CentOS 6 - Download - Server World

CentOS 6
  • Install / Initial Config
    • (01) Download CentOS 6
    • (02) Install CentOS
    • (03) Add a User
    • (04) FW & SELinux
    • (05) Configure Networking
    • (06) Configure Services
    • (07) Update System
    • (08) Add Repositories
    • (09) Configure Vim
    • (10) Configure Sudo
    • (11) Cron's Settings
  • NTP / SSH Server
    • NTP Server
    • (01) Configure NTP Server (NTPd)
    • (02) Configure NTP Server (Chrony)
    • (03) Configure NTP Client
    • SSH Server
    • (01) Password Authentication
    • (02) SSH File Transfer(CentOS)
    • (03) SSH File Transfer(Windows)
    • (04) SSH Keys Authentication
    • (05) SFTP only + Chroot
    • (06) SSH Port Forwarding
    • (07) SSH X11 Forwarding
    • (08) Use SSHPass
    • (09) Use SSH-Agent
    • (10) Use Parallel SSH
  • DNS / DHCP Server
    • DNS Server
    • (01) Install/Configure BIND
    • (02) Set Zones
    • (03) Start BIND
    • (04) chroot Environment
    • (05) Set CNAME
    • (06) Config as a Slave Server
    • DHCP Server
    • (01) Configure DHCP Server
    • (02) Configure DHCP Client
  • Storage Server
    • NFS
    • (01) Configure NFS Server
    • (02) Configure NFS Client(CentOS)
    • (03) Configure NFS Client(Win#1)
    • (04) Configure NFS Client(Win#2)
    • iSCSI
    • (01) Configure iSCSI Target
    • (02) Configure iSCSI Initiator(Cent)
    • (03) Configure iSCSI Initiator(Win)
    • GlusterFS
    • (01) Install GlusterFS
    • (02) Distributed Setting
    • (03) Replication Setting
    • (04) Striping Setting
    • (05) Distributed + Replication
    • (06) Distributed + Replication
    • (07) Clients' Settings
    • Ceph
    • (01) Configure Ceph Cluster
    • (02) Configure Ceph Client
    • DRBD
    • (01) Install DRBD
    • (02) Configure DRBD
  • Virtualization
    • KVM
    • (01) Install KVM
    • (02) Create Virtual Machine #1
    • (03) Create Virtual Machine #2
    • (04) Basic Operations
    • (05) Virt Tools
    • (06) Live Migration
    • (07) Storage Migration
    • (08) Configure SPICE Server
    • (09) Configure SPICE Client
    • (10) Nested KVM
    • Docker
    • (01) Install Docker
    • (02) Add Images
    • (03) Access to Containers
    • (04) Use Dockerfile#1
    • (05) Use Dockerfile#2
    • VMware Player
    • (01) Install VMware Player
    • (02) Create Virtual Machine
    • (03) KVM on VMware Player
  • Cloud Compute
    • OpenStack Icehouse
    • (01) Overview
    • (02) Pre-Requirements
    • (03) Conf Keystone#1
    • (04) Conf Keystone#2
    • (05) Conf Glance
    • (06) Conf Nova
    • (07) Add Virt-images
    • (08) Configure Networking
    • (09) Boot Instances
    • (10) Configure Horizon
    • (11) Add Compute Nodes
    • (12) Conf Neutron#1(Control)
    • (13) Conf Neutron#2(Network)
    • (14) Conf Neutron#3(Compute)
    • (15) Neutron Networking#1(FLAT)
    • (16) Neutron Networking#2(VLAN)
    • (17) Conf Cinder#1(Control Node)
    • (18) Conf Cinder#2(Service Node)
    • (19) Use Virtual Storage(LVM)
    • (20) Use Virtual Storage(NFS)
    • (21) Use Virtual Storage(GlusterFS)
    • (22) Use Virtual Storage(Multi)
    • (23) Conf Swift (Control Node)
    • (24) Conf Swift (Proxy Node)
    • (25) Conf Swift (Storage Node)
    • (26) Swift How to Use
    • (27) Conf Heat#1
    • (28) Conf Heat#2
    • (29) Heat How to Use
    • (30) Configure Ceilometer#1
    • (31) Configure Ceilometer#2
    • (32) Configure Ceilometer#3
    • (33) Ceilometer How to Use
    • Eucalyptus
    • (01) Install #1
    • (02) Install #2
    • (03) Add Components
    • (04) Change Admin Password
    • OpenStack Grizzly
    • OpenStack Havana
  • Directory Server
    • FreeIPA
    • (01) Configure IPA Server
    • (02) Add User Accounts
    • (03) Configure IPA Client
    • (04) Basic Operations
    • (05) Use Web UI
    • (06) Replication Settings
    • OpenLDAP
    • (01) Configure LDAP Server
    • (02) Add User Accounts
    • (03) Configure LDAP Client
    • (04) LDAP over TLS
    • (05) LDAP Replication
    • (06) Multi-Master Replication
    • (07) phpLDAPadmin - Install
    • (08) phpLDAPadmin - Add a Group
    • (09) phpLDAPadmin - Add a User
    • NIS
    • (01) Configure NIS Server
    • (02) Configure NIS Client
    • (03) Configure NIS Slave
  • WEB Server
    • Apache httpd 2.2
    • (01) Install httpd
    • (02) Use Perl Script
    • (03) Use PHP Script
    • (04) Use Ruby Script
    • (05) Enable Userdir
    • (06) Configure SSL
    • (07) Virtual Hostings
    • (08) Basic Auth
    • (09) Basic Auth + PAM
    • (10) Basic Auth + LDAP
    • (11) Kerberos Auth
    • (12) FreeIPA Auth
    • (13) Use WebDAV
    • (14) Enable APC
    • (15) FastCGI + PHP-FPM
    • (16) Use SpeedyCGI
    • (17) Enable mod_perl
    • (18) Enable mod_proxy#1
    • (19) Enable mod_proxy#2
    • (20) Limit with mod_bw
    • (21) Log analyzer - Visitors
    • (22) Log analyzer - AWstats
    • (23) Log analyzer - Piwik
    • (24) WebMail - SquirrelMail
    • (25) WebMail - RoundCubeMail
    • (26) WebMail - RainLoop
    • (27) Blog System - WordPress
    • (28) Wiki System - MediaWiki
    • (29) Photo Gallery - Piwigo
    • Apache httpd 2.4
    • Nginx
    • (01) Install Nginx
    • (02) Virtual Hostings
    • (03) Enable UserDir
    • (04) Enable SSL
    • (05) Nginx + PHP - PHP-FPM
    • (06) Nginx + Perl
    • (07) Basic Auth
  • Database
    • PostgreSQL 8.4
    • PostgreSQL 9.5
    • (01) Install PostgreSQL 9.5
    • (02) Install phpPgAdmin
    • (03) Replication Settings
    • MySQL 5.1
    • MySQL 5.6
    • MySQL 5.7
    • (01) Install MySQL 5.7
    • (02) Install phpMyAdmin
    • (03) MySQL Replication
    • MariaDB 10.1
    • (01) Install MariaDB 10.1
    • (02) Install phpMyAdmin
    • (03) MariaDB Replication
    • (04) MariaDB Galera Cluster
    • Oracle Database 11g R2
    • (01) Pre-Requirements
    • (02) Install Oracle 11g R2
    • (03) Configure Net Listener
    • (04) Create a Database
    • (05) Create an init Script
    • Oracle Database 12c
    • (01) Pre-Requirements
    • (02) Install Oracle 12c
    • (03) Configure Net Listener
    • (04) Create a Database
    • (05) Create an init Script
  • MAIL Server
    • (01) Install Postfix
    • (02) Install Dovecot
    • (03) Email Clients' Settings
    • (04) Configure SSL
    • (05) Virtual Domains
    • (06) Postfix + Clamav
    • (07) Log Report - pflogsumm
    • (08) Log Report - MailGraph
    • (09) Log Report - AWstats
  • FTP / Samba Server
    • FTP Server
    • (01) Install Vsftpd
    • (02) Install ProFTPD
    • (03) Install Pure-FTPd
    • (04) FTP Client (CentOS)
    • (05) FTP Client (Windows)
    • (06) Vsftpd over TLS/SSL
    • (07) ProFTPD over TLS/SSL
    • (08) Pure-FTPd over TLS/SSL
    • (09) Pure-FTPd + Clamav
    • Samba Server
    • (01) Create fully accessed Directory
    • (02) Create Limited Directory
    • (03) Samba Winbind
    • (04) Samba4 AD DC : Install
    • (05) Samba4 AD DC : User Manage
    • (06) Samba4 AD DC : Join Domain
  • Proxy / Load Balancer
    • Pen
    • (01) HTTP Load Balancing
    • (02) SSL Settings
    • (03) Refer to the Statics
    • (04) MySQL Load Balancing
    • Pound
    • (01) HTTP Load Balancing
    • (02) SSL Settings
    • (03) URL Redirect
    • LVS
    • (01) Install LVS
    • (02) LVS + Keepalived#1
    • (03) LVS + Keepalived#2
    • HAProxy
    • (01) HTTP Load Balancing
    • (02) SSL Settings
    • (03) Refer to the Statistics #1
    • (04) Refer to the Statistics #2
    • (05) Load Balancing with Layer4
    • Squid
    • (01) Install Squid
    • (02) Configure Proxy Clients
    • (03) Set Basic Authentication
    • (04) Configure as a Reverse Proxy
    • (05) Squid + SquidClamav
    • (06) Squid + SquidGuard
    • (07) Squid + DansGuardian
    • (08) Log Report - LightSquid
  • Monitoring
    • Monitorix
    • (01) Install Monitorix
    • Munin
    • (01) Install Munin
    • (02) Notification Setting
    • (03) Triger's Settings
    • (04) Add Monitoring Target
    • (05) Add Monitoring Item
    • SysStat
    • (01) Install SysStat
    • (02) How to use
    • Zabbix
    • (01) Install Zabbix
    • (02) Inital Setup
    • (03) Change admin password
    • (04) Set Monitoring Target
    • (05) Set SMTP for Notifications
    • (06) Notification email setting
    • (07) Add monitoring target(CentOS)
    • (08) Add monitoring target(Windows)
    • (09) Add monitoring item
    • MRTG
    • (01) Install MRTG
    • (02) Get CPU Load info
    • (03) Get Memory Usage info
    • (04) Get Disk Usage info
    • (05) Get Httpd Process Count
    • Cacti
    • (01) Install Cacti
    • (02) Initial Setup
    • (03) Basic Settings for Monitoring
    • (04) Notification Settings
    • (05) Enable Threshold Plugin
    • (06) Set Threshold
    • (07) Add Monitoring Target Host
    • Nagios
    • (01) Install Nagios
    • (02) Notification Setting
    • (03) Set Threshold
    • (04) Add Monitoring Target Item
    • (05) Add Monitoring Target Host#1
    • (06) Add Monitoring Target Host#2
    • (07) Add Monitoring Target Host#3
  • Desktop Env
    • (01) GNOME Desktop Environment
    • (02) KDE Desktop Environment
    • (03) Configure VNC Server
    • (04) Install Xrdp Server
    • (05) Connect to Windows with RDP
  • Others #1
    • Cups - Print Server
      • (01) Install Cups
      • (02) Client's Settings
    • Bacula - Backup
      • (01) Configure Bacula Server#1
      • (02) Configure Bacula Server#2
      • (03) Configure Bacula Client
      • (04) Run Backup
      • (05) Restore files
      • (06) Install GUI based tool
      • (07) Install GUI based tool ( Win )
      • (08) Configure Client ( Win )
    • Pacemaker - HA Cluster
      • (01) Install Pacemaker
      • (02) Set Virtual IP Address
      • (03) Cluster Config for httpd
      • (04) Cluster Config for Vsftpd
      • (05) Cluster Config for DRBD
    • Zimbra - Groupware
      • (01) Install Zimbra
      • (02) Setup Zimbra
    • Subversion - Revision Control
      • (01) Install Subversion
      • (02) Set Access Control
      • (03) Windows Client
      • (04) HTTP Access to Repository
    • Gitolite - Revision Control
      • (01) Setup Gitolite
      • (02) Add New User
      • (03) Add New Repository
      • (04) Configure User Permission
    • Ruby - Ruby Environmen
      • Install Ruby 1.9
      • Install Ruby 2.0
      • Install Ruby 2.2
      • Install Ruby 2.3
      • Install Ruby 2.4
      • Install Ruby on Rails 4
      • Install Ruby on Rails 5
    • JAVA - JAVA Environmen
      • Install JDK 7
      • Install JDK 8
      • Install Tomcat 7
      • Install Tomcat 8
    • Node.js - Jaja Script Env
      • Install Node.js 4
      • Install Node.js 6
    • PHP - PHP Environmen
      • Install PHP 5.6
      • Install PHP 7.0
      • Install PHP 7.1
    • Python - Python Environm
      • Install Python 2.7
      • Install Python 3.3
      • Install Python 3.4
      • Install Python 3.5
    • Ansible - Config Manage
      • (01) Install Ansible
      • (02) Basic usage of Ansible
      • (03) Use Playbook#1
      • (04) Use Playbook#2
      • (05) Use Playbook#3
      • (06) Use Playbook#4
      • (07) Use Playbook#5
      • (08) Use Playbook#6
    • Puppet - Config Manage
      • (01) Install
      • (02) file resource
      • (03) package resource
      • (04) service resource
      • (05) group resource
      • (06) user resource
      • (07) exec resource
      • (08) node section
      • (09) class section
      • (10) facter variables
    • Func - System Manage
      • (01) Install
      • (02) How to use
      • (03) YumModule
      • (04) CommandModule
      • (05) CopyFileModule
    • Spacewalk - System Manage
      • (01) Install Spacewalk
      • (02) Initial Settings
      • (03) Clients' Settings
    • oVirt - VM Manage
      • (01) Configure oVirt Control Server
      • (02) Configure oVirt Node
      • (03) Initial Settings for Web UI
      • (04) Create Virtual Machine
    • LVM - LVM Operation
      • (01) Manage Phisical Volumes
      • (02) Manage Volume Groups
      • (03) Manage Logical Volumes
      • (04) Create Mirroring Volume
      • (05) Create Striped Volume
    • PXE - PXE Server
      • (01) Configure PXE Server
      • (02) Network Install
      • (03) Kick-Start Install
      • (04) Diskless Client
    • OpenVPN - VPN Server
      • (01) Install OpenVPN
      • (02) Client's Settings
    • Rsyslog - Syslog Server
      • (01) Output logs to Remote Host
      • (02) Output logs to DataBase
    • Auditd - System Audit
      • (01) Install Auditd
      • (02) Output Logs to Remote Host
      • (03) Search Logs with ausearch
      • (04) Display Logs with aureport
      • (05) Add Audit Rules
    • SELinux - Access Control
      • (01) SELinux Operating Mode
      • (02) SELinux Policy Type
      • (03) SELinux Context
      • (04) Change Boolean Values
      • (05) Change File Types
      • (06) Change Port Types
      • (07) Search Logs
      • (08) Use SETroubleShoot
      • (09) Use audit2allow
      • (10) Use matchpathcon
      • (11) Use sesearch
    • iptables - Packet Filter
      • (04) Setting Example #4
      • (03) Setting Example #3
      • (02) Setting Example #2
      • (01) Setting Example #1
  • Others #2
    • Get all histories of commands
    • Monitor files with inotify
    • Create RPM for Perl Module
    • Check Network Bandwidth
    • Limit CPU Usage
    • Display Hardware Info
    • Wake on Lan
    • Use limited Shell
    • Erase RAID metadata
    • Configure RAID 1
    • Display HDD Info
    • Add Hard Drive
    • Set Disk Quota
    • Kerberos Authentication
    • Set Password Rules
    • Set System Timezone
    • Set KeyboardMap
    • Set System Language
    • Set Hostname
    • Create SSL Certificates
    • Mount with SSHFS
    • Mount Archive Files
    • Redundant Configuration for NIC
    • ownCloud - Cloud Storage
    • Redmine - Project Manage
    • Virtualmin - Administration
    • Usermin - Administration
    • Webmin - Administration
    • ACL - Access Controls
    • TCP Wrapper - Access Controls
    • ChkrootKit - Detect RootKit
    • RKHunter - Detect RootKit
    • Snort - Network Based IDS
    • Tripwire - Host Based IDS
    • AIDE - Host Based IDS
    • Lsync - Sync Files
    • Rsync - Sync Files
    • Adcli - Join in AD Domain
    • Clamav - Anti-Virus
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Download CentOS 62018/07/04
[1] This is the configuration Examples for CentOS 6.x that is compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x. CentOS 6 was released on 10 July 2011 and will be supported untill the end of November, 2020. Download ISO file of CentOS 6.10 for installation from the following site. ⇒ http://isoredirect.centos.org/centos/6/isos/x86_64/ It's OK to download the 64 bit version commonly. But if your computer is old and it's not supported 64 bit computing, download the 32 bit version from below. ⇒ http://isoredirect.centos.org/centos/6/isos/i386/ * The examples on this site uses 64 bit version.
Create an Installation disk for CentOS 6
After downloading ISO of CentOS 6.x, Burn it to a DVD with an burning application to create an installation disk. If you create it with the function of Windows 7/8/10, refer to follows.
[2] Insert an empty DVD first. Next, click right button of the mouse and select "Burn disk image".
[3] Click "Burn" button and start burning.
[4] After finishing burning, eject the disk and proceed to the installation.
Matched Content CentOS 6 : Download
  • Download CentOS
  • Install CentOS
  • Create a User
  • FW & SELinux
  • Networking
  • Services
  • Update System
  • Add Repositories
  • Configure Vim
  • Configure Sudo
  • Cron's Settings
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