CSS Background-size Property - Dofactory
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The background-size property sets the background image size.
It accepts two values: width and height.
A resized background image using background-size.
<style> .withbg { background-image: url("/img/css/cardplayers.jpg"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 200px 150px; height: 200px; } </style> <div class="withbg"></div> Try it live Tip: It's recommended to use the exact image size instead of resizing with CSS to reduce the page loading time and resources used.Using background-size
background-size accepts 2 values: the width and the height.
Values are set as length units, such as, px, %, em, and others.
If only one value is provided, it will be used as both width and height.
Multiple background sizes can also be specified for multiple images.
background-repeat borderSyntax
background-size: auto | length | cover | contain | initial | inherit;Values
Value | Description |
auto | Default. Displays background image original size. |
length | Sets width (first value) and height (second value) of background image. If the second value is not given, it will be set to auto. |
percentage | Sets width (first value) and height (second value) of background image in percent. If the second value is not given, it will be set to auto. |
cover | Stretch or crop background image to cover the entire container. |
contain | Resize background image to make it fully visible. |
initial | Sets the value to its default value. |
inherit | Inherits the value from its parent element. |
More Examples
Click the buttons to see the different background-size values.
auto length: 200px 180px percentage: 65% cover contain initial inherit
<style> .bg-example { background-image: url("/img/css/cardplayers.jpg"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; height: 300px; } </style> <div class="bg-example"></div> Try it liveBrowser support
This table shows when background-size support started for each browser.
Chrome | 4.0 | Jan 2010 |
Firefox | 4.0 | Mar 2011 |
IE/Edge | 9.0 | Mar 2011 |
Opera | 10.5 | Mar 2010 |
Safari | 3.0 | Jun 2007 |
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