Đề Thi Toeic Writing 9-9-2020 – Bài Mẫu Tham Khảo Chi Tiết Task 2

Câu hỏi : Some people believe that the old should take on the role as leaders or directors at companies, others think that such important positions are suitable for the young. Which statement do you agree or disagree with?
Mở Bài

It is no doubt true that assuming leadership roles in companies is too important to be neglected. Some people hold a belief that such leadership positions should be intended for the elderly while others opine that the juveniles are more suitable. In my viewpoint, businesses should be put under the old’s leaderships with the role as leaders or directors.

Thân Bài 1

Initially, the young are likelyto lack leadership experience compared to that of older people. The more time people spend on their career path, the more experience they could accumulate day in day out. Most of the senior managers these days used to take on the different roles before being a manager, as an office employee, the head of the department, or an assistant. In this way, they may have the cumulative experience to cope with problems and establish their style of leadership in the future. Besides, many countries in the world also prefer to be put under old presidents or ministers’ leadership like the US, Germany, or Japan in hope of their experience to handle a large amount of daily work.

Thân Bài 2

Next, immature behaviors and thoughts are a reason why the young generation might have difficulties in the role of a manager. To make an important decision, a young person is likely to have irrational opinions whereas a senior manager frequently weighs up the pros and cons before action. On the other hand, when it comes to relationships with subordinates, a younger director needs to devote their time to becoming tactful. Meanwhile, an older leader is easy to keep everything not out of their control with moderate flexibility. It is worthwhile for a manager to win friends and influence people, their staff in particular.

Thân Bài 3

Afterward, the old now are easy to keep up with the modern trends in work. Many people think that the exponential development of technology has caused a challenge to the old’s leadership in companies or organizations due to their ignorance of information technology. They wonder whether old managers could adjust to perform their leadership role well or not. However, companies nowadays have paid more attention tofurnish their staff, including the old ones, with essential computing skills. Also, old leaders are encouraged to broaden their mind concerning contemporary trends which the juveniles are catching.

Kết Bài

For the reasons mentioned above, it seems to me that the elderly had better be in charge of leadership roles on which the juveniles are not competent to take.(407 words)

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