CentOS 5 - Download - Server World

CentOS 5
  • Get CentOS 5
  • Install CentOS 5
  • Initial Config
    • (1) Add a User
    • (2) FW & SELinux
    • (3) Configure Services
    • (4) Update System
    • (5) Add Repositories
    • (6) Disable IPv6
    • (7) Configure vim
  • NTP / SSH Server
    • NTP Server
    • (1) Configure NTP Server
    • SSH Server
    • (1) Password Authentication
    • (2) Keys Authentication
    • (3) SFTP
  • DNS / DHCP Server
    • DNS Server
    • (1) Install BIND
    • (2) Create Zone Files
    • (3) Start BIND
    • (4) chroot Environment
    • (5) Set CNAME
    • (6) Config as a Slave DNS
    • DHCP Server
    • (1) Configure DHCP Server
  • Storage Server
    • NFS
    • (1) Configure NFS Server
    • iSCSI
    • (1) Configure iSCSI Target
    • (2) Configure iSCSI Initiator
  • Virtualization
    • KVM
    • (1) Install KVM
    • (2) Create Virtual Machines#1
    • (3) Create Virtual Machines#2
    • (3) Create Virtual Machines#3
    • (5) Operations
    • VMware Player
    • (1) Install VMware Player
    • (2) Create Virtual Machines
    • VirtualBox
    • (1) Install VirtualBox
    • (2) Create Virtual Machines
  • Directory Server
    • OpenLDAP
    • (1) Configure LDAP Server
    • (2) Configure LDAP Client
    • (3) LDAP over TLS
    • NIS
    • (1) Configure NIS Server
    • (2) Configure NIS Client
  • WEB Server
    • ( 1 ) Install httpd
    • ( 2 ) Install PHP
    • ( 3 ) Install Ruby
    • ( 4 ) Enable Userdir
    • ( 5 ) Configure SSL
    • ( 6 ) Configure Virtual Hostings
    • ( 7 ) Configure WebDAV
    • ( 8 ) Use APC
    • ( 9 ) Use mod_perl
    • (10) Install SpeedyCGI
    • (11) Configure proxy_http
    • (12) Basic Auth + LDAP
    • (13) Log analyzer - Visitors
    • (14) Log analyzer - AWstats
    • (15) Web Site Log analyzer - Piwik
    • (16) WebMail - SquirrelMail
    • (17) WebMail - RoundCubeMail
    • (18) Install WordPress
  • Database
    • PostgreSQL
    • (1) Install PostgreSQL
    • (2) Install phpPgAdmin
    • MySQL
    • (1) Install MySQL
    • (2) Install phpMyAdmin
    • Oracle Database 11g R2
    • (1) Pre-Requirements
    • (2) Install Oracle 11g R2
    • (3) Add Oracle Net listener
    • (4) Create a Database
    • (5) Create an init script
  • FTP / Samba Server
    • FTP Server
    • (1) Install Vsftpd
    • (2) Install ProFTPD
    • (3) Install Pure-FTPd
    • (5) FTP Client - WinSCP
    • (6) Vsftpd over TLS/SSL
    • (7) ProFTPD over TLS/SSL
    • (8) Pure-FTPd over TLS/SSL
    • Samba Server
    • (1) Create fully accessed Directory
    • (2) Create Limited Directory
    • (3) Install SWAT
    • (4) Samba Winbind
  • MAIL / Proxy Server
    • MAIL Server
    • (1) Install Postfix
    • (2) Install Dovecot
    • (3) Configure Client
    • (4) Configure SSL
    • (5) Configure Virtual Domains
    • (6) Run with Clamav
    • (7) Log analyzer - pflogsumm
    • (8) Log analyzer - MailGraph
    • (9) Log analyzer - AWstats
    • Squid
    • (1) Install Squid
    • (2) Run with Clamav
    • (3) Run with SquidGuard
    • (4) Config as a Reverse Proxy
  • Desktop Environment
    • (1) GNOME Desktop Environment
    • (2) XFCE Desktop Environment
    • (3) Install VNC Server
    • (4) Install Xrdp Server
    • (5) Connect with RDP to Windows
    • (6) Install Eclipse
    • (7) Install Android SDK
  • Others #1
    • Subversion - Subversion
      • (1) Install Subversion
      • (2) Set Access Control
      • (3) Windows Client
    • Pound - Road balance
      • (1) Install/Config
      • (2) SSL Wrapper
    • Pen - Road balance
    • HeartBeat - HA cluster
      • (1) Install/Config
      • (2) Monitor httpd
      • (3) Monitor vsftpd
      • (4) Monitor DRBD
    • Bacula - Backup
      • (1) Install
      • (2) Create Database
      • (3) Config Bacula server
      • (4) Config backup client
      • (5) Run backup
      • (6) Restore from backup
      • (7) Operate from Windows
    • Zabbix - Monitoring
      • (1) Install
      • (2) Setup
      • (3) Config(1)
      • (4) Config(2)
      • (5) Setup for Alart mail
      • (6) Add a machine for monitoring(1)
      • (7) Add a machine for monitoring(2)
    • Nagios - Monitoring
      • (1) Install
      • (2) Add a machine for monitoring
      • (3) Install nrpe
    • Cacti - Monitoring
      • (1) Install
      • (2) Setup
      • (3) Settings
    • Func - Func
      • (1) Install
      • (2) Operations
      • (3) YumModule
      • (4) CommandModule
      • (5) CopyFileModule
    • Eucalyptus- Cloud
      • (1) Install Eucalyptus ( frontend )
      • (2) Install Eucalyptus ( node )
      • (3) Install euca2ools
      • (4) Initial settings
      • (5) Add image
      • (6) Run instance
      • (7) Add a user
      • (8) Run instace from a user
      • (9) Amazon EC2 tools
    • PXE Server- PXE server
      • (1) Build PXE server
      • (2) Network Install
      • (3) Diskless client
    • Tomcat6 - JAVA server
    • JDK - JAVA development
    • Snort - Network IDS
    • Tripwire - Host IDS
    • LVM - LVM
      • (1) Physical Volumes
      • (2) Volume Groups
      • (3) Logical Volumes
    • OpenVPN - VPN server
      • (1) Install OpenVPN
      • (2) Config on client
    • cups - Print server
      • (1) Install
      • (2) Config on client
    • ServerProtect- Antivirus
      • (1) Install
      • (2) Install KHM
      • (3) Set password
      • (4) Set proxy
      • (5) Update pattern file
      • (6) Verify working
    • DRBD - Mirroring
    • Lsync - Sync Files
    • Rsync - Sync Files
    • Clamav - Antivirus
  • Others #2
    • Wake on lan
    • Chkinstall
    • Detect rootkit with ChkrootKit
    • Monitor system with Munin
    • Install Virtualmin
    • Install Usermin
    • Install Webmin
    • Use limited shell
    • Monitor files with inotify
    • Get all histories of commands
    • Use sudo
    • Access control with TCP Wrapper
    • Set disk quota
    • Config RAID 1
    • Add HD
    • Get date of last password change
    • Set password policy
    • Japanese Environment
    • Create SSL certificate
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Download CentOS 52014/10/01
[1] This is the configuration Examples for CentOS 5.x that is compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x. CentOS 5 was released on 12 April 2007 and it had been supported untill the end of March 2017. Download ISO file of CentOS for installation from the following site. ⇒ http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/Linux/CentOS/5.11/isos/x86_64/ It's OK to download the 64 bit version commonly. But if your computer is old and it's not supported 64 bit computing, download the 32 bit version from below. ⇒ http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/Linux/CentOS/5.11/isos/i386/ * The examples on this site uses 64 bit version.
Create an Installation disk for CentOS 5
After downloading ISO of CentOS 5.x, Burn it to a DVD with an burning application to create an installation disk. If you create it with the function of Windows 7/8, refer to follows.
[2] Insert an empty DVD first. Next, click right button of the mouse and select "Burn disk image".
[3] Click "Burn" button and start burning.
[4] After finishing burning, eject the disk and proceed to the installation.
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