Draw A Map From A GPS Data File - GPS Visualizer

GPS Visualizer

Make a map

- Leaflet/Google

- Google Earth


Make a profile

Convert a file

Draw on a map


Geocode addresses

Look up elevations

Atlas: Share a map




About GPSV

Make an HTML Map (Google/Leaflet) from a GPS file

Other forms: Google Earth KML/KMZ, JPEG/PNG/SVG, Quantitative data, GPX/text, Profiles

This form will automatically draw your GPS data (or KML/KMZ file, or plain text data in CSV or tab-delimited format) overlaid upon a variety of background maps and imagery, using either the Google Maps API or Leaflet, an open-source mapping library.

Please note that creating a map with a very large number of waypoints (or very long tracklogs, especially if speed or altitude colorization is enabled) can cause your Web browser to grind to a halt. If you have thousands of markers, Google Earth might be a better choice.

If you don't have GPS data and want to interactively draw on a map, use GPS Visualizer's "sandbox" to create your own GPX or KML file.

General map parameters show advanced map options [+]
Format: LeafletGoogle Maps [help] Width: pixels [help] Height: [help] pixels
Your project's Google API key: [clear] [help]
Full screen mode: YesNo [help] Title: [help]
Initial map type: Google street mapGoogle aerial/satellite imageryGoogle hybrid (streets+satellite)Google terrain (physical map)OpenStreetMapOpenStreetMap + reliefOpenStreetMap (ThunderForest)OpenCycleMap (ThunderForest)OpenTopoMapArcGIS street mapArcGIS aerial imageryArcGIS hybrid (aerial+streets)ArcGIS topo/reliefNational GeographicUS: aerial imagery (NAIP+)US: USGS topo maps (ArcGIS)US: counties + OSMUS: The National AtlasUS: OpenStreetMap + reliefCanada: Toporama (NRCan)Canada: Toporama, no names[OTHER] [help] Opacity:0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% [help]
Time offset: hrs [help] Units: MetricU.S.Nautical (in legend, etc.) [help]
Add DEM elevation data: Nobest available sourceUSGS NED1 (30m res., North America)USGS NED2 (60m res., Alaska only)ODP1 (30m res., northern/western Europe)NASA SRTM1 (30m res., worldwide)NASA SRTM3 (90m res., worldwide)ASTER (30m res., limited availability) [help]
Allow elevation profiles: YesNo [help] Allow export of map data: YesNo [help]
Profile is visible: YesNo [help] Profile width: px [help] Filled: YesNo [help]
Zoom control: AutoLargeSmallNone [help] Scale bar: YesNo [help] Utilities menu: YesNo [help]
Map type control: AutoUtilities menuOn the mapMenu + mapNone [help] Opacity control: NoneOn the mapUtilities menuMap + menu [help]
Restrict background map choices based on initial location: YesNo [help]
Geolocation control: NoneOn the mapUtilities menuMap + menu [help] (map must be on https server)
Initial zoom level: [help] Initial center point: [help]
Center coords: YesNo [help] Mouse coords: YesNo [help] Ruler: YesIn menuNo [help]
Address search box: YesNo [help] Street View: YesNo [help] 3-D: YesNo [help]
Legend/info box contents: (Enter HTML code; use <br> for line breaks)
Custom HTML styles: (CSS style directives or URL of a style sheet) [help]
Custom JavaScript before the map loads: [help]
Custom JavaScript after the map loads: [help]
ThunderForest.com API key: [help]
IGN.fr API key: [help]
Track options show advanced track options [+]
Track opacity: 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% [help] Line width: [help]
Colorize by: NoneTrack (recommended)Altitude/elevationSpeedDistanceTimeCourse/headingSlopeClimb ratePaceHeart rateCadenceV.M.G.SatellitesHDOPSNRNcustom field [help] Default color: RedOrangeYellowGreenCyanBlueVioletMagenta [help]
Colorize min.: [help] Colorize max.: [help]
Lightness: 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% [help] Saturation: 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% [help]
Spectrum direction: updown [help] Hue 1: 0°30°45°60°90°120°135°150°180°210°225°240°270°300°315°330° [help] Hue 2: 0°30°45°60°90°120°135°150°180°210°225°240°270°300°315°330° [help]
Custom spectrum file (URL): [help]
Color of values beyond min. or max.: GrayMin./max. color continuesDo not draw [help]
Colorization legend: YesNo [help] Steps: [help] Color blocks: YesNo [help]
Preserve track styles in input files (e.g., from KML or Garmin GPX): YesNo [help]
Track list: Names and descriptionsNames onlyNo list [help] Tickmark interval: [help]
Trackpoint distance threshold: [help] Max. points per track: [help]
Draw trackpoints as waypoints: NoYes, with no namesYes, named with time stampsYes, named with sequential point numbersYes, named with data from the "colorize" fieldYes, using a custom template [help]
Remove all tracks: NoYes [help] Reverse tracks: NoYes [help]
Connect segments: No, leave gapYes [help] Merge all tracks: NoYes [help]
Segment break threshold for plain-text track data: seconds [help]
Re-order coterminous tracks: NoMerge all coterminous tracksMerge all coterminous tracks (allow reversal)Merge tracks if names matchMerge tracks if names match (allow reversal)Re-order onlyRe-order only (allow reversal) [help]
Outline behind/around tracks: Noblackwhite [help] Geodesic drawing: YesNo
Make tracks clickable: YesNo [help] Make tracks mouseover-able: YesNo [help]
Default polygon opacity ("filled" tracks only): --0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% [help]
Moving average range for estimated fields (speed, slope, etc.): point(s) [help]
GPX/CSV routepoints: Do not display routes or routepointsConvert to tracks onlyConvert to tracks, but include named pts. as waypointsConvert to tracks and include ALL as waypointsConvert only named points to waypointsConvert all points to waypoints [help]
Show track statistics (distance, time, elevation): YesNo [help]
Calculate elevation gain: YesNo [help] Elevation threshold: [help]
Waypoint options show advanced waypoint options [+]
Show waypoints: AllNoneIn bounds of tracks onlyIn bounds of tracks, plus padding [help]
Default icon: pingooglegoogleblankgoogleminicirclesquaretrianglediamondcrossstararrowairportcamerablankcircle (BIG)fuzzy circlescustom icon [help] Color: pinkredmaroonorangeyellowolivelimegreenaquatealbluenavyvioletpurplemagentawhitesilvergrayblacktanbrown [help]
Waypoint labels: Mouse-over "tooltips" onlyNames appear as permanent labelsPermanent labels, on normal points AND trackpoints [help]
Opacity: 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% [help] Scale: [help] Shadows: YesNo [help] Vector: YesNo [help]
Preserve waypoint colors and symbols (e.g., from KML or Garmin): YesNo [help]
Colorize waypoints using this field: None (don't colorize points)N / frequencyAltitude/elevationSpeedCourse/headingSlopeTimeSatellitesHDOPSNRHeart rateName (alphabetized)Description (alphabetized)Category (alphabetized)Symbol (alphabetized)custom field [help]
Synthesize name: (field names in {curly} brackets) [help]
Synthesize description: (fields in {curly} brackets) [help]
Synthesize label: (fields in {curly} brackets) [help]
Synthesize folders: (fields in {curly} brackets) [help]
Initial state of folders in marker list: OpenCollapsed [help]
Generate list of markers: Nonamesnames, with dividersnames & descriptionsnames & descriptions, w/ dividers [help] Width: px [help]
Interactively filter out-of-range points: YesNo [help] Max. # visible: [help]
Discard outliers: No, show all pointsdiscard if Z > 0.5discard if Z > 1discard if Z > 2discard if Z > 3discard if Z > 4discard if Z > 5 [help]
Show only points whose 'name' matches this pattern: [help]
Garmin waypoint icons: large, new (24x24)small, colorful (16x16)small, plain (16x16)Do not use Garmin icons [help]
Add "driving directions" form to each point's info window: YesNo [help]
Geotag points with times but no positions: NoYes, interpolate pointsYes, & include earlier pointsYes, & include later pointsYes, & include earlier+later [help] Geotagging offset: hours (positionless points vs. GPS data) [help]
Upload your GPS data files here: [help]
(Total size cannot exceed 10 MB; .zip/.gz is supported)
File #1
File #2
File #3

Show additional file input boxes

Open in new window Save these settings • Load from saved
Or paste your data here: [help]
Force plain text to be this type: defaulttrackpointsroute pointswaypoints
Or provide the URL of static data on the Web:
Or a URL that the map will load dynamically:
(Google Docs spreadsheets or GPX/KML/XML files only)
©2003-2019 Adam Schneider, adam [at] gpsvisualizer [dot] com. Privacy Policy

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