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giáo án tiếng anh lớp 10 (unit 5 listening)

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UNIT FIVE:Period: 28TECHNOLOGY AND YOULISTENINGObjectives:By the end of the lesson, pupils are able know how a personlearns to use a computer.Teaching aids:Handouts, textbook, cassette , flipchartsPROCEDUREI/ WARM-UP : (5’)A Quiz GameWhat is this machine?1. It is used to listen to news.2. It is used to talk to people when you are away from home.3. It is used to took someone’s pictures.4. It is used to keep and process data.5. It is used to watch news and performances.6. It is used to send letters and information quickly.T asks sts to listen to the use of something. If they know what it is, they will get apresent.• Feedback:1.radio2.cell phone3.camorder4.computer5.TV6.fax machineII/ PRE- LISTENING: ( 13’)Task 1:Words and Phrases(Teacher can teach and explain some of the words in the " Brainstorm "activity )Words /TranscriptionMoodTechniqueMeaningPhrases['wʌrid]worried(adj)synonymbe anxious[∫ai]shy(adj)explanationself-conscious['meməri]memory(n)translationbộ nhớ[ri'fju:z]refuse(v)synonymturn downmake an(v)explantion[iks'kju:s]excuse['hedeik]headache(n)explanationpain in head['sekrətri]secretary(n)translationthư kýTask 2:Checking vocabulary:III/ WHILE- LISTENING: (18’)Task 1:Rubout and RememberListen to the tape. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false(F).Handouts-T explains the requirement of the task-T has Ss read the statements and guess whether they are true or false.-T has Ss listen to the tape twice and asks sts to give the answers-T plays the tape again for Ss to check their answers.Well, I wasn't worried when my son bought a computer. After all lots of childrenhave parents who don't understand computers. But when my secretary asked me for acomputer in the office, I really became worried. So I decided to take some lessons incomputing and my son became my teacher. He's very helpful. He invited me to sit downin front of the computer screen, which I did not know to call it. When I asked him what itwas, he said that it was VDU. I still didn't know what VDU was, but I was too shy to askhim any more. From that moment my memory refused to learn because he told me a lotof things that I really didn't understand at all. After a few lessons I began to feel tired. Imade an excuse, saying that I was having a headache. I suggested we should leave thelesson until another day. Since then I haven't said anything about the computer to my sonand my secretary.FeedbackTask 21- F2- T3-T4-F5- F6- FListen to the tape again, and fill in each blank with the missing word(See the text in the textbook - page 58)- T explains the requirement of the task- T has Ss listen to the tape twice and asks Ss to give the answers- T plays the tape again for Ss to check their answers.• Feedback:1.invited2.still3.refused4.excuse5.anythingIV/ POST- LISTENING : (7’)Task 1: Answer the questionsQuestions1. What did the man's son buy?Answers* He bought a computer.2. Why did the man become worried?3. What didn't the man know?4. What happened to the man'smemory?5. What did the man suggest?* Because his secretary asked him for acomputer in the office.* He didn't know what VDU was.* It refused to learn.* He suggested they have should leave lessonuntil another day.Task 2: Retell the man's story.V/ HOMEWORK: (2’)Activity 1: Write a short paragraph to tell about the activities ofone of the disabled centre that you have known in your province.Activity 2: Prepare section : Writing

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