Cầu Đá Bạc - Thừa Thiên-Huế - Vietnam

Cầu Đá Bạc

Cầu Đá Bạc is next to Thôn Bạch Thạch and is located in Thừa Thiên-Huế, Vietnam. Cầu Đá Bạc has a length of 0.02 kilometres.

  • bridge: yes
  • highway: trunk
  • ref: 1A
  • source: GPS

Latitude: 16°17'13.92"Longitude: 107°50'24"

Well known places, streets and travel destinations

  • đình Bạch Thạch
  • chùa Lương Thiện
  • Đá Bạc
  • Quốc lộ 1A
  • Lý Thánh Tông
  • Cầu Đá Bạc

pictures near Cầu Đá Bạc

IMG_5872IMG_5872external Link(by tomaszd)IMG_5873IMG_5873external Link(by tomaszd)IMG_5874IMG_5874external Link(by tomaszd)Train Ride Between Hue and Da NangTrain Ride Between Hue and Da Nangexternal Link(by Clay Gilliland)Train Ride Between Hue and Da NangTrain Ride Between Hue and Da Nangexternal Link(by Clay Gilliland)VIVRE AU VIETNAM : TRANSPORT DE  CHIENSVIVRE AU VIETNAM : TRANSPORT DE CHIENSexternal Link(by louis.foecy.fr)Pearl FarmPearl Farmexternal Link(by David McKelvey)Low cloudLow cloudexternal Link(by David McKelvey)Cầu Nam Ô - Bridge 1960sCầu Nam Ô - Bridge 1960sexternal Link(by tommy japan)Train Ride Between Hue and Da NangTrain Ride Between Hue and Da Nangexternal Link(by Clay Gilliland)IMG_5871IMG_5871external Link(by tomaszd)SunsetSunsetexternal Link(by David McKelvey)

Near by ,,Cầu Đá Bạc´´
lagoon Ðầm Cầu Hai
mountain Lươi Cái
populated place Thôn Lương Ðiền Ðông, Thôn Bàng Môn, Thôn Bát Sơn, Thôn Bạch Thạch, Thôn Ðông Lưu, Phú Lộc
railroad station Ga Phú Bac

This site based on the informations provided by openstreetmap.org, from Dymo12 on 2012-02-23T11:23:44Z.

Từ khóa » Cầu đá Bạc Huế