Childe Vs. Hu Tao Is Really Quite Simple - If You Have Neither, That Is

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  3. Childe vs. Hu Tao is really quite simple - if you have neither, that is
#1(message deleted)
NamSane 3 years ago#2I’d say if you have neither and you do have Xingqiu agree with your pick of Hu Tao over Childe. If you don’t have Xingqiu, I think it can be easier onto get more out of Childe for a lot of people. Especially players who have been around a for a minute who got their free Beidou and Xiangling. If they have been around long enough to get the Fischl as well, even more so.
#3(message deleted)
SaberManiac 3 years ago#4DarkRoast posted...
One consideration that I forgot to add - Hu Tao really needs C1 to run at maximum effectiveness. She's totally playable at C0, but C1 is the "real" Hu Tao.
+ Staff of Homa. Dragon's Bane is fine but it means she's locked into a Vape comp with XQ only.Diluc is honestly fine for F12 Abyss, I've never had problems meeting the DPS check. He's really only comparatively "worse" because we don't have a crit damage 5* claymore that's as good as Homa. Once we do, Diluc will be more than comparable. He technically already is with dragonstrike tech, it just takes more skill to pull off than jump cancelling with Who Tao.IMO, go with Childe. He has a lot more teams where he's really really good in, and none of his cons matter (except C4 which is like a double edged sword). He doesn't need a 5* weapon either (although it is very good on him), VH or Rust are good options and aren't inflexible like a DB HT.Lines you can hear:"cHeAp AnD tAsTy ChOp SuEy!"
MajinUltima 3 years ago#5Mona and Kokomi exist, and Xingqiu for people who don't even like the character but just blindly adhere to tier list like an autopilot lemming.Childe just doesn't offer anything compared to that. He cannot off-field, his on-field is very limited and needs someone else to cover gaps.C2 Mona and Kokomi with gear even fight Childe in ON-field power, leaving him in very bad shape.I am not saying Hu Tao offers anything either. Diluc, Klee, and Yoimiya exist after all for competition in the role, each with some ups and downs.Xiangling kind of just wins on off-field Pyro, and Thoma's probably going to be a strong 2nd, in broad element terms.So ultimately your choice should not be meta, it should be how much you LIKE and want to use the character.This is an empty space at the bottom of the post that people expect to see so it would be confusing if it was actually empty.
heimdalgc 3 years ago#6Depends on 4* to me.I got 36 stars with Diluc and Ei as my mostly DPS folks.Even if say, if only get 34 stars next abyss.....but it takes me 10,000 primos to pull Hu Tao.....those 200 or so primos i miss per month will take me 4 years to make up the difference lol.That math doesn't really make sense to me. So maybe I'll hoard.I dont have Homa, so I may splurge for that.....But really, if you just are aiming for max abyss and can get 30+ with your current team I dont think its worth pulling just for 36 stars. I'd rather wait for harder content with a stash.Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind
#7(message deleted)
athlon 3 years ago#8I love Childe, but his downtime sssssuuuuuuuuuccckkkksssss. As you noted he is indeed insane in reaction comps, but a borderline liability in Abyss if you make a mistake, or have to refresh your off-fields. In this regard he is not F2P friendly as Hu Tao whose rotation is dead simple. There's an invisible church inside of meIt's deep, and it's dark, and it's united
#9(message deleted)
ryossalivar 3 years ago#10I think the 4 stars will matter a lot here. In this case Thoma means a lot to me since I don't have Zhongli and having a great shielder would be great especially with Kokomi. If the leaked banners are true and Sayu's on there too, that's an especially easy call on my part because Sayu (C2) is great and I'd love more of her constellations. Childe's banner 4 stars are all kind of meh though I like Noelle. Not enough to make me want to pull on his banner, though. With my current comps I'm not sure I'm really up for either character, though Hu Tao would be my best pyro DPS. OP's point about being powercrept is totally valid, though.
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Từ khóa » C1 Hu Tao Or C0 Childe