Cách Viết Dạng Opinion Essay Hay Nhất Năm 2021

Opinion Essay là dạng phổ biến nhất trong bài thi IELTS WRITING TASK 2, rất nhiều bạn gặp khó khăn với vấn đề phát triển ideas và bố cục bài viết. Opinion Essay là một dạng khó tuy nhiên nếu có phương pháp chiến thuật phù hợp thì viết dạng opinion essay sẽ dễ dàng hơn. Hôm nay IELTS LINGO  xin hướng dẫn các bạn cách viết chi tiết dạng OPINION ESSAY IELTS WRITING TASK 2 nhé!

Dạng OPINION Essay rất phổ biến trong bài thi IELTS WRITING TASK 2, nó chiếm gần 50% các đề thi IELTS Writing. Đây cũng là dạng khó viết nhất đòi hỏi nhiều tư duy nhất để viết. Trong bài viết này IELTS Lingo giới thiệu một số phương pháp viết cơ bản nhất, dễ thực hiện nhất để đạt điểm tốt trong bài thi IELTS WRITING. Đây là dạng sẽ xuất hiện đến nhiều trong các đề thi IELTS nhưng rất nhiều sĩ tử IELTS sẽ sai Task Response dạng Opinion Essay này trong IELTS Writing Task 2. Sau đây là cách nhận diện dạng đề, cùng ví dụ được phân tích cụ thể của dạng đề Opinion Essay, từ đó các em có thể phân biệt dạng này với các dạng đề còn lại trong IELTS Writing

cách viết writing

Opinion Essay là gì?

Opinion essay là thể loại đề bài yêu cầu người viết trình bày quan điểm cá nhân về một vấn đề cụ thể, và lập luận để bảo vệ quan điểm đó. Các dạng đề Opinion essay thường có các cụm từ như:

  • Do you agree or disagree…?
  • To what extent do you agree or disagree…?
  • What is your opinion/view about…?
  • Give your opinion about…?
  • Do you think…?

Trong các dạng đề trên, 2 dạng được in đậm là 2 dạng phổ biến nhất. Hãy cùng nhìn thử ví dụ dưới đây và phân tích các thành phần của một bài Opinion essay:

Small businesses should avoid recruiting young women who do not have their own family in order to avoid paying maternity leave later on. To what extent do you agree or disagree

Thành phần của một bài Opinion essay

1. Introduction

Áp dụng phương pháp paraphrasing, ta có thể hình thành được một đoạn Introduction như sau: It is suggested by some people that a small company should not hire young women who have yet to have babies so as not to pay for their maternity leave in the future. From my point of view, I totally disagree with this statement for several reasons. Câu được in đậm phía trên là thesis statement – là câu luận đề, mục đích để khẳng định quan điểm cá nhân. Lưu ý: Không có nhân định nào là đúng hay sai, chỉ cần giữ vững lập trường đã chọn và sử dụng lập luận chặt chẽ để bảo vệ nhận định của mình. Một trong những cụm có thể sử dụng để trình bày quan điểm cá nhân như:

I think/believe/would argue that … In my opinion, … From my point of view/perspective,…

Xem thêm : Paraphrasing là gì? Phương pháp Paraphrasing hay nhất 2021

2. Body

Nếu như ở Introduction đã chọn totally disagree rồi thì ở phần Body phải nêu lí do ở mỗi đoạn để bảo vệ nhận định đã nêu. Vẫn áp dụng các bước Contructing a Paragraph của buổi học trước để xây dựng outline của đề bài.

Step 1 – Brainstorm main ideas (topic sentences)

Body 1 – No need to pay much money Main idea 1 – Young people who usually lack working experience rarely ask for a high salary. Main idea 2 – This is suitable for small companies’ policies (do not have much money) Give an example to support the main idea Body 2 – Loyalty (sự trung thành) Main idea 1 –  Have children need a stable job no chance of quitting. Main idea 2 –  Companies help them go through tough times be more loyal. Maternity leave should be considered as an investment, not a cost.

Step 2 – Construct simple sentences and generate supporting ideas

Body 1

  • A company does not need to pay young women handsome salary.
  • Young people, especially women, have little or no working experience. As a result, they rarely ask for high salary.
  • This is suitable for small companies which have a tight budget.
  • For example, a female clerk who has little experience is paid less than an experienced one.

    If small companies employ young women, they will not need to pay them a handsome salary.  This is because young people, especially women, have little or no working experience.  As a result, they rarely ask for a high salary, which suits the policies of those companies that have a tight budget.  For example, a female clerk in Vietnam who has little experience is usually paid less than 300 dollars a month while an experienced one is paid almost double. Body 2

  • Small businesses should hire young women because they tend to be loyal.
  • When having children, they need a stable job to support themselves and their family. Therefore, there is little chance of them quitting.
  • If companies help them to go through their tough time, they are likely to be more loyal.
  • The company should consider maternity leave as an investment rather than a cost. Another reason that small enterprises should hire young females is because of their loyalty.  When having children, they need a stable job to support themselves and their families. Therefore, there is little chance of them quitting.  If companies help them to go through their tough time, they are likely to be more loyal and contribute more to the companies. For this reason, the company should consider maternity leave as an investment rather than a cost.

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Cách viết thư yêu cầu trong IELTS General Writing Task 1

Step 3 – Expand sentences

Body 1 If small companies employ young women, it is likely that they do not need to pay them a handsome salary. This is because young people in general, especially women who may think that they are less competent than men, have little or no working experience. As a result, they may not be confident enough to ask for high salary, which in fact, suits the financial budget of a small business. For example, a young inexperienced female clerk in Vietnam is usually paid less than 300 dollars a month while the salary range of a five-year experienced employee at the same position is between 500 and 700 dollars.   Body 2 Another reason that a small business should hire young single females is related to loyalty. Once having to support their children and even themselves, young mothers normally need a stable job and for this reason, they tend to be more loyal to their job than those who do not have a financial burden. Moreover, if enterprises help them go through their difficult time, they may become more attached and want to contribute more. This can bring about mutual benefits to both employers and employees. In this sense, paying for maternity leave should be considered as an investment in the long run rather than a cost.

3. Conclusion

Ở đoạn kết, ta chỉ cần tóm lại ý chính của đề bài và vẫn sử dụng Paraphrasing để tránh lặp từ: In conclusion, I firmly believe that small businesses should not reject female candidates because it can benefit in many ways by hiring those people. Sau khi đi qua hết tất cả các phần của 1 bài Opinion essay, dàn bài chuẩn có thể gồm các phần sau:

Introduction Background information – paraphrase the topic (1 sentence) Thesis statement – voice personal opinion (1 sentence) (While it is argued/agreed that…, I believe that…) Body Body 1 – Others’ opinion (4-5 sentences) Body 2 – Personal opinion (4-5 sentences) (Although some may think…, I opine that…) Conclusion Short summary – restate personal opinion (1 sentence)

3. Ví dụ khác về dạng Opinion Essay

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Climate change represents a major threat to life on Earth, but some people argue that we need to accept it rather than try to stop it. I completely disagree with this opinion, because I believe that we still have time to tackle this issue and reduce the human impact on the Earth’s climate. There are various measures that governments and individuals could take to prevent, or at least mitigate, climate change. Governments could introduce laws to limit the carbon dioxide emissions that lead to global warming. They could impose “green taxes” on drivers, airline companies and other polluters, and they could invest in renewable energy production from solar, wind or water power. As individuals, we should also try to limit our contribution to climate change, by becoming more energy efficient, by flying less, and by using bicycles and public transport. Furthermore, the public can affect the actions of governments by voting for politicians who propose to tackle climate change, rather than for those who would prefer to ignore it. If instead of taking the above measures we simply try to live with climate change, I believe that the consequences will be disastrous. To give just one example, I am not optimistic that we would be able to cope with even a small rise in sea levels. Millions of people would be displaced by flooding, particularly in countries that do not have the means to safeguard low-lying areas. These people would lose their homes and their jobs, and they would be forced to migrate to nearby cities or perhaps to other countries. The potential for human suffering would be huge, and it is likely that we would see outbreaks of disease and famine, as well as increased homelessness and poverty. In conclusion, it is clear to me that we must address the problem of climate change, and I disagree with those who argue that we can find ways to live with it. Some people believe that people who prefer books can develop more imagination and language skills than those who prefer to watch TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree? The past 50 years have witnessed a downtrend of reading books and a significant increase in the number of using media, especially television. Some people state that TV could bring many values to viewers, others believe that reading book can improve your imagination as well as language skills. From my perspective, I agree with the latter view with the following reasons. First of all, there is no doubt that reading was a traditional culture thousands of years ago. Since the first book was made, humans have used books to record everything such as knowledge, historical events or even both myths and fairytales. Thus, when reading a book, we could develop our imaginations and language skills by both content and characters. To be more specific, languages in most books are formal and literate than spoken language shown on TV. In addition, written materials contain not only valuable lessons but also the writer’s attitude forward a problem that can boost reader’s language ability and critical thinking. On the other hand, watching differs greatly from reading in terms of developing imagination. TV program offers beautiful movies with special effects so it makes viewers feel interesting. Gradually people who watch TV all day long will lose the tendency to imagine. Unlike watchers, readers build their world of imagination through words and phrases written in the books. This is the reason why many parents these days allow their children to watch TV no more than couples of hours a day and spur them to read books in order that the children can grow up mentally. In conclusion, I believe that people can gain more benefits when reading books, compared with watching TV programs.

Internet technology means people do not need to travel to foreign countries to understand how others live. To what extent do you agree or disagree? With advances in Internet technology, people can now explore other customs and cultures and their living at their fingertips without ever visiting the place. Although the Internet has contributed to increasing our awareness of other civilizations, I do not think it can replace our authentic travel experiences. The widespread popularity of the Internet certainly allows us to understand other cultures and customs. Now, people can have access to a world of information about different countries and their cultures with just one click through many travel websites. These sites have provided them with lots of information about how locals live in most countries through pictures or videos. Internet technology has evolved in the ways that make it easier for users to envision foreign life and culture. Consequently, many people can learn and understand how others are living in the world through online platforms. Despite some of the advantages of the Internet, I believe that it is much better to explore other cultures and their ways of life directly. Most of the information on the internet is about the bright side of a country and many aspects are hidden for promotional purposes. Therefore, what people learn from the lives of other countries seems to be narrow, and just the tip of the iceberg. On the contrary, visiting other exotic destinations individually not only helps people understand how locals work, live, or enjoy life, also understand their surroundings that are not always depicted on the Internet. Needless to say, virtual travel is almost impossible to substitute real local experiences. In conclusion, although people can now learn about and perceive the customs of other countries and their living habits through the use of Cyberspace, exploring the world in person on how others are living will be more intriguing and authentic. University students always focus on one specialist subject, but some people think universities should encourage their students to study a range of subjects in addition to their own subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree? It is true that students in university are now placing much attention on the subjects related to their own future careers. However, some critics argue that universities should resort to some measures to have their students study more diverse subjects. It is accepted that studying more subjects makes students become more mature to some extent, yet I believe that it is legitimate for them to merely focus on their major subjects. On the one hand, learning/mastering more subjects bring people more knowledge and a well-rounded perspective of life. It is undeniable that many subjects in the tertiary curriculum are very important in practical terms. For example, History teaches young generations about how their ancestors fought against outside intruders and made sacrifices to protect their motherland and the sovereignty of their nations. Therefore, this subject fosters a sense of patriotism for the students. However, the intense syllabus of universities often makes students feel overwhelmed with a great amount of information to cram in. On the other hand, in the digital era, people need to be skillful in the major they choose to pursue. It appears indisputable that studying many subjects would distract students from their specialty. Moreover, along with the information explosion, people can easily mitigate their lack of knowledge after graduating from universities. Information is now widely available on the Internet with high accuracy. Besides, encouraging students to focus on some subjects can effectively build up a strong workforce which has the ability to foster general prosperity of a nation. In conclusion, although some people argue that students should study more subjects, I would side with those who believe it is indispensable for tertiary students to excel in one field of expertise. Some educationalists say that every child should be taught how to play a musical instrument. to what extent do you agree or disagree? Sample It is the case that a growing number of children have been learning to play musical instruments. While it is sometimes argued that compelling kids to learn anything apart from literacy skills can be unfair for them, I believe that it is a wise and beneficial investment. To begin with, learning a musical instrument can be disadvantageous. Firstly, this can be a time-consuming journey that takes a lifetime of dedication. For example, for a child to be skillful enough, he/she must not only undergo several years with trainers but also allocate plentiful time for self-practice. Secondly, being engaged in learning music performances may be expensive as well. For instance, parents must pay for weekly music lessons, books, rehearsals/concerts, costumes, examination fees, or musical instruments. Thus, not all families can facilitate and/or afford their offspring’s musical instrument pursuits. However, I am strongly convinced that learning to play musical tools should be prioritized and need to commence at a very early stage of one’s life. The first reason for my argument is that music skills are likely to lead to other intellectual capacities. Many studies have consistently illustrated that learning a musical instrument can improve children’s critical thinking, problem-solving skills, math’s/language performance, and memory. Another incentive for my support is that being able to play a musical instrument can be a mentally and physically healthy hobby. Children can grow up with positive emotional states nurtured by the rhymes and melodies they play; they can also exercise via the finger and body movements. This can help children minimize other sedentary pursuits like using electronic gadgets or playing video games which are certainly problematic for them if they abuse these activities. In conclusion, while it is true that music lessons can cause financial and time issues to some, it is my perspective that children, especially those with an aptitude for music, should have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument.

Trên đây là hướng dẫn các bạn cách viết chi tiết dạng OPINION ESSAY IELTS WRITING TASK 2. Đừng quên cập nhật các kiến thức IELTS cực hay tại IELTS LINGO nhé!

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