Exponent In C# | Delft Stack
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PythonPython PandasNumpyScipyJavaScriptThis article will introduce the exponent operator in C#.
Use the Pow() Method as Exponent Operator in C#
In C#, there is no specific operator for the exponent. There is a method Math.Pow() that we can use to raise a number to some power. The correct syntax to use this method is as follows.
Math.Pow(x, y);This method returns the result after calculating x raised to the power y. The detail of its parameters is as follows.
Parameters | Description |
x | base |
y | exponent |
The program below shows how we can use the Pow() method to raise a number to specific power.
using System; public class Program { public static void Main() { double Result, Number1, Number2; Number1 = 3; Number2 = 4; Result = Math.Pow(Number1, Number2); Console.WriteLine(Result); } }Output:
81The function has returned the result after calculating 3 raised to the power 4(3x3x3x3).