G1 Versus G0 Question? - RepRap

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phidias1000 G1 versus G0 question? September 06, 2010 10:54AM Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 7
Hi Q1: I just bought a makerbot on ebay (model 614), have it running. I noticed that when I use Skeinforge it outputs the gcode in G1 coordinate system. ReplicatorG took the data stream and move the stage relative to each G1, that is , it went to the first coordinate, moved to it, the second cordinate became a move in x,y,z from the first rather than absolute. This drove my stage off the end points. So, after research, I found doing a global search and replace of G1 to G0 fixed this. I am now happy I can control the stage. However, it takes a long time to do a global search and replace. IS there something I have done wrong in loading drivers , or setting up skeinforge or replicatorG . This would be very helpful. Reply Quote
rhmorrison Re: G1 versus G0 question? September 06, 2010 11:02AM Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 3,742
Skeinforge - Craft - Dimension: Activate and select "Relative Extrusion Distance" instead of "Absolute Extrusion Distance". Bob Morrison Wörth am Rhein, Germany "Luke, use the source!" BLOG - PHOTOS - Thingiverse Reply Quote
emt Re: G1 versus G0 question? September 06, 2010 11:10AM Registered: 16 years ago Posts: 467
Hi G1 is feed at defined feed rate (Fvalue) and G0 is rapid (get there as fast as possible regardless of Fvalue) in Gcode format. Are you saying one was incremental and the other absolute? If so something is wrong in the makerbot. You could actually change the G1 to G0 in the skeinforge replace.csv but I don't think that is the way to go. Unfortunately I don't use ReplicatorG so I can't help with what I think is the real problem. Regards Ian Reply Quote
phidias1000 Re: G1 versus G0 question? September 06, 2010 11:11AM Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 7
Wow, that was fast, thanks. I looked all over skeinforge preferences, couldnt find where to do this. Is it in ReplicatorG somewhere? Thanks again for the lightning quick response. Reply Quote
rhmorrison Re: G1 versus G0 question? September 06, 2010 11:18AM Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 3,742
G0 Rapid Motion Implemented - supports X, Y, and Z axes. G1 Coordinated Motion Implemented - supports X, Y, and Z axes. G2 Arc – Clockwise (Not used by Skienforge) G3 Arc - Counter Clockwise (Not used by Skienforge) G4 Dwell Implemented. G20 Inches as units Implemented. G21 Millimetres as units Implemented. G28 Go Home Implemented. (X = -135mm, Y = 100mm, Z = 0mm) G90 Absolute Positioning Implemented. G91 Incremental mode G92 sets an origin offset, which is currently used to set the extruder 2 X,Y offset from extruder 1. Bob Morrison Wörth am Rhein, Germany "Luke, use the source!" BLOG - PHOTOS - Thingiverse Reply Quote
phidias1000 Re: G1 versus G0 question? September 06, 2010 11:37AM Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 7
Thanks Bob, really. I spent awhile learning Gcodes which is how I learned about G0 versus G1 positioning. I am able to run the replicatorG by doing a global search and replace for G1 to G0 before the build. But that takes awhile since the data sets are large. Your solution of Skeinforge - Craft - Dmension: and then checking the box made absolute sense to me, I thought there should be a setting. Here are my options in skeinforge (screenshot I put in word), maybe I am missing something? Reply Quote Attachments: open | download - screen shot.doc (56 KB)
phidias1000 Re: G1 versus G0 question? September 06, 2010 11:46AM Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 7
clarified my question Reply Quote
nophead Re: G1 versus G0 question? September 06, 2010 12:45PM Admin Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 7,879
G1 and G0 should behave the same as far as relative / absolute are concerned. If they don't there is a bug in RepG. What you should actually be changing is G90 at the beginning if you want absolute, the normal case for SF and G91 if you want incremental. [www.hydraraptor.blogspot.com] Reply Quote
phidias1000 Re: G1 versus G0 question? September 06, 2010 12:54PM Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 7
Thanks all, Bob and NopHead and Ian I tried loading the new python and relaized I could find the settings Bob gave me, of craft : dimension: relative or absolute So I ran an experiment. I took a calibration stl (20 mm box) and loaded it in skienforge with absolute checked before loading. ran skienforge and saved it Then I loaded the same file and loaded it with relative checked before loading, ran skienforge and saved it. then I brought each gcode into replocatorG, first was the relative, I copied the first 35 lines. Then cleared replicatorG and brought the absolute gcode in, than copied the first 35 lines. The word document shows there is no difference by selecting the craft dimension (relative or absolute) check box. So, before I go to the replicator G and reload the drivers to the makerbot, I thought I would share that the skeinforge craft dimension check box doesnt do anything. Maybe thats a contribution to skeinforge, not sure. Thoughts Reply Quote Attachments: open | download - Absolute vs relative compare for 20 mm box.doc (28.5 KB)
nophead Re: G1 versus G0 question? September 06, 2010 03:31PM Admin Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 7,879
I think the Dimension plug- in is just for the 5D extruder E codes used by the reprap firmware. I.e. whether the E values are absolute or relative. The excerpts you showed select absolute positioning with G90 and then has absolute G1 values, so it looks normal. Are you saying RepG is treating them as relative? [www.hydraraptor.blogspot.com] Reply Quote
rhmorrison Re: G1 versus G0 question? September 06, 2010 04:24PM Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 3,742
YES - that is indeed the case! The relative vs absolute only has to do with the E codes: www.rmorrison.de www.rmorrison.de Bob Morrison Wörth am Rhein, Germany "Luke, use the source!" BLOG - PHOTOS - Thingiverse Reply Quote Newer Topic Older Topic Print View RSS Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.

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