Copy & Paste CSS - Buttons Design

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The Buttton element

The Button is one of the most important design elements of your website. It will help to guide your visitors inside your application. That's why your button needs to reflect the importance of a specif action and contrast with other page elements. On a landing page, your CTA needs to be seen immediately so that your user knows what to if he is interested in your product. Most of the time you will need 3 different button designs. One is the primary action in a solid color to emphasize the main action of a page. The secondary action with a transparent background and a solid border, and a text button for less important actions. Here you will a selection of button designs from other brands to help you find inspiration for your new button design.

Bootstrap 🔗 Design System

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GitHub 🔗 Design System

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Shopify 🔗 Design System

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Mailchimp 🔗 Design System

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Carbon ( IBM ) 🔗 Design System

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Salesforce 🔗 Design System

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Atlassian 🔗 Design System

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Flexport 🔗 Design System

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Biteable 🔗 Design System

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Material Design 🔗 Design System

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Tailwindcss 🔗 Design System

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Fluent UI ( Microsoft ) 🔗 Design System

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Indie hackers

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Buy me a coffee

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Wes Bos

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MongoDB 🔗 Design System

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Made with ❤️ by @siglavesc2

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