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Số liệu sinh hóa với [mức thường trong dấu ngoặc] tính bằng đơn vị dùng tại Mỹ (US) và Âu – Úc (SI)
Trong máu hay huyết thanh US units Conversion Factor SI units
Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) µg/mL[10-30] 6.62 µmol/L[66-200]
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) U/L[10-40] 0.0167 µkat*/L[0.17-0.68]*
Aldosterone ng/dL[2-9] 0.0277 nmol/L[55-250]
Alkaline Phosphatase U/L[30-120] 0.0167 µkat*/L[0.5-2.0]*
alpha1-Antitrypsin mg/dL[78-200] 0.184 µmol/L[14.5-36.5]
Bilirubin total mg/dL[0.3-1.2] 17.1 µmol/L[5.0-21.0]
Calcium total mEq/L[4.1-5.1] 0.50 mmol/L[2.05-2.55]
Calcium total mg/dL[8.2-10.2] 0.25 mmol/L[2.05-2.55]
Carotene µg/dL[10-85] 0.0186 µmol/L[0.2-1.6]
Chloride(clo) mEq/L[96-106] 1.0 mmol/L[96-106]
Cholesterol total mg/dL[<200] 0.0259 mmol/L[<5.18]
Cortisol µg/dL[5-25] 27.59 nmol/L[140-690]
Creatinine mg/dL[0.6-1.2] 88.4 µmol/L[53-106]
Estradiol pg/mL[30-400] 3.671 pmol/L[110-1470]
Estriol ng/mL[5-40] 3.467 nmol/L[17.4-138.8]
Estrone ng/dL[1.5-25.0] 37 pmol/L[5.5-92.5]
Fibrinogen mg/dL[200-400] 0.0294 µmol/L[5.8-11.8]
Fluoride µg/mL[<0.05] 52.6 µmol/L[<0.027]
Folate ng/mL[3-16] 2.266 nmol/L[7-36]
Glucose mg/dL[70-110] 0.0555 mmol/L[3.9-6.1]
High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) mg/dL[>40] 0.0259 mmol/L[>1.03]
Insulin µIU/mL[2.0-20] 6.945 pmol/L[14-140]
Iron, total µg/dL[60-150] 0.179 µmol/L[10.7-26.9]
Lactate (lactic acid) mg/dL[5.0-15] 0.111 mmol/L[0.6-17]
Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) mg/dL[<160] 0.0259 mmol/L[<4.144]
Potassium(kali) mEq/L[3.5-5.0] 1.0 mmoI/L[3.5-5.0]
Progesterone ng/mL[0.15-25] 3.18 nmol/L[0.5-79.5]
Prolactin µg/L[3.8-23.2] 43.478 pmol/L[90-140]
Prostate-specific antigen ng/mL[<4.0] 1.0 µg/L[<4.0]
Sodium(natri) mEq/L[136-142] 1.0 mmol/L[136-142]
Testosterone [300-1200] ng/dL[300-1200] 0.0347 nmol/L[10.4-41.6]
Thyrotropin (thyroid-stimulating hormone, TSH) mIU/L[0.4-4.2] 1.0 mIU/L[0.4-4.2]
Thyroxine, free (T4) ng/dL[0.9-2.3] 12.87 pmol/L[12-30]
Triglycerides [<160] mg/dL[<160] 0.0113 mmol/L[1.8]
Triiodothyronine Free (T3) pg/dL[1.4-4.4] 0.0154 pmol/L[0.22-6.78]
Urea nitrogen mg/dL[8-23] 0.357 mmol/L[2.9-8.2]
Uric acid mg/dL[4.0-8.0] 59.48 µmol/L[240-480]
Vitamin A (retinol) µg/dL[30-80] 0.0349 µmol/L[1.05-2.80]
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) pg/mL[160-950] 0.738 pmol/L[118-701]
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) ng/mL[5-30] 4.046 nmol/L[20-121]
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) mg/dL[0.4-1.5] 56.78 µmol/L[23-85]
Vitamin D - 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D pg/mL[25-45] 2.6 pmol/L[60-108]
Vitamin D - 25-Hydroxyvitamin D ng/mL[14-60] 2.496 nmol/L[35-150]
Vitamin E mg/dL[5-18] 23.22 µmoI/L[12-42]
Vitamin K ng/mL[0.13-1.19] 2.22 nmol/L[0.29-2.64]
Warfarin µg/mL[1.0-10] 3.247 µmol/L[3.2-32.4]
Zinc µg/dL[75-120] 0.153 µmoI/L[11.5-18.5]
Phụ Chú: * katal (kat) là đơn vị hoạt năng của các diêu hóa tố (enzyme); đọc là "cattle"; đã được chấp nhận bởi Hội nghị "the International System - the 21st General Conference of Weights and Measures" tháng October 1999. Chữ viết tắt:d deci 10*-1 = one tenth = 1 phần 10 [1 số 0]c centi 10*-2 = one hundredth = 1 phần 100 [2 số 0]m milli 10*-3 = one thousandth = 1 phần 1000 [3 số 0]µ micro 10*-6 = one millionth = 1 phần 1000000 [6 số 0]n nano 10*-9 = one billionth = 1 phần 1000000000 [9 số 0]p pico 10*-12 = one trillionth = 1 phần 1000000000000 [12 số 0]g gramL lítmol đơn vị molmEq đơn vị milli EquivalentU = Unit – đơn vị nguồn : sưu tầm internet Chia sẻ


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  • tháng 4 20202
  • tháng 2 201811


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