Element: Alternate Text Name (for A Figure, Etc.)

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  1. How To Use (Read Me First)
  2. Root Element
  3. General Introduction
  4. Selecting a Model & Schema
  5. Elements
    1. <abbrev>
    2. <abbrev-journal-title>
    3. <abstract>
    4. <access-date>
    5. <ack>
    6. <addr-line>
    7. <address>
    8. <aff>
    9. <aff-alternatives>
    10. <ali:free_to_read>
    11. <ali:license_ref>
    12. <alt-text>
    13. <alt-title>
    14. <alternatives>
    15. <annotation>
    16. <anonymous>
    17. <app>
    18. <app-group>
    19. <array>
    20. <article>
    21. <article-categories>
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    27. <attrib>
    28. <author-comment>
    29. <author-notes>
    30. <award-group>
    31. <award-id>
    32. <back>
    33. <bio>
    34. <body>
    35. <bold>
    36. <boxed-text>
    37. <break>
    38. <caption>
    39. <chapter-title>
    40. <chem-struct>
    41. <chem-struct-wrap>
    42. <citation-alternatives>
    43. <city>
    44. <code>
    45. <col>
    46. <colgroup>
    47. <collab>
    48. <collab-alternatives>
    49. <comment>
    50. <compound-kwd>
    51. <compound-kwd-part>
    52. <compound-subject>
    53. <compound-subject-part>
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    59. <conf-sponsor>
    60. <conf-theme>
    61. <conference>
    62. <contrib>
    63. <contrib-group>
    64. <contrib-id>
    65. <contributed-resource-group>
    66. <copyright-holder>
    67. <copyright-statement>
    68. <copyright-year>
    69. <corresp>
    70. <count>
    71. <country>
    72. <counts>
    73. <custom-meta>
    74. <custom-meta-group>
    75. <data-title>
    76. <date>
    77. <date-in-citation>
    78. <day>
    79. <def>
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    81. <def-item>
    82. <def-list>
    83. <degrees>
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    86. <disp-quote>
    87. <edition>
    88. <element-citation>
    89. <elocation-id>
    90. <email>
    91. <equation-count>
    92. <era>
    93. <etal>
    94. <event>
    95. <event-desc>
    96. <ext-link>
    97. <fax>
    98. <fig>
    99. <fig-count>
    100. <fig-group>
    101. <fixed-case>
    102. <floats-group>
    103. <fn>
    104. <fn-group>
    105. <fpage>
    106. <front>
    107. <front-stub>
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    109. <funding-source>
    110. <funding-statement>
    111. <given-names>
    112. <glossary>
    113. <glyph-data>
    114. <glyph-ref>
    115. <gov>
    116. <graphic>
    117. <history>
    118. <hr>
    119. <index-term>
    120. <index-term-range-end>
    121. <inline-formula>
    122. <inline-graphic>
    123. <inline-media>
    124. <inline-supplementary-material>
    125. <institution>
    126. <institution-id>
    127. <institution-wrap>
    128. <isbn>
    129. <issn>
    130. <issn-l>
    131. <issue>
    132. <issue-id>
    133. <issue-part>
    134. <issue-sponsor>
    135. <issue-title>
    136. <italic>
    137. <journal-id>
    138. <journal-meta>
    139. <journal-subtitle>
    140. <journal-title>
    141. <journal-title-group>
    142. <kwd>
    143. <kwd-group>
    144. <label>
    145. <license>
    146. <license-p>
    147. <list>
    148. <list-item>
    149. <long-desc>
    150. <lpage>
    151. <media>
    152. <meta-name>
    153. <meta-value>
    154. <milestone-end>
    155. <milestone-start>
    156. <mixed-citation>
    157. <mml:math>
    158. <monospace>
    159. <month>
    160. <name>
    161. <name-alternatives>
    162. <named-content>
    163. <nested-kwd>
    164. <nlm-citation>
    165. <note>
    166. <notes>
    167. <object-id>
    168. <on-behalf-of>
    169. <open-access>
    170. <overline>
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    173. <p>
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    182. <prefix>
    183. <preformat>
    184. <price>
    185. <principal-award-recipient>
    186. <principal-investigator>
    187. <private-char>
    188. <product>
    189. <pub-date>
    190. <pub-date-not-available>
    191. <pub-history>
    192. <pub-id>
    193. <publisher>
    194. <publisher-loc>
    195. <publisher-name>
    196. <rb>
    197. <ref>
    198. <ref-count>
    199. <ref-list>
    200. <related-article>
    201. <related-object>
    202. <resource-group>
    203. <resource-id>
    204. <resource-name>
    205. <resource-wrap>
    206. <response>
    207. <role>
    208. <roman>
    209. <rp>
    210. <rt>
    211. <ruby>
    212. <sans-serif>
    213. <sc>
    214. <season>
    215. <sec>
    216. <sec-meta>
    217. <see>
    218. <see-also>
    219. <self-uri>
    220. <series>
    221. <series-text>
    222. <series-title>
    223. <sig>
    224. <sig-block>
    225. <size>
    226. <source>
    227. <speaker>
    228. <speech>
    229. <state>
    230. <statement>
    231. <std>
    232. <std-organization>
    233. <strike>
    234. <string-conf>
    235. <string-date>
    236. <string-name>
    237. <styled-content>
    238. <sub>
    239. <sub-article>
    240. <subj-group>
    241. <subject>
    242. <subtitle>
    243. <suffix>
    244. <sup>
    245. <supplement>
    246. <supplementary-material>
    247. <support-description>
    248. <support-group>
    249. <support-source>
    250. <surname>
    251. <table>
    252. <table-count>
    253. <table-wrap>
    254. <table-wrap-foot>
    255. <table-wrap-group>
    256. <target>
    257. <tbody>
    258. <td>
    259. <term>
    260. <term-head>
    261. <tex-math>
    262. <textual-form>
    263. <tfoot>
    264. <th>
    265. <thead>
    266. <time-stamp>
    267. <title>
    268. <title-group>
    269. <tr>
    270. <trans-abstract>
    271. <trans-source>
    272. <trans-subtitle>
    273. <trans-title>
    274. <trans-title-group>
    275. <underline>
    276. <underline-end>
    277. <underline-start>
    278. <unstructured-kwd-group>
    279. <uri>
    280. <verse-group>
    281. <verse-line>
    282. <version>
    283. <volume>
    284. <volume-id>
    285. <volume-issue-group>
    286. <volume-series>
    287. <word-count>
    288. <x>
    289. <xref>
    290. <year>
  6. Attributes
    1. abbr
    2. abbrev-type
    3. abstract-type
    4. align
    5. alt
    6. alt-title-type
    7. arrange
    8. article-type
    9. article-version-type
    10. assigning-authority
    11. authenticated
    12. award-type
    13. axis
    14. baseline-shift
    15. border
    16. calendar
    17. cellpadding
    18. cellspacing
    19. char
    20. charoff
    21. code-type
    22. code-version
    23. collab-type
    24. colspan
    25. content-type
    26. continued-from
    27. contrib-id-type
    28. contrib-type
    29. corresp
    30. count
    31. count-type
    32. country
    33. currency
    34. date-type
    35. deceased
    36. degree-contribution
    37. description
    38. designator
    39. disp-level
    40. document-id
    41. document-id-type
    42. document-type
    43. dtd-version
    44. elocation-id
    45. end_date
    46. equal-contrib
    47. event-type
    48. executable
    49. ext-link-type
    50. fig-type
    51. fn-type
    52. fontchar
    53. fontname
    54. format
    55. frame
    56. glyph-data
    57. headers
    58. id
    59. indent-level
    60. index-type
    61. initials
    62. institution-id-type
    63. iso-8601-date
    64. issue
    65. journal-id
    66. journal-id-type
    67. kwd-group-type
    68. language
    69. language-version
    70. license-type
    71. link-type
    72. list-content
    73. list-type
    74. mime-subtype
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    76. name
    77. name-style
    78. notation
    79. notes-type
    80. object-id
    81. object-id-type
    82. object-type
    83. orientation
    84. page
    85. person-group-type
    86. platforms
    87. position
    88. prefix-word
    89. preformat-type
    90. product-type
    91. pub-id-type
    92. publication-format
    93. publication-type
    94. publisher-type
    95. pub-type
    96. rationale
    97. ref-type
    98. related-article-type
    99. resolution
    100. resource-id-type
    101. resource-type
    102. response-type
    103. rid
    104. rowspan
    105. rules
    106. scope
    107. sec-type
    108. seq
    109. source-id
    110. source-id-type
    111. source-type
    112. span
    113. specific-use
    114. start_date
    115. style
    116. style-detail
    117. style-type
    118. subj-group-type
    119. summary
    120. supplement-type
    121. support-type
    122. symbol
    123. target-type
    124. term-status
    125. term-type
    126. toggle
    127. underline-style
    128. units
    129. use-type
    130. valign
    131. version
    132. vocab
    133. vocab-identifier
    134. vocab-term
    135. vocab-term-identifier
    136. vol
    137. width
    138. xlink:actuate
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    143. xlink:type
    144. xml:base
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    148. xmlns:xlink
    149. xmlns:xsi
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    153. y-size
  7. Parameter Entities
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    4. %abbrev-journal-title-atts;
    5. %abbrev-journal-title-elements;
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  8. Document Hierarchy Diagrams
    1. Top level element: Article
    2. Front Matter
      1. Journal Metadata
      2. Article Metadata
      3. Article Grouping Data
      4. Title Group
      5. Contributor Group
      6. Contributor
      7. Name of Person
      8. Biography
      9. Author Note Group
      10. Volume Issue Grouping
      11. Publication History
      12. Date
      13. Permissions
      14. Abstract
      15. Translated Abstract
      16. Keyword Group
      17. Funding Group
      18. Support Group
      19. Contributed Resource Group
      20. Counts
      21. Custom Metadata Group
      22. Notes
    3. Body and Section
      1. Section
      2. Section Metadata
    4. Back Matter
      1. Acknowledgments
      2. Appendix Group
      3. Appendix
      4. Footnote Group
      5. Glossary Elements List
      6. Reference List (Bibliographic)
      7. Reference Item
      8. NLM Citation
    5. Floating Objects
    6. Sub-article and Response
    7. Body Blocks
      1. Array (Simple Tabulation)
      2. Boxed Text
      3. Chemical Structure Wrapper
      4. Figure
      5. Figure Group
      6. Supplementary Material Metadata
      7. Table
      8. Table Footer
      9. Table Group
      10. Formula, Display Group
      11. Definition List
      12. List
      13. Quote, Displayed
      14. Speech
      15. Statement, Formal
      16. Verse Form for Poetry
    8. Inlines
  9. Common Tagging Practice
    1. Tagging References
      1. Two Citation Styles
      2. Labels in Citations
      3. Titles in Citations
      4. Dates in Citations
      5. Personal Names in Citations
      6. Citation Attributes
      7. Citing Data
      8. Conferences in Citations
      9. Length and Size
      10. Tagging Ordinal Numbers
      11. Abbreviated Citations
      12. Citations in Multiple Languages
      13. Language of the Cited Material
      14. Sample Citations for Archiving
        1. Journal Citations
        2. Book Citations
        3. Conference Proceedings
        4. Conference (Unpublished)
        5. Data Citations
        6. Forthcoming Publication
        7. Government Report
        8. Internet Journal
        9. Patent
        10. Thesis or Dissertation
        11. Website
    2. Tagging Data Availability Statements
    3. Tagging Keywords
    4. Tagging Personal Names
    5. Tagging Affiliations
    6. Tagging Figures/Graphics/Media
    7. Tagging Tables
    8. Tagging Multiple Versions
    9. MathML and JATS
    10. Tagging Links to Clinical Trial Descriptions
    11. Tagging Book or Product Reviews
    12. Tagging Letters and Replies
    13. Tagging Sub-articles
  10. Accessibility
  11. Modifying This Tag Set
    1. JATS and Linked Data
    2. How To Make New Tag Sets
    3. Tag Suite Naming Conventions
    4. Modules in the Journal Archiving Tag Set and JATS DTD Suite
  12. Version 1.2 Change Report
  13. Element Context Table
    1. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y
  14. Index
    1. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  15. Supporting Documentation Home

Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Library NISO JATS Version 1.2 (ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2019)

National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)National Library of Medicine (NLM)

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  • Parameter Entities
  • Index
<alt-text>Alternate Text Name (for a figure, etc.)Word or phrase used to provide a very short textual name, description, or purpose-statement for a structure such as a graphic or figure.


Accessibility: The short <alt-text> can be used for special accessibility display or presentation on graphic-limited websites or devices, as an alternative to providing the full graphic. (For example, the <alt-text> element is typically read by screen readers, and <alt-text> may also be used to display a few words “behind” a figure or graphic for devices with limited graphics capacity.)Please reserve this tag for accessibility uses such as pronouncing screen readers. This element should not to be used as a replacement for <caption>, which is a visual element typically displayed alongside a figure, table, etc. The <alt-text> is not a visual element, unless the figure, caption, or other major element that holds the <alt-text> is not available or cannot be processed by the person or device-type being addressed. Since it is not visual, <alt-text> does not allow face markup inside it; a simplified textual alternative for a graphic object (including face markup) can be created using the <textual-form> element.

Related Elements

The similarly non-visual element <long-desc> is meant for an extended description of the figure, table, etc.


content-type Type of Contentid Document Internal Identifierspecific-use Specific Usexml:base Basexml:lang Language

Content Model

<!ELEMENT alt-text (#PCDATA) >


Text, numbers, or special characters

This element may be contained in:

<array>, <chem-struct>, <chem-struct-wrap>, <disp-formula>, <disp-formula-group>, <fig>, <fig-group>, <graphic>, <inline-formula>, <inline-graphic>, <inline-media>, <inline-supplementary-material>, <media>, <preformat>, <supplementary-material>, <table-wrap>, <table-wrap-group>

Example 1

Short description of an image in a figure:... <sec sec-type="results"> <title>Results</title> <p>We identified 703 abstracts, of which 687 were not relevant ... Details of randomisation procedures, treatment schedules, and numbers of patients followed up are given on the <italic>BMJ</italic> website.</p> <fig id="F1"> <caption> <title>Deaths among patients receiving day hospital care or alternative services.</title> <p>Odds ratios of death by end of follow up were calculated by fixed effects model. Heterogeneity between trials is presented as &#x03C7;<sup>2</sup></p> </caption> <alt-text>Deaths in hospitals or with alternative services</alt-text> <graphic xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="fors2662.f1"> <object-id>456472</object-id> </graphic> </fig> ... </sec> ...

Example 2

For describing an inline graphic:... <p>The McDuck Corporation<inline-graphic xlink:href="images/1742-9994-3-18-1.jpg"> <alt-text>McDuck logo</alt-text> </inline-graphic> first initiated these far-flung programs in 2005...</p> ...

Example 3

Short description of an image in a boxed text:... <boxed-text position="float" id="B1"> <caption> <title>The Hens First Meeting on Day 1</title> <p>The music notation graph for four hens on their first day of meeting. The horizontal lines represent the hens by their ranks within their hierarchy: red for the top-ranked hen, blue for the second-ranked, green for the third-ranked, and black for the fourth-ranked. Arrows indicate aggressive acts from one hen to another, and the arrows are in the color of the initiator and go from her line to the line of the receiver. The numbers at the ends of the lines show the wing badge identification numbers of the hens, and the time in minutes and hours elapsed since the group was introduced is indicated above each block of the graph.</p></caption> <graphic xlink:href="images/1742-9994-3-18-1.jpg"> <alt-text>music notation graph of first meeting</alt-text> </graphic> </boxed-text> ...

Example 4

The alternative text is descriptive and need not echo the caption:... <fig id="fg-3"> <caption> <p>Picture with a Positive Association</p> </caption> <graphic xlink:href="frontView.png"> <alt-text>Collie puppy image</alt-text> </graphic> </fig> ...

Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Library NISO JATS Version 1.2 (ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2019)

Version of May 2019

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