GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Vs GeForce GTX 960 GPU Comparison

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  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti vs NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960

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NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960


The cheapest price from our partner retailers

$ 179.33 $ 140.66 significantly less expensive $ 319.99


Latest pricing and availability

Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1050 Ti $ 179.33 $ 227.00 (-21%) Buy from EVGA GeForce GTX 960 SSC GAMING ACX 2.0+ EVGA GeForce GTX 960 SSC GAMING ACX 2.0+ $ 319.99 Buy from

Benchmark Score

Overall Score

General gaming and workstation score

1465 points 3% slightly better overall score 1419 points

Flux Core frame rate

Volumetric ray casting test, a computationally expensive method of rendering high-quality scenes

31 FPS 2 FPS slightly higher Flux Core frame rate 29 FPS

Electron frame rate

Randomly generated noise sphere test

22 FPS Identical 22 FPS

City frame rate

Procedurally generated city scene with voxel rendering

22 FPS 2 FPS slightly higher City frame rate 20 FPS

Clouds frame rate

Real-time noise calculation and ray marching test

17 FPS Identical 17 FPS

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Other Benchmarks

3DMark Graphics score

3DMark Graphics score

High-end graphics benchmark

2341 points 2% slightly higher 3DMark Graphics score 2293 points Blender score

Blender score

Cycles Render (Samples per minute)

219.67 points 21% slightly higher Blender score 180.10 points Geekbench 5 (CUDA) score

Geekbench 5 (CUDA) score

CUDA compute benchmark

20616 points 15% slightly higher Geekbench 5 (CUDA) score 17784 points Geekbench 5 (Metal) score

Geekbench 5 (Metal) score

Metal compute benchmark

7834 points 8773 points 11% slightly higher Geekbench 5 (Metal) score Geekbench 5 (OpenCL) score

Geekbench 5 (OpenCL) score

OpenCL compute benchmark

22192 points 5% slightly higher Geekbench 5 (OpenCL) score 21072 points Geekbench 5 (Vulkan) score

Geekbench 5 (Vulkan) score

Vulkan compute benchmark

21230 points 22380 points 5% slightly higher Geekbench 5 (Vulkan) score Geekbench 6 (Metal) score

Geekbench 6 (Metal) score

Metal compute benchmark

7834 points 8773 points 11% slightly higher Geekbench 6 (Metal) score Geekbench 6 (OpenCL) score

Geekbench 6 (OpenCL) score

OpenCL compute benchmark

21543 points 9% slightly higher Geekbench 6 (OpenCL) score 19764 points Geekbench 6 (Vulkan) score

Geekbench 6 (Vulkan) score

Vulkan compute benchmark

20100 points 21026 points 4% slightly higher Geekbench 6 (Vulkan) score


Core Clock Speed

Nominal chip frequency

1290 MHz 14% slightly higher core clock speed 1127 MHz

Boost Clock Speed

Higher turbo frequency when power conditions are met

1392 MHz 18% slightly higher boost clock speed 1178 MHz


Onboard memory size for textures and vertices

4 GiB Identical 4 GiB

Memory Bus Width

Number of parallel lines to the memory chips

128 Bit Identical 128 Bit

Memory Bandwidth

Data transfer speed between GPU core and memory

112.1 GB/s 112.2 GB/s 0.09% slightly higher memory bandwidth


Thermal Design Power: Measure of heat generated by the GPU

75 W 60% significantly lower TDP 120 W

Pixel Rate

Number of pixels that can be rendered per second

44.54 Gigapixels/s 18% slightly higher pixel rate 37.7 Gigapixels/s

Texture Rate

Number of textured pixels that can be rendered per second

66.82 Gigatexels/s 75.39 Gigatexels/s 12% slightly higher texture rate

Floating Point Performance

Raw number of floating point operations per second

2.14 TFLOPS 2.41 TFLOPS 12% slightly better floating point performance

Shading Units

Number of processors dedicated to shader processing

768 1024 33% slightly more shading units

Texture Mapping Units

Number of processors dedicated to applying textures

48 64 33% slightly more texture mapping units

Render Output Processors

Number of processors dedicated to final pixel rendering

32 Identical 32

Other details


Ranking in the hardwareDB database

177th of 483 179th of 483

Release date

The official date of release of this chip

2016 October 2015 January

Memory Type

The type of memory used by this chip


DirectX Support

Maximum version of DirectX supported

12.0 12.0

OpenGL Support

Maximum version of OpenGL supported

4.5 4.5

GeForce GTX 1050 Ti vs GeForce GTX 960 specs and performance

In our benchmarks, the GeForce GTX 1050 Ti beats the GeForce GTX 960 in gaming performance.

Our database shows that the GeForce GTX 1050 Ti has a slightly higher core clock speed. The core clock speed (or base speed) is the frequency at which the GPU core runs. This metric makes sense when comparing GPUs of a similar architecture or generation. In addition, the GeForce GTX 1050 Ti also has a slightly higher boost clock speed: the maximum frequency the chip can reach if power delivery and thermals allow.

As stated by the manufacturer, they both have the same amount of memory at 4 GiB. Memory size doesn't directly affect performance, but too little memory will certainly degrade gaming performance.

In addition, the GeForce GTX 1050 Ti has a significantly lower TDP at 75 W when compared to the GeForce GTX 960 at 120 W. Heat output doesn't match power consumption directly but, it's a good estimate.

According to the results of the hardwareDB benchmark utility, the GeForce GTX 1050 Ti is faster than the GeForce GTX 960.


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