Common European Framework Of Reference For Languages (CEFR)
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CEF Levels
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF or CEFR) was put together by the Council of Europe as a way of standardising the levels of language exams in different regions. It is very widely used internationally and all important exams are mapped to the CEFR.There are six levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. These are described in the table below.
Click here to see which exams are at which CEFR levels.
Click here to do a test to see which level to study at and here to see what grammar you should know at each level.
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Council of Europe levels | Description |
C2 Mastery | The capacity to deal with material which is academic or cognitively demanding, and to use language to good effect at a level of performance which may in certain respects be more advanced than that of an average native speaker. Example: CAN scan texts for relevant information, and grasp main topic of text, reading almost as quickly as a native speaker. All practice tests at this level |
C1 Effective Operational Proficiency | The ability to communicate with the emphasis on how well it is done, in terms of appropriacy, sensitivity and the capacity to deal with unfamiliar topics. Example: CAN deal with hostile questioning confidently. CAN get and hold onto his/her turn to speak. All practice tests at this level |
B2 Vantage | The capacity to achieve most goals and express oneself on a range of topics. Example: CAN show visitors around and give a detailed description of a place. All practice tests at this level |
B1 Threshold | The ability to express oneself in a limited way in familiar situations and to deal in a general way with nonroutine information. Example: CAN ask to open an account at a bank, provided that the procedure is straightforward. All practice tests at this level |
A2 Waystage | An ability to deal with simple, straightforward information and begin to express oneself in familiar contexts. Example: CAN take part in a routine conversation on simple predictable topics. All exams and practice tests at this level |
A1 Breakthrough | A basic ability to communicate and exchange information in a simple way. Example: CAN ask simple questions about a menu and understand simple answers. Practice tests at A1 level |
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English Levels CEFR Description- A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2 - TrackTest
Common European Framework Of Reference For Languages
CEFR Levels: What They Are, Why They Matter, And How To Test ...
CEFR Levels | Erasmus University Rotterdam
International Language Standards - Cambridge English
English Levels And Certifications Guide A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
A Complete CEFR Levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) Guide
The CEFR Levels - The Council Of Europe
English Levels | British Council Singapore
English Levels - British Council Malaysia
What Does CEFR Levels A0 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 & C2 Mean? - Englishtivi
CEFR Levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 And C2
B2 - CEFR Levels