CSS Font Family List - TutorialBrain
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CSS Font Family List
Browsers do not support all the fonts, so you need to use multiple fonts to be on safer side.
CSS font-family defines the priority for the browser to choose the font from multiple fonts.
There are 2 types of font families which you can use –
- Specific Font-Family – This is a specific type of font like Arial, Verdana, Tahoma
- Generic Font-Family – This is a General Font and almost all browsers support this generic font family. Example: serif, Sans-serif etc
Example of usage of font-family:
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Serif;In this case, the main font is Verdana and if this is not available, your browser will use the fallback value. So, the first fallback is Arial. If this font is also not supported by your browser, it will use the Tahoma font and if this font is also not supported, then the browser of the user will set the Serif font.
Note/Warning/Info Your browser might not support few fonts as those fonts might not be present in your computer so the appearance of those fonts will appear like normal default font of your browser. Dismiss this alert.SANS-SERIF FONT FAMILY
Arial | Arial Arial Black Arial narrow Arial Rounded MT Bold |
Helvetica | Helvetica |
Verdana | Verdana |
Calibri | Calibri |
Noto | Noto |
Lucida Sans | Lucida Sans |
Gill Sans | Gill Sans |
Century Gothic | Century Gothic |
Candara | Candara |
Futara | Futara |
Franklin Gothic Medium | Franklin Gothic Medium |
Trebuchet MS | Trebuchet MS |
Geneva | Geneva |
Segoe UI | Segoe UI |
Optima | Optima |
Avanta Garde | Avanta Garde |
Times New Roman | Times New Roman |
Big Caslon | Big Caslon |
Bodoni MT | Bodoni MT |
Book Antiqua | Book Antiqua |
Bookman | Bookman |
New Century Schoolbook | New Century Schoolbook |
Calisto MT | Calisto MT |
Cambria | Cambria |
Didot | Didot |
Garamond | Garamond |
Georgia | Georgia |
Goudy Old Style | Goudy Old Style |
Hoefler Text | Hoefler Text |
Lucida Bright | Lucida Bright |
Palatino | Palatino |
Perpetua | Perpetua |
Rockwell | Rockwell |
Rockwell Extra Bold | Rockwell Extra Bold |
Baskerville | Baskerville |
Consolas | Consolas |
Courier | Courier |
Courier New | Courier New |
Lucida Console | Lucida Console |
Lucidatypewriter | Lucidatypewriter |
Lucida Sans Typewriter | Lucida Sans Typewriter |
Monaco | Monaco |
Andale Mono | Andale Mono |
Comic Sans | Comic Sans |
Comic Sans MS | Comic Sans MS |
Apple Chancery | Apple Chancery |
Zapf Chancery | Zapf Chancery |
Bradley Hand | Bradley Hand |
Brush Script MT | Brush Script MT |
Brush Script Std | Brush Script Std |
Snell Roundhan | Snell Roundhan |
URW Chancery | URW Chancery |
Coronet script | Coronet script |
Florence | Florence |
Parkavenue | Parkavenue |
Impact | Impact |
Brushstroke | Brushstroke |
Luminari | Luminari |
Chalkduster | Chalkduster |
Jazz LET | Jazz LET |
Blippo | Blippo |
Stencil Std | Stencil Std |
Marker Felt | Marker Felt |
Trattatello | Trattatello |
Arnoldboecklin | Arnoldboecklin |
Oldtown | Oldtown |
Copperplate | Copperplate |
papyrus | papyrus |
CSS Fonts List
Abadi MT Condensed Light | Abadi MT Condensed Light |
Aharoni | Aharoni |
Aharoni Bold | Aharoni Bold |
Aldhabi | Aldhabi |
AlternateGothic2 BT | AlternateGothic2 BT |
Andale Mono | Andale Mono |
Andalus | Andalus |
Angsana New | Angsana New |
AngsanaUPC | AngsanaUPC |
Aparajita | Aparajita |
Apple Chancery | Apple Chancery |
Arabic Typesetting | Arabic Typesetting |
Arial | Arial |
Arial Black | Arial Black |
Arial narrow | Arial narrow |
Arial Nova | Arial Nova |
Arial Rounded MT Bold | Arial Rounded MT Bold |
Arnoldboecklin | Arnoldboecklin |
Avanta Garde | Avanta Garde |
Bahnschrift | Bahnschrift |
Bahnschrift Light | Bahnschrift Light |
Bahnschrift SemiBold | Bahnschrift SemiBold |
Bahnschrift SemiLight | Bahnschrift SemiLight |
Baskerville | Baskerville |
Batang | Batang |
BatangChe | BatangChe |
Big Caslon | Big Caslon |
BIZ UDGothic | BIZ UDGothic |
BIZ UDMincho Medium | BIZ UDMincho Medium |
Blippo | Blippo |
Bodoni MT | Bodoni MT |
Book Antiqua | Book Antiqua |
Book Antiqua | Book Antiqua |
Bookman | Bookman |
Bradley Hand | Bradley Hand |
Browallia New | Browallia New |
BrowalliaUPC | BrowalliaUPC |
Brush Script MT | Brush Script MT |
Brush Script Std | Brush Script Std |
Brushstroke | Brushstroke |
Calibri | Calibri |
Calibri Light | Calibri Light |
Calisto MT | Calisto MT |
Cambodian | Cambodian |
Cambria | Cambria |
Cambria Math | Cambria Math |
Candara | Candara |
Century Gothic | Century Gothic |
Chalkduster | Chalkduster |
Cherokee | Cherokee |
Comic Sans | Comic Sans |
Comic Sans MS | Comic Sans MS |
Consolas | Consolas |
Constantia | Constantia |
Copperplate | Copperplate |
Copperplate Gothic Light | Copperplate Gothic Light |
Copperplate Gothic Bold | Copperplate Gothic Bold |
Corbel | Corbel |
Cordia New | Cordia New |
CordiaUPC | CordiaUPC |
Coronetscript | Coronetscript |
Courier | Courier |
Courier New | Courier New |
DaunPenh | DaunPenh |
David | David |
DengXian | DengXian |
DFKai-SB | DFKai-SB |
Didot | Didot |
DilleniaUPC | DilleniaUPC |
DokChampa | DokChampa |
Dotum | Dotum |
DotumChe | DotumChe |
Ebrima | Ebrima |
Estrangelo Edessa | Estrangelo Edessa |
EucrosiaUPC | EucrosiaUPC |
Euphemia | Euphemia |
FangSong | FangSong |
Florence | Florence |
Franklin Gothic Medium | Franklin Gothic Medium |
FrankRuehl | FrankRuehl |
FreesiaUPC | FreesiaUPC |
Futara | Futara |
Gabriola | Gabriola |
Gadugi | Gadugi |
Garamond | Garamond |
Gautami | Gautami |
Geneva | Geneva |
Georgia | Georgia |
Georgia Pro | Georgia Pro |
Gill Sans | Gill Sans |
Gill Sans Nova | Gill Sans Nova |
Gisha | Gisha |
Goudy Old Style | Goudy Old Style |
Gulim | Gulim |
GulimChe | GulimChe |
Gungsuh | Gungsuh |
GungsuhChe | GungsuhChe |
Hebrew | Hebrew |
Hoefler Text | Hoefler Text |
HoloLens MDL2 Assets | HoloLens MDL2 Assets |
Impact | Impact |
Ink Free | Ink Free |
IrisUPC | IrisUPC |
Iskoola Pota | Iskoola Pota |
Japanese | Japanese |
JasmineUPC | JasmineUPC |
Javanese Text | Javanese Text |
Jazz LET | Jazz LET |
KaiTi | KaiTi |
Kalinga | Kalinga |
Kartika | Kartika |
Khmer UI | Khmer UI |
KodchiangUPC | KodchiangUPC |
Kokila | Kokila |
Korean | Korean |
Lao | Lao |
Lao UI | Lao UI |
Latha | Latha |
Leelawadee | Leelawadee |
Leelawadee UI | Leelawadee UI |
Leelawadee UI Semilight | Leelawadee UI Semilight |
Levenim MT | Levenim MT |
LilyUPC | LilyUPC |
Lucida Bright | Lucida Bright |
Lucida Console | Lucida Console |
Lucida Handwriting | Lucida Handwriting |
Lucida Sans | Lucida Sans |
Lucida Sans Typewriter | Lucida Sans Typewriter |
Lucida Sans Unicode | Lucida Sans Unicode |
Lucidatypewriter | Lucidatypewriter |
Luminari | Luminari |
Malgun Gothic | Malgun Gothic |
Malgun Gothic Semilight | Malgun Gothic Semilight |
Mangal | Mangal |
Marker Felt | Marker Felt |
Marlett | Marlett |
Meiryo | Meiryo |
Meiryo UI | Meiryo UI |
Microsoft Himalaya | Microsoft Himalaya |
Microsoft JhengHei | Microsoft JhengHei |
Microsoft JhengHei UI | Microsoft JhengHei UI |
Microsoft New Tai Lue | Microsoft New Tai Lue |
Microsoft PhagsPa | Microsoft PhagsPa |
Microsoft Sans Serif | Microsoft Sans Serif |
Microsoft Tai Le | Microsoft Tai Le |
Microsoft Uighur | Microsoft Uighur |
Microsoft YaHei | Microsoft YaHei |
Microsoft YaHei UI | Microsoft YaHei UI |
Microsoft Yi Baiti | Microsoft Yi Baiti |
MingLiU | MingLiU |
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB | MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB |
MingLiU-ExtB | MingLiU-ExtB |
Miriam | Miriam |
Monaco | Monaco |
Mongolian Baiti | Mongolian Baiti |
MoolBoran | MoolBoran |
MS Gothic | MS Gothic |
MS Mincho | MS Mincho |
MS PGothic | MS PGothic |
MS PMincho | MS PMincho |
MS UI Gothic | MS UI Gothic |
MV Boli | MV Boli |
Myanmar Text | Myanmar Text |
Narkisim | Narkisim |
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro | Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro |
New Century Schoolbook | New Century Schoolbook |
News Gothic MT | News Gothic MT |
Nirmala UI | Nirmala UI |
No automatic language associations | No automatic language associations |
Noto | Noto |
NSimSun | NSimSun |
Nyala | Nyala |
Oldtown | Oldtown |
Optima | Optima |
Palatino | Palatino |
Palatino Linotype | Palatino Linotype |
papyrus | papyrus |
Parkavenue | Parkavenue |
Perpetua | Perpetua |
Plantagenet Cherokee | Plantagenet Cherokee |
PMingLiU | PMingLiU |
Raavi | Raavi |
Rockwell | Rockwell |
Rockwell Extra Bold | Rockwell Extra Bold |
Rockwell Nova | Rockwell Nova |
Rockwell Nova Cond | Rockwell Nova Cond |
Rockwell Nova Extra Bold | Rockwell Nova Extra Bold |
Rod | Rod |
Sakkal Majalla | Sakkal Majalla |
Sanskrit Text | Sanskrit Text |
Segoe MDL2 Assets | Segoe MDL2 Assets |
Segoe Print | Segoe Print |
Segoe Script | Segoe Script |
Segoe UI | Segoe UI |
Segoe UI Emoji | Segoe UI Emoji |
Segoe UI Historic | Segoe UI Historic |
Segoe UI Symbol | Segoe UI Symbol |
Shonar Bangla | Shonar Bangla |
Shruti | Shruti |
SimHei | SimHei |
SimKai | SimKai |
Simplified Arabic | Simplified Arabic |
Simplified Chinese | Simplified Chinese |
SimSun | SimSun |
SimSun-ExtB | SimSun-ExtB |
Sitka | Sitka |
Snell Roundhan | Snell Roundhan |
Stencil Std | Stencil Std |
Sylfaen | Sylfaen |
Symbol | Symbol |
Tahoma | Tahoma |
Thai | Thai |
Times New Roman | Times New Roman |
Traditional Arabic | Traditional Arabic |
Traditional Chinese | Traditional Chinese |
Trattatello | Trattatello |
Trebuchet MS | Trebuchet MS |
Tunga | Tunga |
UD Digi Kyokasho | UD Digi Kyokasho |
UD Digi KyoKasho NK-R | UD Digi KyoKasho NK-R |
UD Digi KyoKasho NP-R | UD Digi KyoKasho NP-R |
UD Digi KyoKasho N-R | UD Digi KyoKasho N-R |
Urdu Typesetting | Urdu Typesetting |
URW Chancery | URW Chancery |
Utsaah | Utsaah |
Vani | Vani |
Verdana | Verdana |
Verdana Pro | Verdana Pro |
Vijaya | Vijaya |
Vrinda | Vrinda |
Webdings | Webdings |
Westminster | Westminster |
Wingdings | Wingdings |
Yu Gothic | Yu Gothic |
Yu Gothic UI | Yu Gothic UI |
Yu Mincho | Yu Mincho |
Zapf Chancery | Zapf Chancery |
CSS Interview Questions and Answers
1. How to use font-family property?We can use CSS font-family property either by giving inline CSS or internal CSS to define the font typography.
Inline CSS
<h1 style="font-family: Verdana;"> Font family is verdana</h1> <h1 style="font-family: Courier;"> Font family is verdana</h1>Internal CSS
<style> h1{font-family:Verdana;} </style> Prev Next Youtube Facebook-f TwitterTutorials for all brains!
Từ khóa » Html Font Family Sans Serif
CSS Web Safe Fonts - W3Schools
CSS Font-family Property - W3Schools
Font-family - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets - MDN Web Docs
Sans-Serif | CSS-Tricks
CSS Font Family Example (Serif And Sans Serif Characters)
The Ultimate List Of Web-Safe HTML And CSS Fonts - HubSpot Blog
CSS: Fonts - W3C
The 20 Best HTML Fonts To Use In 2022 - Hostinger
Lesson 2: Applying Typography In CSS - University Of Washington
Font Family (HTML) - Wikipedia
CSS Font-family - Free Tutorial To Learn HTML And CSS
How To Use Web Fonts In CSS: A Tutorial With Examples
30+ Best Web Safe Fonts For Your Next Design In 2022 - Kinsta
Sans Serif Font Family Css Code Example - Code Grepper