Columns.width - DataTables
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Column width assignment.
This parameter can be used to define the width of a column, and may take any CSS value (3em, 20px etc).
Please note that pixel perfect column width is virtually impossible to achieve in tables with dynamic content, so do not be surprised if the width of the column is off by a few pixels from what you assign using this property. Column width in tables depends upon many properties such as cell borders, table borders, the border-collapse property, the content of the table and many other properties. Both DataTables and the browsers attempt to lay the table out in an optimal manner taking this options all into account.
This option can be given in the following type(s):
- string
Auto-detected from the table's content.
Set the first column's width to 20% with columnDefs:
new DataTable('#myTable', { columnDefs: [{ width: '20%', targets: 0 }] });Set the first column's width to 20% with columns:
new DataTable('#myTable', { columns: [{ width: '20%' }, null, null, null, null] });Related
The following options are directly related and may also be useful in your application development.
API- columns.adjust()
- autoWidth
DataTables designed and created by SpryMedia Ltd. © 2007-2024 MIT licensed. Privacy policy. Supporters. SpryMedia Ltd is registered in Scotland, company no. SC456502.
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