Cộng Càphê In Hà Nội - Workfrom

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"If you are a smoker, it's possible to work. If you get bother by the smell don't come."

See More jdreyespaez Discovered by Juan Reyes Join the Remote Worker Slack Over 3,500 people, all about working from home. Try Virtual Coworking Struggling with productive work at home? Join a committed virtual coworking group designed for accountability and deep work.
Workspace Type Public space
Address 27 Nhà Thờ (Nha Chung), Hà Nội Get Directions
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi LoginMay include network name, password, or both Cong Caphe NT T2 / congcaphe.com
WiFi SpeedDownload/Upload in Mb/s 0.70 / 2.30
Upload Speed 2.30
Download Speed 0.70
Upload Speed 2.30
Network Latency 205 Ms
Noise Level Moderate to low
Plugs Many
Group Seating Unknown
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Unknown
Hours Today See More
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Updated March 2016 | Improve this listing | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam People who Workfrom here Clock in Here Checking... Join the Remote Worker Slack Over 3,500 people, all about working from home. Try Virtual Coworking Struggling with productive work at home? Join a committed virtual coworking group designed for accountability and deep work. Flag this listing as spam

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0.7 Mb/s


2.3 Mb/s


205 Ms

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Cộng Càphê

  • Working Here Wednesday
  • Due Now $35.00 USD

Need to know

  • Visit during regular business hours
  • This space has WiFi and open seating
  • Checking in may be required upon arrival

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1. Cell phone photos are OK.

2. While we find that most folks don't mind being in the background of photos, don't sweat it if someone objects. Thank ‘em and find another shot or go back to working/studying.

“Excuse me. Do you mind if I take a picture of this area with you working in the background? It’s for a project I’m a part of that connects people like us with great spaces to work, like this one.”

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3. Submitted photos will be attributed to you unless you state otherwise.

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  • At home status only · location never tracked
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Từ khóa » Cộng Cà Phê 27 Nhà Thờ