Excel VBA SaveAs "Read-only" PDF File - Stack Overflow

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Learn more about Labs Excel VBA SaveAs "Read-only" PDF file Ask Question Asked 2 years, 5 months ago Modified 2 years, 5 months ago Viewed 603 times 0

The following code successfully saves an excel sheet as PDF. I would like to save it as a file, that can be opened by everyone, but not edited with the "fill and sign" feature, that is provided by Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. I have tried to simply add the following, but that does not work:


Here is the rest of the code:

Dim sPath As String sPath = "O:\" With Worksheets("Sheet 1") .ExportAsFixedFormat _ Type:=xlTypePDF, _ Filename:=sPath & UserForm.TextBox1.Value & ".pdf", _ Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _ IncludeDocProperties:=True, _ IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _ OpenAfterPublish:=False End With Share Improve this question Follow asked Jan 24, 2022 at 8:34 MarkAKE's user avatar MarkAKEMarkAKE 452 silver badges8 bronze badges 0 Add a comment |

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You should be able to use SetAttr after saving.

SetAttr "c:\path\yourfilename.pdf", vbReadOnly Share Improve this answer Follow answered Jan 24, 2022 at 12:00 ashleedawg's user avatar ashleedawgashleedawg 21.2k9 gold badges78 silver badges113 bronze badges 1
  • not working, I´m still able to fill&sign the pdf – MarkAKE Commented Jan 24, 2022 at 16:20
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2 saving as PDF file on VBA return "Document not saved" error 1 store excel sheet as PDF on desktop 0 Using Excel VBA saveas function to save as PDF with user interaction 2 VBA “Save to PDF” saves even on cancels 2 Excel Save As PDF And Overwrite Existing 0 saving excel as pdf in active directory 0 Saving Excel Sheet as PDF 1 Save PDF from excel dynamically 0 Save as pdf using Mac Excel VBA 0 Writing and Saving to a PDF with VBA

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