Could A Vitamin D Deficiency Be Causing Your Hair Loss? - Byrdie

If you've ever experienced hair loss or shedding, you may have questioned whether it's due to a nutritional deficiency. While hormonal changes, alopecia, tight hairstyling, overusing hot tools, and environmental factors are among the most common causes of hair loss, vitamin deficiencies can play a role as well.

Vitamin D is an integral player in hair health and hair loss. But it’s not always so cut and dry. Just because you've experienced hair loss doesn't necessarily mean you're low in vitamin D. With that in mind, we spoke with top dermatologists Michele Green, MD, and Scott Paviol, MD, about everything there is to know about vitamin D-related hair loss.

Meet the Expert

  • Michele Green, MD is a New York City-based cosmetic dermatologist.
  • Scott Paviol, MD is a dermatologist in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Is There a Link Between Hair Loss and Vitamin D?

While vitamin D deficiency is linked to hair loss, it’s not likely the cause of loss for most people who deal with hair loss, according to Dr. Green. But that being said, it's a possibility. “Vitamin D is metabolized in the skin by keratinocytes,” she says, noting that keratinocytes are skin cells that produce keratin, a protein responsible for keeping hair, skin, and nails looking (and feeling) their best. “When the body does not have enough vitamin D, the keratinocytes in hair follicles have trouble facilitating hair growth, resulting in shedding and hair loss,” she explains.

Other Common Causes of Hair Loss 

While many people might be dealing with vitamin D-related non-scarring alopecia and not even know it, Green says that there are plenty of other reasons why hair loss might be occurring. Namely, she nods toward genetics, hormones, and major lifestyle changes (i.e., during pregnancy, while processing trauma, undergoing surgery, etc.). That said, she says that the four most common types of hair loss are androgenetic alopecia (the most common), telogen effluvium (mentioned above), alopecia areata (also mentioned above), and trichotillomania.

Outside of the most common causes of hair loss, Green says that your environment can also cause it. “Studies have shown that toxins and carcinogens in polluted air can interfere with the protein-producing processes within the body, which stimulate hair growth,” she explains.

How Long Does it Take to Experience Hair Loss From Vitamin D Deficiency?

“It can take six weeks to six months from a stressful event for hair loss to occur,” Green says, noting that if trichotillomania is at play, and if the hair doesn’t initially come out, it could fall out down the road.

Potential Symptoms of Low Vitamin D

The only surefire way to know you're low in vitamin D is to see a doctor and get a blood test. “Before you start to treat vitamin D deficiency-suspected hair loss, I’d recommend going to see a dermatologist to get a proper diagnosis,” Paviol says, noting that hair loss and hair thinning can be complex and multifactorial. “I liken the scalp to a garden, and for the flowers to grow, you need to make sure all of the factors (vitamins and medications) are in place to ensure maximum growth.”

Since so many things could be at play, Green says that the best way to treat hair loss is to start by finding the underlying issue that’s causing it. After all, you don’t want to start treating your hair loss for the wrong cause. With that in mind, she highly recommends consulting with an experienced dermatologist who will be able to assess your condition and offer all the best treatment options.

In addition to checking vitamin D levels, your doctor will be able to check iron levels and blood counts and examine your scalp to see if anything else might be at play. 

How to Treat Vitamin D-Related Hair Loss 

“If you are deficient in vitamin D, for most patients, I will recommend vitamin D 1,000 IU daily for 12 weeks,” Paviol shares. While using supplements is a great way to boost vitamin levels, Green recommends focusing on a well-balanced diet (rich in Iron, omega-3 acids, magnesium, selenium, iodine, protein, vitamins, zinc, and biotin), as well. After all, you are what you eat, and if you eat a bounty of hair-boosting vitamins and minerals, chances are, your mane will show it.

That said, if your vitamin D levels are deficient, Paviol says that there are other, more intensive ways to supplement the vitamin. Your dermatologist will be able to walk you through them. 

Byrdie Tip

While there's only one FDA-approved medical treatment for hair loss—topical minoxidil—topical formulas that exfoliate the scalp can also be helpful, but not necessarily for those with an underlying nutritional factor, like vitamin D deficiency.

Can Taking Vitamin D Help Restore Hair Loss?

Studies show that taking vitamin D may help with hair loss by stimulating new hair follicles, which can help hair maintain thickness and prevent hair loss. “Patients with hair loss often inquire whether nutritional supplements can help restore hair growth or prevent further hair loss,” Green says. “Vitamins and minerals are important for normal cell growth and function and may contribute to hair loss when they are deficient.”

That said, before adding any supplements to your routine, Green says you should speak with a doctor first to ensure that you’re taking the right amount and targeting the proper cause. 

The Final Takeaway 

Vitamin D deficiency can contribute to hair loss. Thankfully, it’s a problem that can be easily diagnosed with a blood test from a trusted physician. To treat the deficiency (and any potential hair loss you may be experiencing), vitamin and mineral supplementation may be recommended. Speak with your doctor before taking any new vitamins or supplements, as they know your medical history best and can advise you on further treatment.

  • Can you take too much Vitamin D?

    Yes, there is such a thing as vitamin D toxicity which can happen if you take too much of a vitamin D supplement. 4,000 IU is the recommended daily dose, but you should always consult with your physician before you start on any supplement.

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