battle Dragons in the Heroic Race?

The best way to battle dragons is to set yourself a timer reminding you when the next battle is. Use the information above to see which battle will take the longest. A popular tactic is to use your free spin when you have the longest battle to compelte. Using the free spin garantees at least 1 task will be auto-completed, doing this against the longest battle saves the most time and is most efficient.

Best way to Complete Temporary Quest battles for the Heroic Race?

The Temporary Quest battle items are the least frequent task in the early stages of the Heroic Race. Sometimes you will want to be always completing your Temporary quests because they have good rewards (Like food, dragon orbs or collection items ) completing temporary quests is also a great way to level up dragons ranks. However one of the best things to do is always make sure you dont have Temporary quests on cooldown for the heroic race

Otherwise you will be waiting until the quest allows you to battle again

Best way to Complete PVP League battles for the Heroic Race?

The best way to complete PVP for the Heroic race is to have fully powered up dragons and full charges to complete League. Sometimes League Battles can be really hard, other players have full heroic dragons at high levels. you have to make a decision if you want to reset your League battles or not - this will give you a fresh set of players to verse. it will however not refresh your charges (only gems and beating everyone will refresh your battle limit). You can also aim towards unlocking the 6th Dragon Tower (Winstance - 20%+ Life and Damage) which makes this task a little easier! Make sure you only complete the required number of League battles and not too many

It could slow you down if you have to wait for your League counter to recharge

Từ khóa » Hình ảnh Dragon City Heroic