CMA CGM Announces Measures To Promote Gender Diversity

Celebrating the International Women’s Day, the CMA CGM Group is reiterating its commitment to equality and diversity around the UN theme #BreakTheBias, and announced new measures to promote equality.

According to CMA-CGM, in 2021, various measures have been implemented to strengthen professional equality and parity within the teams:

  • Systematic and regular actions to raise employee awareness and promote diversity and inclusion have been initiated through two mandatory training courses for all Group employees.
  • A digital “C-Box Diversity” has been made accessible to employees working from home, to identify potential situations of discrimination and to plan concrete actions within the teams.

Ambitions 2022

For 2022, CMA CGM announced more ambitious measures to promote gender diversity and equality, which are the following:


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  • Extending the “We Are Shipping” program, renamed “We are Shipping & Logistics”. This program aims to promote female leadership within the Group and increase gender diversity in key positions, via coaching sessions, co-development workshops and networking times.
  • Since 2018, the program has accompanied 113 women in their professional careers through 8 promotions in France, Lebanon, Asia, and the United Kingdom.
  • Launch of training and awareness videos on unconscious bias. These are intended for all Group recruiters and managers, and will help them to select candidates objectively to promote diversity within our teams.
  • The integration of an “inclusive leader” diversity module in leadership programs and training dedicated to parity and equal opportunities.
  • An ambition to double the number of women in the Top 200 by 2025.
  • 2 additional women nominated to the Executive Committee of our CEVA Logistics subsidiary in 2022, bringing the proportion of women in this body to 26%.

Currently, the CMA CGM Group has 33% women on its Executive Committee, 32% women managers, and has scored 84/100 on the gender equality index.

CMA CGM announces measures to promote gender diversityCMA CGM announces measures to promote gender diversityCMA CGM announces measures to promote gender diversityCMA CGM announces measures to promote gender diversity

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