GIẢI CHI TIẾT ĐỀ ĐẠI HỌC 2012 KHỐI Đ - Tư Liệu Tham Khảo

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    Nhấn vào đây để tải về Báo tài liệu có sai sót Nhắn tin cho tác giả (Tài liệu chưa được thẩm định) Nguồn: ST Người gửi: Lam Thi Thu Thuy (trang riêng) Ngày gửi: 20h:27' 13-10-2012 Dung lượng: 125.5 KB Số lượt tải: 1303 Số lượt thích: 0 người ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH ĐẠI HỌC NĂM 2012MÔN THI: ANH VĂN; Khối DThời gian làm bài: 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đềMã đề thi 475Mark the letter A,B,C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underline part that needs correction in each of the following questions.Question 1: Most greetings cards are folding and have a picture on the front and a message inside. A B C Dfolding→ folded (được xếp lại)Question 2: Aloha is a Hawaiian word meaning ‘love’, that can be used to say hello or goodbye. A B C Dthat→which ( sau dấu phẩy không dùng that trong mệnh đề quan hệ)Question 3: The Oxford English Dictionary is well known for including many different meanings of A B Cwords and to give real examples. DTo give→giving (for including…. and giving)Question 4: When you are writing or speaking English it is important to use language that includes A B Cboth men and women equally the same. DEqually the same→equally( dùng thừa từ vì equally đã mang nghĩa the same)Question 5: It was disappointing that almost of the guests left the wedding too early. A B C Dalmost→most (most of the + n: hầu hết…)Read the following passage on commuting, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 6 to 15.Commuting is the practice of travelling a long distance to a town or city to work each day, and then travelling home again in the evening. The word commuting comes from commutation ticket, a US rail ticket for repeated journeys, called a season ticket in Britain. Regular travellers are called commuters. The US has many commuters. A few, mostly on the East Coast, commute by train or subway, but most depend on the car. Some leave home very early to avoid the traffic jams, and sleep in their cars until their office opens. Many people accept a long trip to work so that they can live in quiet bedroom communities away from the city, but another reason is ‘white flight’. In the 1960s most cities began to desegregate their schools, so that there were no longer separate schools for white and black children. Many white families did not want to send their children to desegregated schools, so they moved to the suburbs, which have their own schools, and where, for various reasons, few black people live. Millions of people in Britain commute by car or train. Some spend two or three hours a day travelling, so that they and their families can live in suburbia or in the countryside. Cities are surrounded by commuter belts. Part of the commuter belt around London is called the stockbroker belt because it contains houses where rich business people live. Some places are becoming dormitory towns, because people sleep there but take little part in local activities. Most commuters travel to and from work at the same time, causing the morning and evening rush hours, when buses and trains are crowded and there are traffic jams on the roads. Commuters on trains rarely talk to each other and spend their journey reading, sleeping or using their mobile phones, though this is not popular with other passengers. Increasing numbers of people now work at home some days of the week, linked to their offices by computer, a practice called telecommuting. Cities in both Britain and the US are trying to reduce the number of cars coming into town each day. Some companies encourage car pooling (called car sharing in Britain), an arrangement for people who live and work near each other to travel together. Some US cities have a public service that helps such people to contact each other, and traffic lanes are reserved for car-pool vehicles. But cars and petrol/gas are cheap in the US, and many people prefer to drive alone because it gives them more freedom. In Britain many cities have park-and-ride schemes, car parks on the edge of the city from which buses take drivers into the centre.(Extracted from Oxford Guide to British and American Culture, Oxford University Press, 2000)Question 6: Which of the following definitions of commuting would the author of this passage most probably agree with? A. Travelling to work and then home again in a day within a rural district. B. Travelling for hours from a town or city to work in the countryside every day. C. Regularly travelling a long distance between one’s place of work and one’s home. D. Using a commutation ticket for special journeys in all seasons of the year.(Commuting is the practice of travelling a long distance to a town or city to work each day, and then travelling home again in the evening)Question 7: The word “repeated” in paragraph 1 most   ↓ ↓ Gửi ý kiến ©2008-2017 Thư viện trực tuyến ViOLET Đơn vị chủ quản: Công ty Cổ phần Mạng giáo dục Bạch Kim - ĐT: 04.66745632 Giấy phép mạng xã hội số 16/GXN-TTĐT cấp ngày 13 tháng 2 năm 2012

    Từ khóa » Giải Chi Tiết De Tiếng Anh Khối D 2012