Create Segmented Control-like With Animation - Stack Overflow

Ok, Pure CSS, seems I came back late, still better than not coming back, JS Fiddle-Updated (1) (2)

Updated Code: added z-index value to the container div#radios (3) body { background: #EEE url('//'); background-size: cover; } #radios { position: relative; background-color: tomato; z-index: 5; width: 363px; } input { display: none; } #bckgrnd, .labels { width: 120px; height: 30px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; padding-top: 10px; margin-right: -3px; z-index: 2; cursor: pointer; outline: 1px solid green; } #bckgrnd { background-color: orange; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: -1; } #rad1:checked ~ #bckgrnd { transform: translateX(0); transition: transform 0.5s ease-in-out; } #rad2:checked ~ #bckgrnd { transform: translateX(120px); transition: transform 0.5s ease-in-out; } #rad3:checked ~ #bckgrnd { transform: translateX(241px); transition: transform 0.5s ease-in-out; } <div id="radios"> <input id="rad1" type="radio" name="radioBtn" checked> <label class="labels" for="rad1">First Option</label> <input id="rad2" type="radio" name="radioBtn"> <label class="labels" for="rad2">Second Option</label> <input id="rad3" type="radio" name="radioBtn"> <label class="labels" for="rad3">Third Option</label> <div id="bckgrnd"></div> </div>


(1) For smaller screens you can make a media query with a certain break point if below show these radios vertically, and instead of translateX() use translateY().

(2) my below solution adds a div <div id="bckgrnd"></div> as the last child of the container #radios div, you can add by javascript/jquery instead, to do so you can add this jquery: JS Fiddle 2-Updated

$(document).ready(function(){ $('#radios').append('<div id="bckgrnd"></div>'); });

(3) The z-index:; value was added just to ensure that the #bckgrnd - which has z-index:-1 will not disappear behind the body or whatever element contains the #radios div. so now we can set a background image to the body and a background color to a container div without worrying about it.. Test JS Fiddle

Từ khóa » Html Css Segmented Control