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Download Free PDFpaper cover iconDownload Free PDFpaper cover thumbnailCore Functions of Human Resource Management from Boundless Management is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Core Functions of Human Resource Management Employee RecruitmentCore Functions of Human Resource Management from Boundless Management is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Core Functions of Human Resource Management Employee RecruitmentProfile image of sharp zhaosharp zhaoSee Full PDFDownload PDFSee Full PDFDownload PDF

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The aim of this study is to discuss “human resource” focus in total quality management awards (TQM Awards). TQM Awards are Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, European Quality Award (EFQM), Deming Prize of Japan, and ISO9000 Series. The Baldrige emphasizes performance excellence. Deming Prize aims to achieve organizational quality. ISO9000 is to set up quality management system in organizations, and EFQM targets to obtain business excellence for organizations. TQM Awards have human resource focus due to employee involvement and process management in TQM. Firstly, human resources implement in organizational processes such as production, supply, marketing, and after-sale. Secondly, employees participate to solve quality problems in organizations through TQM practices. This is employee involvement. Employee involvement is that employees join to decision-making process, and they participate to solve quality problems to obtain quality assurance, i.e., employee involvement is that human resources participate to TQM practices in organizations such as brainstorming, quality circle, quality function deployment, Poke-Yoke, managerial boards to improve quality; therefore, TQM awards contain “human resource” variation in prize nomination.

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