ECJ Holds That Tenderer Can Be Excluded When Member Of ... - Westlaw

ECJ holds that tenderer can be excluded when member of its bidding consortium loses accreditation | Practical Law On 14 September 2017, the ECJ handed down its preliminary judgment in the case of Casertana Costruzioni Srl v Ministerio delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, Provveditorato Interregionale per le opera pubbliche della Campania e del Molise, Agenzia Regionale Campana per la Difesa del Suolo A.R.Ca.Di.S, Case C-223/16.

ECJ holds that tenderer can be excluded when member of its bidding consortium loses accreditation

Practical Law UK Legal Update Case Report w-010-4262 (Approx. 5 pages) ECJ holds that tenderer can be excluded when member of its bidding consortium loses accreditationby Practical Law Public Sector Related Content
Published on 20 Sep 2017England, European Union, Wales
On 14 September 2017, the ECJ handed down its preliminary judgment in the case of Casertana Costruzioni Srl v Ministerio delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, Provveditorato Interregionale per le opera pubbliche della Campania e del Molise, Agenzia Regionale Campana per la Difesa del Suolo A.R.Ca.Di.S, Case C-223/16.

Từ khóa » C-223/16