Conversion Tables And Methods To Use When Converting - MSTE


Conversion Tables and Methods to Use when converting

from Metric Units to Metric Units (weight)

Gram – Length

Kilo – Thousand

Liter – Volume

Milli – Thousand

Gram – Mass/Weight

Centi – Hundred

Celsius – Temperature

Deci – Ten

Measure of Weights


1,000 milligrams (mg) =

1 gram

10 centigrams =

100 milligrams (mg)

1 gram (g) =

1,000 milligrams

1,000 grams =

1 kilogram (kg) = 1,000,000 mg

1,000 kilograms =

1,000,000 grams

Operations for Weight

Example: To get Milligrams from grams you multiply the grams by 1000

You Have: 23 grams

You want milligrams: So, milligrams = 23 Grams

We Multiply the grams by 1000: 23g x 1000 = 23000mg

You want milligrams: So, milligrams = 23 Grams

There are 23000 milligrams in 23 grams or 1000 milligrams for every gram.

If you have this Do this To get this

milligrams (mg)

Divide by 10 (mg/10)

Move Decimal one place to Left

centigram (cg)

centigrams (cg)

Multiply by 10 (cg * 10)

Move decimal one place to the right

Milligrams (mg)

Grams (g)

Multiply by 100 (g * 100)

Centigrams (cg)

Centigrams (cm)

Divide by 100 (cg/100)

Move decimal two places to the left.
Grams (g)

Milligrams (mg)

Divide by 1000 (mg/1000)

Move decimal three places to the left.

Grams (g)

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Từ khóa » Cg Vs Kg