Download Visual Studio Tools - Install Free For Windows, Mac, Linux

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Visual Studio IDE Visual Studio for Mac Visual Studio Code To continue downloading, click here Download Visual Studio Tools – Install Free for Windows, Mac, Linux2024-07-05T16:00:08-07:00 Visual Studio for Mac Retiring August 31, 2024

For your development needs on Mac please download and install Visual Studio Code.

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Visual Studio 2022 icon

Visual Studio 2022

The most comprehensive IDE for .NET and C++ developers on Windows for building web, cloud, desktop, mobile apps, services and games.


Get early access to latest features not yet in the main release

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Powerful IDE, free for students, open-source contributors, and individuals

Free download


Professional IDE best suited to small teams

Free trial


Scalable, end-to-end solution for teams of any size

Free trial Release notes Compare Editions How to install offline License Terms

Visual Studio Code logo

Visual Studio CodeApple logo

A standalone source code editor that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. The top pick for Java and web developers, with tons of extensions to support just about any programming language.

Free download
  • Windows x64User Installer
  • macOS UniversalPackage
  • Linux x64.deb
  • Linux x64.rpm
  • More
Release notes

By using Visual Studio Code you agree to its license & privacy statement.

Wondering which tool is best for you? We can help

Developer machine OS Windows macOS LinuxSelect all that apply to you .NET C# C++ Web Cloud Desktop Python Java JavaScript TypeScript Node.js Games Mobile (Android/iOS) Data Science Machine Learning/AI

Visual Studio Code for Mac

Download Visual Studio Code


  • Free code editor
  • Built on open source and runs everywhere
  • Hundreds of programming languages supported

  • Add on the C# DevKit for Visual Studio Code

Learn more

  • Install guide for Mac
  • Get Started with Visual Studio Code
  • Learn coding with Visual Studio Code
  • C# DevKit for Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code for Windows

Lightweight yet powerful source code editor with tons of extensions for many languages and runtimes. Download Visual Studio Code


  • Free code editor
  • Built on open source and runs everywhere
  • Hundreds of programming languages supported

Learn more

  • Install guide for Windows
  • Get Started with Visual Studio Code
  • Learn coding with Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code for Mac

Download Visual Studio Code


  • Free code editor
  • Built on open source and runs everywhere
  • Hundreds of programming languages supported

Learn more

  • Install guide for Mac
  • Get Started with Visual Studio Code
  • Learn coding with Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code for Linux

Download Visual Studio Code
  • Linux x64 .deb
  • Linux x64.rpm


  • Free code editor
  • Built on open source. Runs everywhere
  • Hundreds of programming languages supported

Learn more

  • Install guide for Linux
  • Get Started with Visual Studio Code
  • Learn coding with Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio for Windows

A complete array of development tools and features in one place to elevate and enhance every stage of your software development. How to install offlineCompare editions

Download Visual Studio
  • Community 2022
  • Professional 2022
  • Enterprise 2022


  • Free for individual use
  • Code faster, test, debug, deploy any app from one place
  • Visual Studio built-in features empower full development cycle.

Learn more

  • How to install just what you need
  • Get started with Visual Studio
  • Start coding using tutorials

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Từ khóa » Visual Basic Download 2019