#fbaf00 Hex Color Code, RGB And Paints - Encycolorpedia


★ NR9017 8.2YR 7.3/12.6#fbb00b ΔE = 0.353 / LRV ≈ 51.6%

  • Testors

    ★ 2514C#fcae00 ΔE = 0.437 / LRV ≈ 51.0%

  • Australian Standard AS2700

    ★ Y13 Vivid Yellow#fcae00 ΔE = 0.437 / LRV ≈ 51.0%

  • Earthpaint

    ★ 1-12-7 Gold Finger#fbaf12 ΔE = 0.509 / LRV ≈ 51.2%

  • Aerospace Material Specification

    ★ AMS-STD 595 13538 Orange Yellow#f9b000 ΔE = 0.601 / LRV ≈ 51.2%

  • Federal Standard

    ★ 13538#f9b000 ΔE = 0.601 / LRV ≈ 51.2%

  • Suvinil

    ★ Sol Nascente#feb000 ΔE = 0.653 / LRV ≈ 52.1%

  • Nippon Paint

    ★ Cheers / NP AC 2061 A#feb100 ΔE = 0.822 / LRV ≈ 52.5%

  • Brighto Paints

    ★ 1-11-7 Fairy Lights#fbb01b ΔE = 0.835 / LRV ≈ 51.6%

  • Benjamin Moore

    ★ Bumble Bee Yellow / 2020-10#ffb000 ΔE = 0.842 / LRV ≈ 52.3%

  • Behr

    ★ Desert Glow S-G-350#ffb000 ΔE = 0.842 / LRV ≈ 52.3%

  • Bristol

    ★ Gold Fringe / P025-W7#ffb000 ΔE = 0.842 / LRV ≈ 52.3%

  • Pantone / PMS

    ★ 15-1062 TCX / Gold Fusion#ffb000 ΔE = 0.842 / LRV ≈ 52.3%

  • Taubmans

    ★ Gold Fringe / T12 16.H2#ffb000 ΔE = 0.842 / LRV ≈ 52.3%

  • PlaidFX

    ★ Amber Sand / 36846#fcaf18 ΔE = 0.845 / LRV ≈ 51.4%

  • General Paint

    ★ Twintree / CL 1747N#f9b100 ΔE = 0.88 / LRV ≈ 51.6%

  • Avian Brands

    ★ Tangerine Burst Y3-006#ffaf09 ΔE = 0.939 / LRV ≈ 51.9%

  • Comex

    ★ Tigre I1-14#ffb100 ΔE = 0.963 / LRV ≈ 52.7%

  • Focoltone

    ★ 3501#f7ad00 ΔE = 0.966 / LRV ≈ 49.7%Color Directory

    • Adelphi Panthers

      Adelphi Panthers

    Color Blindness Simulation


    • Achromatopsia#b2b2b2
    • Achromatomaly#d3b161


    • Protanopia#dad92a
    • Deuteranopia#dfe435
    • Tritanopia#f74c53


    • Protanomaly#fac816
    • Deuteranomaly#ecc319
    • Tritanomaly#f88020
    #fbaf00 HTML / CSS Code Examples

    #fbaf00 foreground

    The object isn't to make art, it's to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable.

    <p style="color: #fbaf00">…</p>

    #fbaf00 background

    A work of art which did not begin in emotion is not art.

    <p style="background-color: #fbaf00">…</p>

    #fbaf00 shadow

    Art is never finished, only abandoned.

    <p style="text-shadow: 0.1em 0.1em 0.15em #fbaf00">…</p>Color Charts
    • RGB


    • CMYK


    • RYB


    Color Space ConversionsDecimal16494336Binary11111011, 10101111, 00000000Hexadecimal#fbaf00LRV≈ 51.2%Closest short hex#fa0 ΔE = 2.03RGBrgb(251, 175, 0)RGBArgba(251, 175, 0, 1.0)rg chromaticityr: 0.589, g: 0.411, b: 0.0RYBred: 42.747%, yellow: 98.431%, blue: 0.0%Android / android.graphics.Color-282880 / 0xfffbaf00HSLhsl(42, 100%, 49%)HSLAhsla(42, 100%, 49%, 1.0)HSV / HSBhue: 42° (41.833), saturation: 100% (1.0), value: 98% (0.984)HSPhue: 41.833, saturation: 100.0%, perceived brightness: 75.243%HSLuv (HUSL)H: 50.705, S: 99.979, L: 76.784CubehelixH: 39.913, S: 1.8, L: 0.7TSLT: 2.256, S: 0.359, L: 0.697CMYKcyan: 0% (0.0), magenta: 30% (0.303), yellow: 100% (1.0), key: 2% (0.016)CMYcyan: 2% (0.016), magenta: 31% (0.314), yellow: 100% (1.0)XYZX: 55.118, Y: 51.174, Z: 6.975xyYx: 0.487, y: 0.452, Y: 51.174CIELabL: 76.784, a: 17.022, b: 79.949CIELuvL: 76.784, u: 63.376, v: 77.443CIELCH / LCHabL: 76.784, C: 81.741, H: 77.981CIELUV / LCHuvL: 76.784, C: 100.07, H: 50.705Hunter-LabL: 71.536, a: 12.345, b: 44.295CIECAM02J: 71.039, C: 66.695, h: 78.021, Q: 166.058, M: 58.324, s: 59.264, H: 80.871CAM16 JChlightness: 70.156, chroma: 59.422, hue: 78.036CAM16 JMhlightness: 70.156, colorfulness: 51.964, hue: 78.036CAM16 Jshlightness: 70.156, saturation: 56.113, hue: 78.036CAM16 QChperceived brightness: 165.032, chroma: 59.422, hue: 78.036CAM16 QMhperceived brightness: 165.032, colorfulness: 51.964, hue: 78.036CAM16 Qshperceived brightness: 165.032, saturation: 56.113, hue: 78.036CAM16 UCS JMhlightness: 79.985, colorfulness: 34.277, hue: 78.036CAM16 UCS Jablightness: 79.985, a: 7.105, b: 33.532OSA-UCSlightness: -9.778, jaune: 10.505, green: -2.297LMSL: 61.242, M: 48.13, S: 7.72YCbCrY: 168.707, Cb: 39.927, Cr: 173.789YCoCgY: 150.25, Cg: 24.75, Co: 125.5YDbDrY: 177.774, Db: -267.475, Dr: -139.283YPbPrY: 178.588, Pb: -96.24, Pr: 46.05xvYCCY: 169.376, Cb: 43.46, Cr: 168.452YIQY: 177.774, I: 101.495, Q: -38.378YUVY: 177.774, U: -87.48, V: 64.242Okhslh: 77.353, s: 1.0, l: 0.774Okhsvh: 77.353, s: 1.0, v: 0.986Okhwbh: 77.353, w: 0.0, b: 0.014Oklabl: 0.806, a: 0.037, b: 0.164Oklchl: 0.806, c: 0.168, h: 77.353JzAzBzJz: 0.01192, Az: 0.00459, Bz: 0.01602JzCzHzJz: 0.01192, Cz: 0.01666, Hz: 74.02301Munsell Color System10YR 8/14 ΔE = 1.709Brand ColorSouthwest Airlines Sunrise Yellow ΔE = 5.095Random Colors
    • #7dcb21
    • #139b3d
    • #ed17d4
    • #ade4d2
    • #8907f1


    • #ed926e
    • #df4d29
    • #caada6
    • #b35d4a
    • #6d3c3b


    • #277d3f
    • #87ba59
    • #399215
    • #7cb23d
    • #2cb840


    • #45587f
    • #2656c5
    • #293cb8
    • #737feb
    • #1c2958
  • Từ khóa » Hsl Golden Panthers