Công Thức Apache 2 - EMedHTD

Công thức Apache 2
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  •  Công thức Apache 2


APACHE II Scoring System Temperature (Degrees C) >= 41 (4 points) 39-40.9 (3 points) 38.5-38.9 (1 point) 36-38.4 (0 points) 34-35.9 (1 point) 32-33.9 (2 points) 30-31.9 (3 points) <= 29.9 (4 points) Mean Arterial Pressure (mmHg) >= 160 (4 points) 130-159 (3 points) 110-129 (2 points) 70-109 (0 points) 50-69 (2 points) <= 49 (4 points) Heart Rate >= 180 (4 points) 140-179 (3 points) 110-139 (2 points) 70-109 (0 points) 55-69 (2 points) 40-54 (3 points) <= 39 (4 points) Respiratory Rate >= 50 (4 points) 35-49 (3 points) 25-34 (1 point) 12-24 (0 points) 10-11 (1 point) 6-9 (2 points) <= 5 (4 points) A-aPO2(FiO2>50%) or PaO2(FiO2<50%) >= 500 (4 points) 350-499 (3 points) 200-349 (2 points) <200 or PaO2 > 70 (0 points) PaO2 61-70 (1 point) PaO2 55-60 (3 points) PaO2 < 55 (4 points) Arterial pH or HCO3 >= 7.7; >= 52 (4 points) 7.6-7.69 ; 41-51.9 (3 points) 7.5-7.59 ; 32-40.9 (1 point) 7.33-7.49 ; 32-40.9 (0 points) 7.25-7.32 ; 18-22.9 (2 points) 7.15-7.24 ; 15-17.9 (3 points) < 7.15 ; < 15 (4 points) Serum Na+ (mEq/L) >= 180 (4 points) 160-179 (3 points) 155-159 (2 points) 150-154 (1 point) 130-149 (0 points) 120-129 (2 points) 111-119 (3 points) <= 110 (4 points) Serum K+ (mEq/L) >= 7 (4 points) 6-6.9 (3 points) 5.5-5.9 (1 point) 3.5-5.4 (0 points) 3-3.4 (1 point) 2.5-2.9 (2 points) < 2.5 (4 points) Serum Creatinine (ARF means Acute Renal Failure) >= 3.5 (4 points) > 3.5 in ARF (8 points) 2-3.4 (3 points) 2-3.4 in ARF (6 points) 1.5-1.9 (2 points) 1.5-1.9 in ARF (4 points) 0.6-1.4 (0 points) < 0.6 (2 points) Hematocrit >= 60 (4 points) 50-59.9 (2 points) 46-49.9 (1 point) 30-45.9 (0 points) 20-29.9 (2 points) < 20 (4 points) WBC Count(10^3/#gl) >= 40 (4 points) 20-39.9 (2 points) 15-19.9 (1 point) 3-14.9 (0 points) 1-2.9 (2 points) < 1 (4 points) Glasgow Coma Score Enter Glasgow score and computer subtracts from 15 for point value Age (years) >= 75 (6 points) 65-74 (5 points) 55-64 (3 points) 45-54 (2 points) <= 44 (0 points) Chronic Health Problems: 1) Cirrhosis of the liver confirmed by biopsy 2) New York Heart Association Class IV 3) Severe COPD -- Hypercapnia, home O2 use, or pulmonary hypertension 4) On regular dialysis or 5) Immunocompromised None (0 points) Non-Surgical (5 points) Emergent operation (5 points) Elective operation (2 points)


Total Criteria Point Count

Apache II Score / Approximate Mortality Interpretation

0-4: 4% non-op, 1% post-op 5-9: 8% non-op, 3% post-op 10-14: 15% non-op, 7% post-op 15-19: 24% non-op, 12% post-op 20-24: 40% non-op, 30% post-op 25-29: 55% non-op, 35% post-op 30-34: Approx 73% both 35-100: 85% non-op, 88% post-op


  • For the APACHE II score to be correct, a value must be selected for every variable.
  • The numbers in the parentheses represent the point value assigned to each clinical parameter above. The Apache Score is the sum of these points.
  • Chronic Dx includes biopsy proven cirrhosis and documented portal hypertension; past upper GI bleeding attributed to portal hypertension; prior hepatic failure; prior hepatic encephalopathy; NYHA class IV; chronic restrictive, obstructive, or vascular lung disease resulting in severe exercise restriction; documented hypoxemia or hypercapnia; secondary polycythemia; severe pulmonary hypertension (>40 mmHg); ventilator dependence; chronic hemodialysis.
  • Chronic Dx also includes immunosuppression from chemotherapy, radiation therapy, long-term or recent high-dose steroids, immunodeficiency (eg, leukemia, lymphoma, AIDS).


  1. Knaus WA, et al. APACHE II: a severity of disease classification system. Crit Care Med. 1985 Oct;13(10):818-29.

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