Gas Flows Converter | MMSCFD | SCFM | Sm³/h | Nm³/h | Units

Gas Flows Units Conversion Calculator

The gas flow (transport) units converter.

Enter Gas Flow Amount:


Results: Amount: From unit Equals: To unit

Choose a flow From unit:

MMSCFD SCFD SCFM Sm³/hr @ 15°C (59°F) Nm³/hr @ 0°C (32°F) MSm³/d @ 15°C (59°F) MSm³/hr @ 15°C (59°F) MMBtu/day

Choose a flow To unit:

MMSCFD SCFD SCFM Sm³/hr @ 15°C (59°F) Nm³/hr @ 0°C (32°F) MSm³/d @ 15°C (59°F) MSm³/hr @ 15°C (59°F) MMBtu/day

Automatic calculator and gas flow units conversion relative to transit of gasses via gas pipes and Natural Gas Pipelines from common areas/countries like in America, Asia, Middle East or elsewhere. Where the densities of the gas are measured at a specific Standard temperature and Standard pressure. The tool instantly converts a value of each gas flows rate quantity measurement into equivalent gas flow units alternative. Individual flow rate and flow by mass unit to unit menus. You may enter whole numbers, decimals or fractions ie: 7, 29.35, 15 3/4. The equation for manual calculations can be found at the bottom of this page.

Definition of the gas flow units used

MMSCFD - Million standard cubic feet of gas per day - a common volume of gas measure (unit abbreviation MMscf) SCFD - Standard cubic feet per day (gas) SCFM - Standard cubic feet per minute (gas) Sm^3/hr - Standard cubic metre per hour defined at 15 deg. C - 59°F - for US Nm^3/hr - Normal cubic metre per hour defined at zero deg. C - 32°F - for countries using SI metric system of units MSm^3/d - Mega Standard Cubic Metres per day defined at 15 deg. Celsius - 59° Fahrenheit - outside of US MMBtu - One Million British thermal units - pricing unit for gas energy. 1,000,000 Btu ≡ 1 MMBtu ≡ 1.054615 GJ

MMBtu for natural gas

Traditionally the MMBtu is used in pricing of natural gas. E.g. USD$X/MMBtu (1 MMBtu = X USD$).

On average one standard cubic foot of natural gas yields 1,040 Btu (calculated between low 1,010 Btu and high 1,070 Btu - depends on its composition when the gas is burned.) No universal gas volume-to-energy conversion factor has been established because a high/low heating value (gas energy content) comes down to the gas quality.

Yielding approximation: 1,000 ft^3 = 1.04 MMBtu = 1.0967996 GJ

1 million cubic feet of natural gas per day equals 1,040 MMBtu/day.

Gas flow rate table

Gas flow rate by cubic volume and motion velocity conversions

gas flows volume/time vs. units transport quantities:
Gas Flow units values & equalsMillion std. cubic feet per day (gas) MMSCFDStd. cubic feet of gas per minute SCFMStd. cubic metre per hour @ 15 deg. C Sm3/hNormal cubic metre per hour @ 0 deg. C Nm3/h
Million standard cubic feet of gas per day MMSCFD= 1 MMSCFD694.44 SCFM1,177.17 Sm³/h1,115.89 Nm³/h
Standard cubic feet per minute (gas) SCFM0.001 44 MMSCFD= 1 SCFM1.695 128 149 Sm³/h1.606 886 184 Nm³/h
Standard cubic metre per hour at 15 deg. C Sm3/hr0.000 849 493 MMSCFD0.589 925 901 SCFM= 1 Sm³/h0.947 943 779 Nm³/h
Normal cubic metre per hour at 0 deg. C Nm3/hr0.000 896 143 MMSCFD0.622 321 612 SCFM1.054 914 882 Sm³/h= 1 Nm³/h
Mega Standard Cubic Metres per day at 15 deg. C MSm3/hr35.395 554 037 MMSCFD24,580.245 859 2 SCFM41,666.666 666 667 Sm³/h39,497.657 470 068 Nm³/h
Math equations used to manually calculate gas flow outcomes

MMSCFD to Sm3/h is calculated as:

Sm^3/hr of gas equals =

MMSCFD * 1,000,000 * 288.15
24 * 35.3147 * 288.81


288.15 = 15°C expressed in Kelvin (see below)

288.81 = 60°F expressed in Kelvin

24 = hours per day gas flow time

35.3147 = ft3 per m3

MMSCFD to Nm3/h is calculated as:

Nm^3/hr of gas equals =

MMSCFD * 1,000,000 * 273.15
24 * 35.3147 * 288.81


273.15 = 0°C expressed in Kelvin (see below)

288.81 = 60°F expressed in Kelvin

24 = hours per day gas flow time

35.3147 = ft3 per m3

Constants for the actual gas flow calculation

Volume ratio - 35.3147

0 degrees Celsius in K - 273.15

15 degrees Celsius in K - 288.15

59 degrees Fahrenheit in K - 288.81

hrs/day - 24

Ratio 60F/15°C - 0.997,714,761

Ratio 60F/0°C - 0.945,777,501

Please note that some numbers in these mathematical examples are rounded. Whilst the actual converter uses complete numbers for the correct calculated output.

Further explaining the calculation

The S and N letter obviously refers to the gas condition (standard and normal). Both conditions are at atmospheric pressure (1 atm or 101.325 kPa) with standard referring to 15ºC and normal to 0ºC gas temperature. Firstly when comparing a gas at the same pressures and at different temperatures, the density increases as the temperature decreases. Therefore a certain mass of gas will have a smaller volume at normal conditions as apposed to standard conditions.

Now, 1 ft3 = 0.0283168 m3, 1 sft3 = 0.0283168 sm3 and 1 nft3 = 0.0283168 nm3. So, lets look at an example:

A gas well produces natural gas at a flow rate of 140 000 SCFD (standard cubic feet per day) at a stable state:

140 000 SCFD = 3964.352 sm3/day = 165.18 sm3/hr (this online gas flow converter gives very accurate sm3/hr readings, and for other gas transfer units it contains - without rounding errors.)

Now, using the equation PV=nRT for the both states, knowing that the P, n and R remains constant the equation can be written as follows:

V1 / V2 = T1 / T2 V1 = V2 x T1 / T2

Assuming condition 1 is at standard conditions (15ºC, 288.15K), and condition 2 is at normal conditions (0ºC, 273.15K), the gas volume based flow rate can be converted as follows:

165.18 = V2 x (288.15 / 273.15) V2 = 156.58 nm3/hr (gives great nm3/h which is less < than the sm3/h)

Working with gas flow unit pairs individually. The flow of gas per Million standard cubic feet of gas per day unit (MMSCFD) can be of course, mathematically, converted into broad varieties of other common flow units (MMSCFD to other flow units).

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